packages icon


                               Version  2.35

                             January 30,  2000

			      Michael C. Ring

		    Latest release will be available at

*                                                                        *
* Copyright (C) 1997 - 2000  Michael C. Ring                             *
*                                                                        *
* This software is Freeware.                                             *
*                                                                        *
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its          *
* documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,   *
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and      *
* that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear      *
* in supporting documentation.                                           *
*                                                                        *
* Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to     *
* distribute the modified code.  Modifications are to be distributed     *
* as patches to released version.                                        *
*                                                                        *
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *

	 The files created during extraction are as follows :      

	 FILE          DESC
	 README        This file.
	 README.PS     This file in Postscript format
	 HISTORY.TXT   Brief history of the program
	 FPLOT.H       ----+
	 GLOB.H            +-- Header files
	 PROTO.H       ----+
	 FPLOT.C       ----+
	 FPCMD.C           | 
	 FPSET.C           +-- C Source Files
	 FPOUT.C           |                
	 FPLIB.C       ----+
	 FPLOT.EXE     MS-DOS Executable
	 MULTIPLT.C    C Source File
         MKDOS.BAT     Build batch file for DOS using Microsoft C
         MKDOSGCC.BAT  Build batch file for DOS using GCC
         MKUNIX        Build script for generic Unix
	 FPLOT.1       ----+
         FPLOT-1.PS        +-- Unix man pages with postscript versions
         MULTIPLT.1        |
         MULTI-1.PS    ----+
	 CMD.ALL       Sample command file, *ALL* options listed here
	 CMD.2         ----+
	 CMD.3             |
	 CMD.4             +-- Sample command files
	 CMD.5             |
	 CMD.6         ----+
	 DATA.1        ----+
	 DATA.2            |
	 DATA.3            +-- Sample data files
	 DATA.4            |
	 DATA.5            |
	 DATA.6        ----+



    1    Introduction
	 1.1  Program Installation
    2    Running the Samples
    3    FPLOT Parsing Rules
    4    Commands (Reset, Set, Data, Plot)
    5    Data File Format
    6    Line Styles and Symbols used
    7    Points of Interest
    8    MULTIPLT
    9    Closing



	 Why was this program written? This is a good question since there
	 are many plotting programs available. GNUPLOT is actually one I
	 use very frequently. It is very powerful and it can plot practically
	 anything you throw at it. It supports numerous printers and terminal
	 types also. If you really want a super powerful plotting program,
	 GNUPLOT is it. However, GNUPLOT doesn't do two things which I

	 1)  You can't go directly from ASCII data to a plot on the command
	     line. You can load a command file :

	     gnuplot loadfile

	     where loadfile is an ASCII file containing a list of commands
	     and the last line in this command file might be

	     plot "datafile"

	     But as far as I know, you can't directly go from "datafile"
	     to a plot file. FPLOT can do this.

	     For DOS :

	     program_that_outputs_ascii_data | fplot -r -- > LPT1

	     For UNIX :

	     program_that_outputs_ascii_data | fplot -r -- | lp -dprinter

	     The arguments used in fplot will be described later in this file.

	 2)  I sometimes need to plot many, many data points (> 100,000)
	     This usually isn't a problem under UNIX, but I use DOS sometimes
	     and the DOS version of GNUPLOT simply runs out of RAM with
	     this many data points. Actually on my DOS system, GNUPLOT can
	     only plot 2700-3000 data points. FPLOT can read any number of
	     data points since it doesn't store the data samples in RAM,
	     it simply re-reads the data file if it needs to. This obviously
	     takes longer but there are no limitations. One of my test files
	     contained 1,000,000 data points. It took 15 minutes to create
	     the postscript file and another 8 to get a printout, but it
	     did it under DOS.

	 As of now, FPLOT only supports postscript printers. I have hooks in
	 the code to support other printers, namely Epson FX/LQ and HPGL. If
	 there is sufficient demand for other printers, I will add them at a
	 later time.

