packages icon
	Nup is designed to be used as a wrap around any PostScript file.
Simply prepend, and append, and it should work. There
are three tokens in which need to be changed before sending it to
the printer:
	@#@Pages@#@	should be changed to the number of pages per sheet.
			2 gets you 2-up, 16 gets you 16-up, etc.
	@#@Rev@#@	Should be changed to 'true' or 'false', depending on
			whether you want the first page in the file to
			appear in the lower right corner of the page or the
			upper left. This is designed to accomodate files
			which have had their pages reversed.
	@#@Start@#@	Should be changed to the number of the spot where
			you want the first page to appear. This is to allow
			for 2-up printing with the first page on the right
			hand side, like a book.

I change these for each run with sed in a shell script that puts it all
	Since Nup is heavily commented, I have provided psc, which
compresses out white space and comments to provide a more efficient
downloadable file. I call the compressed versions and nup.epi, which
is in keeping with Adobe's naming scheme.
	As the header for the file indicates, I'd like to see any
interesting modification of Nup. Deletion of unwanted features ("I got rid
of those borders") does not count as interesting.
	Finally, If you have produced any other code to do things like this,
announce it on the net. There are lots of people, including me, who would
like to see it.

	--Ned Batchelder