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$Id: readme,v 1.3 1992/10/07 22:06:08 craigs Exp $

README for nenscript version 1.13
Craig Southeren 2-October-1992

This directory contains the sources for nenscript, a clone of the
proprietary enscript program from Adobe Systems. For those who have
never used enscript, it is a good ASCII to Postscript converter. 

This the second version of nenscript I have released. The first
version (1.12 as of 20 August 1992) was received well, but it really
needed a few changes. Thanks to everyone who sent in suggestions
and code fragments.

nenscript was written by me over a period of several months whilst
I was working at Computer Sciences of Australia as a contractor. 
As a regular net-watcher, I saw that several people had (over the
years) asked for a public domain version of enscript. Seeing as I
had got tons of useful stuff off the net, I though this looked like
a good opportunity to pay back the net community. So I convinced
my manager that this would be a Good Thing.

The main features of nenscript are:

	. produces Postscript output which fully conforms to
	  the Document Structuring Conventions
	. support for normal and "gaudy" output
	. support for single or double column output
	. allows insertion of titles and headers in any font.
	. multiple copies of a document

Features additional to nenscript are:
	. automatic wrapping of long lines
	. availability under MSDOS 
	. executable is self contained - no additional files required

The main feature that is NOT supported by nenscript is the ability
to use fonts other than Courier for text output. This would require
access to full font tables which I don't have have.

New for version 1.13
The most important change is the support for additional paper sizes through
the -T option. At the moment, only US and A4 paper sizes are supported, but
others can be added easily by inserting them into the table in paper.c.
Support for changeable tab stops has also been added on the -t option.
A simple script called pstext allows nenscript to be used as replacement
for the Adobe pstext program with print spooling systems such as CAP.

Notes on 1.12
nenscript has been extensively used for over six months on a Sun-3/Sun-4
network with over 50 users. No major problems are currently outstanding.
This version is identical with the addition of support for MSDOS.


To install, first select whether you want the US version or not. If the
define US_VERSION is defined, then the default paper size is US, and
the date is in US format.

For Unix:
	The makefile provided will install nenscript in /usr/local/bin, with
	the man page in /usr/local/man/man1. This makfile works
	unchanged on a SIlicon Graphics Personal Iris 35D running Irix 4.0.2
	and on a Sun SparcStartion II with SunOS 4.1.2

	I've lost my ability to compile under MSDOS, so I can't claim to
	have tested this. But the previous version DID compile, and this
	one should with little or no modifications.

Features I would like to add:

Please send me your suggestions. I can't guarantee that I will do anything
about them but if you don't tell me, I definitely won't!!!

1. Support for the ISO-Latin character set. At the moment, characters are
   just sent down to the printer.

2. Binary file detection. enscript attempts to detect binary files and will
   will reject them (unless forced to print)

3. Display of control characters. Control characters other than ^L (page
   break), ^I (tab) and newline are not trapped.

5. Support for the IBM PC character set, and perhaps some of the other
   display code pages.

If you want to modify nenscript...

The paper size definitions are now in a table in paper.c, so
adding new paper sizes should be easy. Most of the machine dependent
stuff is now in machdep.h, so porting to new machines should be