	 The program is only about 5000 lines of C code and it has been
	 tested under MS-DOS, HP-UX, Sun, and Linux systems. These are the
	 systems I have access to. If anyone ports this to another OS,
	 please send me the build file and any changes that were needed to
	 the source code. There will not be any Windows versions since this
	 is, inherently, a command line utility program. The C code is
	 really quite ordinary, I think it should port to other OS's
	 without too much difficulty.

	 Even though I have been writing C code for many years, this is my
	 first attempt at postscript code. Drawing graphs is actually a
	 simple process. All you are really doing is drawing short line
	 segments together with some text added for the title, axis labels,
	 etc. I found Peter J. Weingartner's "A First Guide to Postscript"
	 on the net. I used his document and samples from gnuplot and
	 other postscript programs to generate my postscript code. I have a
	 feeling some of the postscript code may not be as efficient/clear
	 as it could be, but it does work. I did not use any operators that
	 were not in Peter's document since I wanted to guarantee that all
	 the postscript code met Adobe's 1.0 spec. This would enable my
	 program to work even with 'older' printers. I will welcome any
	 input that makes the postscript code cleaner and/or more efficient.

	 I chose postscript output for three reasons. 1) My workplace and my
	 home have postscript printers, 2) Since postscript is straight
	 ASCII, it works really nice in pipes, and 3) It is fairly easy to
	 post-process postscript output to put multiple plots on one sheet of

	 The program 'multiplt' will put multiple plots (up to 9!) on 1 page.
	 As an added bonus, multiplt will also work with GNUPLOT (assuming
	 postscript output) files as well as FPLOT. See section 8 for more

	 I will attempt to distribute FPLOT under 2 file names. Both archives
	 will contain the exact same files, except that they will have the
	 correct end-of-line terminator for the ASCII files. The DOS archive
	 will be named fplot$$$.zip and the Unix archive will be named
	 fplot-$.$$.tar.gz where $$$ will be an indicator of the program
	 version. The latest version of FPLOT will be available on my 
	 (very plain) web page. See location at the top.

	 The file 'history.txt' will detail the updates made for each 
	 release. The new features are listed there as well as what version
	 the features appeared in.

	 FPLOT can plot an infinite number of Y ranges. The latest feature
	 of the program allows a 'line break' in the data. If a blank line
	 (or just a comment line) is found in the data, the current line
         segment is completed and then a new line segment will be 
         generated starting with the first data line after the line break.
	 By using multiple line breaks, any number of Y ranges can be plotted.


	 DOS : Simply copy FPLOT.EXE and MULTIPLT.EXE to somewhere in your
	       path. It is now ready. The programs were built with Microsoft C
	       8.00c. You can re-build FPLOT and MULTIPLT by running the batch 
	       file 'mkdos'. It also can be built by MSC 5.1 but you will need 
	       to delete the /Oce arguments. MSC 5.1 does not understand these
	       optimization flags. I do not have access to MSC 6 or 7 so I'm 
	       not sure what the commands would be, though I think they would 
	       be quite similiar.

	       If you have GCC for DOS, the batch file 'mkdosgcc' will build
	       FPLOT and MULTIPLT. If you would like 32 bit versions of the 
	       programs (as built by GCC), let me know and I can send them
	       to you. 

	 UNIX: Run the mkunix script. This should work for most unix systems. 
	       It works on HP-UX, Sun, and Linux. I assumed the compiler will 
	       be GCC. If you do not have gcc on your system, substitute the 
	       correct name to invoke your compiler, probably 'cc'. These 
	       scripts will build 'fplot' and 'multiplt'.

	       After the programs are built, copy them to somewhere in your
	       path. /usr/local/bin is usually a good one since everyone
	       can use it there, but usually only the root user has write 
	       privleges in that directory.



