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 FPLOT(1)                                                           FPLOT(1)
                               30 January 2000

      fplot - a command line postscript plotting program   [Version 2.35]

      fplot [ -r ] filename

      fplot is a fast and easy postscript plotting program.  Its command
      line interface makes it ideal for use in scripts. fplot does not have
      a limit on the number of data points in which it can plot.

      The appearance of the plot is very flexible and can be defined in a
      command file.  Many options can be specified to change the plot
      itself; labels, titles, etc.  See command file syntax below for a full
      description of this command file.

      filename can be either a raw data file or a command file.  Use a
      filename of -- to process stdin.

      fplot recognizes one option:

      -r      The filename specified is a raw data file, not a command file.
              This will use the default parameters for the commands.  The
              input data is expected to be columnized ascii that is
              delimited by spaces, tabs, and/or commas.

      An fplot command file is used to define the parameters and appearance
      of the plot created.

      All the commands in the file have defaults.  Therefore, fplot does not
      require a command file to produce a graph from data.  When using the
      -r option, fplot does not use a command file, and will use the default
      parameters.  The following defines each of the commands available in
      the command file.

      Comment lines begin with a "#".  Blank lines are ignored.  The
      commands may be in uppercase or lowercase. Any text after a "#" on a
      line is treated as a comment also.

      The commands are delimited with tabs, spaces, and/or commas and any
      text entries must be in double quotes.

      reset defaults
              This resets all parameters back to its default state. This
              will typically be used between numerous plots in the same
              command file.

      set papersize width length
              Sets the paper size in inches to width by length. The default

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                               30 January 2000

              is "set papersize 8.5 11".

      set graphborders left top right bottom
              Sets the graph borders in inches. The default is "set
              graphborders 1 1 1 1"  (The plot border is 1 inch from the
              edge of the page on all 4 sides).

      set xrange autorange
              Autoranging is the default.

      set xrange xmin xmax
              Specifies the range you want for the X axis. xmin and xmax
              specifies the min and max range on the plot.  Ex: "set xrange
              30.0 80.0".

      set yrange autorange
              Autoranging is the default. y1range may also be used for

      set yrange ymin ymax
              Specifies the range you want for the first Y axis. ymin and
              ymax specifies the min and max range on the plot.  y1range may
              also be used for yrange.  Ex: "set yrange 30.0 80.0", "set
              y1range -80 -20".

      set y2range autorange
              Autoranging is the default.

      set y2range ymin ymax
              Specifies the range you want for the second Y axis. ymin and
              ymax specifies the min and max range on the plot.  Ex: "set
              y2range 3.2E+4, 3.6E+4".

      set y2range y1range
              This command forces the Y2 range to be the same as the Y1
              range.  The default is to have two independent Y ranges when
              two ranges are being plotted. This command is implied if
              plotting 3 or more Y ranges.

      set gridlines [ off | ticks | on ]
              Turns the grid lines over the graph on or off or place a small
              tick mark near the numbers on the graph's axis.  The default
              is "set gridlines on".

      set xaxisscale [ linear | log ]
              Changes the scaling on the x axis.  The default is "set
              xaxisscale linear".

      set xmultiplier value,  set xoffset value
              Rescales the x axis input data : plotted-data = input-data *
              xmultiplier + xoffset. The default multiplier is 1 and the

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                               30 January 2000

              default offset is 0.

      set ymultiplier value,  set yoffset value
              Rescales the first y axis input data : plotted-data =
              input-data * ymultiplier + yoffset. The default multiplier is
              1 and the default offset is 0. y1multiplier may be used for
              ymultiplier, y1offset may be used for yoffset.

      set y2multiplier value,  set y2offset value
              Rescales the second y axis input data : plotted-data =
              input-data * y2multiplier + y2offset. The default multiplier
              is 1 and the default offset is 0.

      set graphtype [ lines | points | linesandpoints ]
              Defines how to connect the data points.  points will only draw
              the points (symbols), lines only connects the points, and
              linesandpoints draws points and connects the points.  The
              default is "set graphtype lines".

      set pointsizescale value
              Defines the relative size of the points when plotting points
              or linesandpoints. A value > 1 will make the points larger.  A
              value < 1 will make the points smaller.  The default value is

      set outputformat [ postscript | others ...]
              Defines the printer output device.  Currently only postscript
              is supported and is the default.

