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The Perl script html2ps converts HTML to PostScript. You must have
Perl 5 installed to be able to use html2ps.

Files included in the html2ps distribution:

  html2ps          - The Perl script.
  html2ps.html     - An HTML document describing html2ps.
  html2ps.1        - A manual page describing the command.
  html2psrc.5      - A manual page describing the configuration file format.
  install          - An installation script for Unix and Windows.
  backout          - A script to revert to the previous version of html2ps.
  sample           - A sample configuration file.
  hyphen.tex       - A hyphenation pattern file for English (from TeX).
  contrib/xhtml2ps - A directory containing a GUI frontend for html2ps.
  COPYING          - GNU General Public License.
  README           - This file.

Brief history:

  941212 0.1   - First public release - text-only documents.
  950407 0.2   - Inline images.
  970609 1.0b  - Support for most of HTML 3.2, configuration files introduced.
  970809 1.0b1 - Bug fixes. Some HTML 4.0 support, e.g. OBJECT, INS, DEL,
                 and ACRONYM.
  000727 1.0b2 - Mostly bug fixes. A title page can be generated. The symbol
                 set is extended to include information from META elements.
                 Installation script modified for Windows support.
  000815 1.0b3 - Bug fixes. Some support for Server Side Includes. Form
                 element contents can be rendered. Support for netscape

This program is free software. But if you feel guilty about using a
product that did not cost you anything, but someone has spend quite
some time working on, or if you would like to encourage the author
to continue the development of this and other free products, you are
welcome to send the author a donation. I will be more than happy to
provide address information to prospective donors - in order to ease
their conscience.

Jan Kärrman