	 See section 3 for the parsing rules and section 4 for
	 the 'set' commands.
	 Command                       Commentary
	 -------                       ----------
fplot -r data.1 >             The -r option tells fplot that we are
				       processing a raw data file and not a
				       command file. The postscript output
				       will be redirected to ''
fplot -r data.2 > LPT1                 Send plot directly to printer on LPT1

fplot -r data.2 | lp -dprinter         Send plot to printer named 'printer'

type data.2 | fplot -r -- >LPT1        The -- filename tells fplot to take
				       input from stdin instead of a file.
				       The -- argument must be the last one
				       on the fplot command line.
cat data.2 | fplot -r -- | lp[r]

fplot cmd.2 > LPT1                     Read in command file 'cmd.2', generate
fplot cmd.3 > LPT1                     the plot and send it to LPT1. Ditto
fplot cmd.4 > LPT1                     for command file 'cmd.3', 'cmd.4',
fplot cmd.6 > LPT1                     and 'cmd.6'.
fplot cmd.2 | lp -dprinter
fplot cmd.3 | lp
fplot cmd.4 | lp
fplot cmd.6 | lp

type cmd.5 | fplot -- > LPT1           Take in command file 'cmd.5' from
				       stdin and send the plot to LPT1.
cat cmd.5 | fplot -- | lp

type cmd.all | fplot -- > LPT1         Take in command file 'cmd.all' from
				       stdin and send the plot to LPT1. Also
UNIX:                                  shows how to embed data in the command
cat cmd.all | fplot -- | lp            file.

	 FPLOT assumes you want to process a 'command' file. The -r command
	 line option is used to process a RAW data file. This file just has
	 the numbers you want to plot in it.  A filename of '--' will process
	 stdin instead of a file.



	 FPLOT parses the data files and command files into 'fields.' The
	 term 'fields' means that FPLOT will split an input line into
	 'obvious' fields or columns of data.

	 1)  The delimiters for FPLOT are spaces, commas, and tabs.
	 2)  Any text within double quotes will be treated as one field.
	 2A) Any text WITHOUT double quotes will be treated as individual
	     fields, each 'word' is one field.
	 3)  A field beginning with a '#' will be treated as a comment.
	 4)  Any text after a '#' on the line will be treated as a comment.

	 Examples :                                         FPLOT finds :

	 7.4, 9.1, -12.0e+7                                 3 fields
	 0.2, "text in field 2", QQ                         3 fields
	 0.2, bad text in field 2, QQ                       7 fields (see 2A)
	 3.321E-8 5.6709 -12.765 0 0.43                     5 fields
	 3.321E-8     5.6709     -12.765    C     0.43      5 fields
	 3.321E-8,5.6709,-12.765,C,0.43                     5 fields
	 set papersize 8.5,11   # adjust papersize          4 fields
	 set title "GRAPH TITLE"    #comments after a '#'   3 fields
	 #only a comment here                               0 fields



	 o) The sample file 'cmd.all' has every supported command in it. You
	    can use this as a template for creating new command files.

	 o) Blank lines and lines beginning with a '#' are comment lines. Any
	    text after a '#' on a line is considered a comment also.

	 o) Commands may be in uppercase or lowercase.

	 o) Keywords shall be separated by 1 or more spaces, tabs, or commas.

	 o) Any text entries should be in double quotes :
	    set xlabel "Frequency  (KHz)"
	    set title "This is the Graph's Title"

	 o) Since the program can plot two Y-ranges independently, specifying 
	    Y commands are either:

	    set y1...   or          set y1multiplier 2.0
				    set y1label "Velocity  (mph)"
	    set y2...               set y2range autorange
				    set y2offset -3.5

	    The '1' is optional for all set y1... commands. The examples
	    above could be

	    set ymultiplier 2.0
	    set ylabel "Velocity  (mph)"

	    If you are only plotting 1 Y range, leaving the '1' off of
	    set commands will probably be more clear. However, if you
	    are plotting 2 Y ranges, having the '1' will probably help.
	    Choose whichever makes more sense to you.

	    Note that when plotting more than 2 Y-ranges, Y ranges 1 and
	    3-N will use the parameters as specified for the Y1 range.
	    The Y2 range will use the parameters as specified for the Y2
	    range. The only exception is that if 3 or more ranges are being
	    plotted, the Y2 range will be forced to be the same as the other
	    Y ranges.


reset defaults               This is the only allowed reset command. It can
			     be used to reset to a known state. It will
			     typically be used between many plots in the
			     same command file. Example :

			     reset defaults
			     set ...
			     set ...
			     set ...
			     set outputfile ""
			     plot "datafile.1"
			     reset defaults           # known start-up state
			     set ...
			     set ...
			     set ...
			     set outputfile ""
			     plot "datafile.2"
			     reset defaults           # known start-up state
			     set ...
			     set ...
			     set ...
			     set outputfile ""
			     plot "datafile.3"


plot "filename"              Plot the data in 'filename' using the rules from
plot "/tmp/filename"         previous 'set' commands.
plot "C:\data\filename"


	     The 'data' command allows you to embed your data
	     in the command file. Put the data between the 
	     commands 'data start' and 'data stop'. When 
             data stop ===OR=== end of file is found, the 
	     plot will be generated. 
	     'data stop' is only necessary if you want to 
	     continue with additional plots in the same 
	     command file. Line breaks may be used here also
	     to achieve more Y ranges. See section 5, Data
	     File Format.

set ...
set ...
set ...

data start
3.2        1.2       5.3        9.3
3.32       0.9       4.7        11.2
3.4        -0.2      3.2        12.9
# line break here
3.53       -2.8      2.52       13.4
3.6        -4.7      7.3E-1     17.3
3.717      -7.36     -2.73      19.2
3.8        -9.1      -4.21      23.04
data stop


NOTE : The following 'SET' command are in alphabetical order, except for
       the commands that are related.

set coordinates label001 inches           This command specifies the 
                label2 plotcoordinates    coordinate system used to position
                label128 inches           the 128 labels. 'inches' will use
					  the physical dimensions of the page 
                labelall inches           to specify label placement.  
					  'plotcoordinates' will position the
					  labels in the graph's coordinate 
					  system. See the 'set label' command
					  below. Use 'labelall' to set all 
					  128 at once. The default coordinate 
					  system is 'inches'.
set fielddefinition x,6        Tells fplot which fields contain the data.
set fielddefinition y,8        (y and y1 are synonyms). The example here :
set fielddefinition y1,8      
set fielddefinition y2,0       Field 6 will contain the X axis data
			       Field 8 will contain the Y axis data
			       We will not be plotting a Y2 range (== 0)

set fielddefinition ##,0       y1 through y12 may be substituted for '##'.
			       This allows the fields for all 12 Y ranges
			       to be specified.

			       The defaults are all 0.

			       If they are ALL 0, fplot will determine how
			       to plot the data based on the following :

	1 field of data found, Plot a single Y range
	2 fields             , Plot an X,Y data pair
	3 fields             , Field 1 is X data, Fields 2,3 are Y1,Y2.
	4 fields             , Field 1 is X data, Fields 2,3,4 are Y1,Y2,Y3.
	5 fields             , Field 1 is X data, Fields 2,3,4,5 are

			       If you have 2 fields of data and you want to
			       plot 2 Y ranges and have X be the number of
			       samples in the file (the default would be an
			       X,Y data pair), do :

			       set fielddefinition x,0
			       set fielddefinition y1,1
			       set fielddefinition y2,2

			       Specifying any 'fielddefinition' to non-zero
			       will tell fplot to bypass the routine to
			       determine how to plot the data. fplot assumes
			       you have specified exactly which fields are
			       used and how you want them used.

			       If 13 fields are found, field 1 will be the
			       X data and fields 2-13 will be the data for
			       the 12 Y ranges.

			       If 14 or more fields are found, fields >= 14
			       will be ignored and fplot will treat the file
			       as if 13 fields were found.

			       Specify the font size for each label.

set fontsize title 14.0        Floating point is allowed!  (i.e. 12.75)
	     xlabel 14.0
	     ylabel 14.0       The 4 major labels default to 14 point.
	     y1label 14.0      y & y1 are the same.
	     y2label 14.0

set fontsize label1 10.0       Floating point is allowed!
	     label$$$ 10.0     '$$$' may be 1-128.
	     label128 10.0     These 128 labels default to 10 point.

	     labelall 8.5      Set ALL 128 at once.

set graphborders .5 1.3 .8 2   Left, Top, Right, Bottom in inches
                 1 1 1 1       The default is 1 inch borders on all 4 sides.
set graphtype points           There are 3 styles to choose from. Draw just
	      linesandpoints   'points', just 'lines' or both. The default
	      lines            is 'lines'.
set gridlines off              Turn the grid lines on, off, or have a small 
	      ticks	       tick mark near the numbers. The default is 
	      on               on.

       There are 128 labels you can position anywhere on the page. 
       The first number (X position) is horizontal inches from the left 
       edge of the page. The second number (Y position) is vertical inches 
       from the bottom of the page.

       'center' may be used to center the label in the middle of the page.
       'rightjustify' may be used to place the label against the right 
       hand edge of the plot, allowing for 0.5 inches from the edge of 
       the page. 'center' and 'rightjustify' assume a 0 deg rotation for
       the label.

       Note that 'leftjustify' is not needed since a simple constant will
       suffice, i.e. 0.5 inches.


       The first number is scaled to the 'X' axis scaling of the plot
       being generated.

       The second number is scaled to the 'Y' axis scaling of the plot
       being generated. The first Y range (y1range) is used for the
       label Y coordinates.

       The defaults are all labels off.

set label10 rightjustify, 8.20, "M. Ring  9-30-99"
set label53 2.7, 5.4, "Extra label 53 at 2.7, 5.4"
set label96 1.7, 2.4, "Extra label 96 at 1.7, 2.4"
set label71 center, 4.4, "Extra label 71 horizontally centered"
set label113 rightjustify, 1.6, "Right Justify Extra label 113"
set label$$$ 2, 3, "label text"   # '$$$' may be from 1-128

set outputfile ""       Specify the output file name. The default
			       is stdout.
set outputformat hpgl2         Only postscript is supported now. Specifying
set outputformat epsonlq       the others will terminate fplot with an error
set outputformat epsonfx       message.
set outputformat postscript
set papersize 8.5, 11.0        Set the width and length in inches. 8.5x11
			       is the default.
set pointsizescale 0.85        Set the relative size of the 'points' when
                               plotting 'points' or 'linesandpoints'.
                               < 1.0 = smaller
                               > 1.0 = larger
                                 1.0 = default

                               This command is useful when plotting many,
                               many data points in a scatter plot.

			       Specify the rotation angle for each label.

set rotation label1 0.0        Rotate each label by the number of degrees 
set rotate   label2 -90        specified. The rotation may be from -180 to 180
	     label$$$ 10.0     '$$$' may be 1-128.
	     label128 22.1     These 128 labels default to zero degrees.

	     labelall 90.0     Set ALL 128 at once.

			       A positive rotation is counter-clockwise.
			       A negative rotation is clockwise.
set skipfactor 50              Plot every 51st data point (plot 1, skip 50,
			       plot 1, skip 50, etc.)
			       The default is 0, don't skip any points.
set title "=== Graph Title ==="
set xlabel "+++ X Axis Label +++"
set ylabel "Y Axis Label"
set y1label "Y1 Axis Label"
set y2label "((( Y2 Axis Label )))"

       These 4 labels are used to label the title and each of the axis's
       as desired.

       The defaults for these 4 labels are off.
set usesamples 100, 200        If you have a data file with many, many points
			       in it, but you only care about samples 100
			       through 200, you can specify to only use this
			       small range.

			       The default is to use all the data points.

			       Note: these numbers are not tied to the X
			       axis scale, i.e. they are not when X=100
			       to X=200. They are LINES 100-200 in the
			       data file.
set xaxisscale log             Set X axis to be linear or log scale.
set xaxisscale linear          The default is linear.
set xmultiplier   1.0          Rescale any axis as desired.
set ymultiplier   1.0   
set y1multiplier  1.0          The default multipliers are 1.0.
set y2multiplier  1.0

set xoffset       0.0          The default offsets are 0.0.
set yoffset       0.0
set y1offset      0.0
set y2offset      0.0
       This can be used to re-scale some input data as follows :

       plotted-data  =  data-file-data * multiplier + offset.

       For example, let's assume we want to plot the national debt vs.
       years and our data file looks like : (these numbers are completely
       imaginary and are for demonstration purposes only!)

       1900            7.80E+8
       1910            8.42E+8
       1920            9.72E+8
       1930            1.03E+9
       1940            2.33E+9
       1950            4.09E+9
       1960            5.82E+9
       1970            6.17E+9
       1980            8.49E+9
       1990            1.16E+10

       and our Y-label is
       set ylabel "National Debt in Dollars"

       We could be more friendly by doing :

       set ymultiplier 1.0E-9
       set ylabel "National Debt in Billions of Dollars"

       Another example : Our data file has 1 field of data :

       5.02   ----+
       5.01       |
       5.04       |
       .          |   total of 200 data points
       .          |
       .          |
       5.17   ----+

       Our X axis labels will be in data samples, 1-200. Let's assume we
       know that these 200 samples were in fact time period 10.0 seconds
       to 11.0 seconds. We want our X axis to display 10-11 seconds, not
       samples 1-200.

       set xmultiplier 0.005             # (11 - 10) / 200
       set xoffset 10.0
       set xlabel "Time  (seconds)"
set xrange -10 -3              Specify the range you want for each axis
set yrange -100, -90
set y1range 1.0E+3, 2.0E+3
set y2range -10 30

set xrange autorange           Autoranging is the default for all axis's.
set yrange autorange
set y1range autorange
set y2range autorange

set y2range y1range            Force Y2 and Y1 to have the same scaling. The
			       default is for Y1 and Y2 to have independent
			       scaling when 2 Y ranges are being plotted.
			       This command is implied if 3 or more Y ranges
			       are being plotted.



         The format of a data file is simply ASCII text. It will be
	 parsed the same as the 'commands' from above. The data can 
	 be delimited with spaces, tabs, or commas. The data file
	 should have the data on successive lines. 
	 FPLOT now supports a new feature in data file format. A blank 
	 line (or just a comment line) in the data stream is now interpreted 
	 to indicate a 'line break'.  The current line segment is completed 
	 and then a new line segment will be generated starting with the 
	 first line after the line break. This is useful for (1) drawing 
	 maps and (2) it gives the user an (effective) infinite number of 
	 possible Y ranges.

	 Only 1 line at a time is allowed for a line break. If there are 2 
	 or more successive blank lines, FPLOT will terminate with an error.
	 Also, the first line in a data file must have data, the first line
	 is not treated as a line break.

	 See the sample data files, "DATA.*"

	 NOTE : The 'line break' feature also works with the old method
	 of specifying Y ranges (using multiple fields of data).

	 Example: data file has 6 fields, so field 1 defaults to the 
	 X axis and fields 2-6 defaults to 5 Y ranges. If the data file
	 has line breaks, such as:

	 2     42      55      -71       92       -32
	 3     37      65      -62       98       -37
	 4     25      72      -87       84       -42
	 5     18      62      -68       82       -39
	 # line break 1  (could have been an empty line also)
	 1     85      82      -77       11       -92
	 2     28      32      -58       32       -86
	 # line break 2  
	 3     85      82      -71       71       -61
	 5     28      32      -54       62       -46

	 This data file would result in 15 line segments. There 
	 are 3 unique data sections (due to 2 line breaks) times
	 5 y-ranges = 15 total y ranges.

	 The most useful and flexible use of line breaks is to 
	 simply have one X,Y pair on a line. Then use multiple
	 line breaks to get as many Y ranges as you need.


    6    LINE STYLES and SYMBOLS used
	 FPLOT uses a combination of varying line widths and black/gray
	 color to differentiate between different Y ranges when only 'lines'
	 are being drawn. It also uses different symbols when 'points' or
	 'linesandpoints' are being drawn. The various combinations are
	 shown below.

	 If 'linesandpoints' is the graphtype, then medium-width black lines
	 will only be used since the symbols can be used to differentiate
	 between the Y ranges.

	 Y-Range         Line-width        Line-color         Symbol
	    1              Medium            Black            Diamond
	    2              Narrow            Black            Box     

	    3              Wide              Black            Triangle Up

	    4              Medium            Gray             Triangle Down

	    5              Narrow            Gray             Plus sign   (+)

	    6              Wide              Gray             Cross sign  (X)

	    The pattern is repeated for Y ranges 7-12.



	 o)  The version of the distribution package is now tied to
	     the RCS version of fplot.c. fplot will automatically parse
	     the version from RCS_ID[]. This is why there was an abrupt
	     change in the version from 0.6b to 2.10.

	 o)  The program will parse numbers in 'normal' or scientific
	     notation. It can handle 3691.9275 as well as -9.87364e-10.
	     The exponent 'e' may be upper or lower case. I just use
	     the 'atof' function in C.

	 o)  The program needs to have some idea of what 'zero' is. In
	     real life floating point calculations, you can never safely
	     check for equality (or inequality) between two numbers. You
	     have to subtract them and compare the result against a
	     sufficiently small value. The small value I chose was 1.0E-12.
	     Any number smaller than this will be treated as zero. If you
	     need to plot numbers smaller than this, I suggest using the
	     'set [x|y]multiplier NN' command. An example of this is shown

	 o)  The program creates temp files during execution and deletes
	     them at the end.

	     For DOS, the files will be in the directory pointed to by the
	     TMP environment variable or in C:\ if TMP is not set.

	     For Unix, the files will be /tmp/fpl#####.### where the # will
	     be uniquely set. On some systems, '/usr/tmp' may be a better
	     choice, depending on the amount of free disk space in each

	 o)  The program has a fairly strict parser. Any command it can't
	     make sense of will terminate the program with some appropriate
	     error message.

	 o)  All global variables begin with 'g_'. This convention is
	     something I've done for a long time. It is very handy when
	     working on a program you haven't seen for a long time.
	     (Maintenance Mode!).

	 o)  I've used wrapper functions around malloc and free. I allocate
	     extra bytes and put a signature pattern before and after the
	     block and verify the pattern before the 'free'. This guarantees
	     that you haven't overrun a memory block or free a block that
	     you've already freed. A fairly simple program like this probably
	     doesn't need them but I already had them lying around.

	 o)  There are a bunch of hard coded constants in the postscript
	     code that I'm not proud of. They should be #defines or
	     variables with a descriptive name.

	 o)  There is a font size lookup table in the code. This table is
	     not exact. I need to know the size of each character so I can
	     center the 4 main labels on the graph; the title, x axis label,
	     and both y axis labels. I could not find any postscript operator
	     in Peter Weingartner's document that resembled the length of
	     a string given the string and the font with the current point
	     size. So what I did (don't laugh) was print out each ASCII char
	     50 times and measured the length of each char with a ruler,
	     converted the length to my coordinate system and I'm done.
	     These are the numbers in the table. If anyone has the point size
	     for the 95 printable ASCII char, please send them to me and
	     I will put the real numbers in the table, or supply some
	     postscript code that does the auto-centering for me.

	     Even though this is not as scientific as I like, the net result
	     is actually quite good.

	 o)  The program captures a handful of 'signals.' This is done so
	     I can always clean up after myself, releasing memory and
	     deleting the temp files I create. If any other OS's require
	     more/less signal capturing, please let me know. As of now
	     I just control this with conditional compiles in the code.


    8    MULTIPLT

	 MULTIPLT can be used to post-process the postscript output from
	 FPLOT. It will also work with GNUPLOT. It should work with any
	 postscript file if it meets the following 2 conditions:

		a)  The original postscript file results in 1 page being

		b)  The original postscript file uses the 'showpage' command
		    to eject the page near the end of the file. 'showpage'
		    must be the only command OR the first command on the
		    line where it is found.

         Up to 9 plots can be output on 1 physical page using multiplt.

	 There will be a unique output for 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 9 plots.
	 5 plots will be output in the same format as 6 plots with the
	 last plot being blank. 7 plots will be output in the same
	 format as 8 plots with the last plot being blank.

	 MULTIPLT accepts '--' as a filename. This will output an empty 
	 plot for that position on the plotted output. This can be used 
	 to force multiplt to output the plot in a different format, 
	 i.e. force a 6 plot format with a 4 plot input by using '--' 
	 two times :

	 multiplt f1 f2 -- -- f3 f4 >output   [4 plots on the page with  ]
					      [the 2 middle 'plots' blank]

	 MULTIPLT supports 8 different output page sizes. The 8 page sizes 
	 are :

         'letter'        8.5 x 11 inches   (default)
         'legal'         8.5 x 14 
         'tabloid'        11 x 17 
         'a3'            297mm x 420mm 
         'a4'            210mm x 297mm 
         'a5'            148mm x 210mm
         'b4'            257mm x 364mm 
         'b5'            182mm x 257mm 

	 The page size is specified by calling multiplt with '-s' as the
         first argument. The default is letter, 8.5 x 11. Examples :

	 multiplt -sa4 f1 f2 ...          output page size is A4
	 multiplt -slegal f1 f2 ...       output page size is LEGAL, 8.5 x 14
	 multiplt -sb5 f1 f2 ...          output page size is B5

	 If the input files were created with 'fplot', the input files may
	 be set to any arbitrary page size. 'fplot' outputs a special comment
	 in the postscript header indicating the page size which multiplt
         uses to re-scale the data, if necessary.

	 If the input files were created with 'gnuplot', the input files must
	 be scaled using 8.5 x 11 inches. The output page size may still be
	 changed but the input page must be 8.5 x 11.

	 MULTIPLT simply reads postscript files from the command line,
	 reformats the output, and sends the data to stdout. You can
	 redirect the output to another file if so desired.

	 Assume we have 9 postscript files from FPLOT or GNUPLOT named through

multiplt > LPT1     (DOS)           [Doesn't really do anything since]
multiplt | lp      (Unix)           [only 1 file is specified.       ]
multiplt >               [Included for symmetry.          ]

multiplt -sa4 >          [With '-s', easy way to translate]
                                          [from one page size to another!  ]

multiplt > LPT1                       Put 2 plots on 1 page.

multiplt -sa4 > LPT1            Put 3 plots on 1 A4 page.

multiplt -slegal > LPT1   Put 4 plots on 1 8.5x14 page.

etc ...

multiplt ... 2-8 ... > LPT1           Put 9 plots on 1 page.

	 NOTE! : multiplt can be used recursively. In other words, the
		 input to multiplt can be previous outputs of multiplt.
		 This can be used to put 12, 16, 18, 24, ... plots on a
		 page. As an example, this is how to put 16 plots on
		 a page :

multiplt f1 f2 f3 f4 > f1tmp               Put 4 plots on 1 'page'.
multiplt f5 f6 f7 f8 > f2tmp               Put 4 plots on 1 'page'.
multiplt fa fb fc fd > f3tmp               Put 4 plots on 1 'page'.
multiplt fe ff fg fh > f4tmp               Put 4 plots on 1 'page'.

multiplt f1tmp f2tmp f3tmp f4tmp > LPT1    Put all 16 plots on 1 'page'.


    9    CLOSING

	 If you have any questions, problems, or would like additional
	 features, (like new set commands) feel free to contact :

	 Michael Ring
	 10750 108th Ave. N.
	 Maple Grove, MN  55369

	 e-mail :
	 web    :