      set skipfactor value
              This will cause the plotting to skip the specified value data
              points in between ones which actually get plotted.  This will
              reduce the number of points which actually gets plotted on the
              graph and can reduce print times.  The default is "set
              skipfactor 0".

      set fontsize title size
              This sets the fontsize for the title of the plot.  The size
              can be a floating point number.  The default is "set fontsize
              title 14.0".

      set fontsize xlabel size
              This sets the fontsize for the label on the x axis of the
              plot.  The size can be a floating point number.  The default
              is "set fontsize xlabel 14.0".

      set fontsize ylabel size
              This sets the fontsize for the label on the first y axis of
              the plot.  The size can be a floating point number. y1label
              may be used for ylabel.  The default is "set fontsize ylabel

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                               30 January 2000

      set fontsize y2label size
              This sets the fontsize for the label on the second y axis of
              the plot.  The size can be a floating point number. The
              default is "set fontsize y2label 14.0".

      set title string
              This defines the text string to use for the title of the plot.
              It is placed centered on the top.  The default is to not print
              a title.  string should be enclosed in double quotes.

      set xlabel string
              This defines the text string to use for the x axis label of
              the plot.  The default is to not print a label.  string should
              be enclosed in double quotes.

      set ylabel string
              This defines the text string to use for the first y axis label
              of the plot.  The default is to not print a label.  y1label
              may be used for ylabel.  string should be enclosed in double

      set y2label string
              This defines the text string to use for the second y axis
              label of the plot.  The default is to not print a label.
              string should be enclosed in double quotes.

      set fontsize label### size
              where "###" may be from 1-128 or "all".  Up to 128 additional
              labels may be placed anywhere on the plot.  This command will
              set the font size for each of the labels.  size can be a
              floating point number.  The "all" command may be used to set
              all 128 labels at once.  The default for size on all 128
              labels is 10.0 point.

      set rotation label### deg
              where "###" may be from 1-128 or "all".  The rotation angle
              for each of the 128 labels may be specified with this command.
              This command will set the rotation to deg degrees for each of
              the labels. A zero degree rotation is parallel to the X axis.
              A positive rotation is counter-clockwise and a negative
              rotation is clockwise. The "all" command may be used to set
              all 128 labels at once.  The default for deg on all 128 labels
              is 0.0 degrees.

      set coordinates label### [ inches | plotcoordinates ]
              where "###" may be from 1-128 or "all".  If inches is
              specified, the X coordinate will be in inches from the left
              edge of the page and the Y coordinate will be in inches from
              the bottom of the page. If plotcoordinates is specified, the X
              and Y coordinates will be in the coordinate system of the plot
              being generated.  The "all" command may be used to set all 128

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                               30 January 2000

              labels at once.  The default for all 128 labels is inches.

      set label### x y string
              where "###" may be from 1-128.  There are 128 labels that can
              be positioned anywhere on the plot.  The x value is the X
              coordinate of the label. The y value is the Y coordinate of
              the label. See the command set coordinates label### to define
              the coordinate system that will be used in the placement of
              the labels.  x may also be specified as center or
              rightjustify. center and rightjustify assume a 0 degree
              rotation angle and the label coordinates are in inches.  The
              default is to not print any labels. string is the text to
              print on the plot at the specified location. string should be
              enclosed in double quotes. A typical example would be :
              set label37  0.4  7.11  "text for label-37".

      set fielddefinition axis column
              This command specifies which field (column) in the data to use
              for which axis. axis can be x, y, or y1 through y12.  The
              defaults for this command depends on the data found.  For data
              which contains only one column, the default is to plot a
              single y axis.  If two columns are found, the default is to
              plot an x,y data pair. When more than two columns are found,
              the default is for the first column to be the x axis and rest
              of the columns are y1, y2, y3, etc. up to y12.

      set outputfile filename
              This specifies the filename where to put the generated
              postscript code.  The default is to send the postscript to
              stdout.  filename may have a full path specification, i.e. set
              outputfile "/tmp/".  or set outputfile
              "C:\tmp\".  filename should be enclosed in double

      set usesamples min max
              This command will read a subset of the total data file.  the
              min value specifies at what line to start reading the data and
              the max specifies which line to stop reading the data.  The
              default is to use all data.  Note that this command is not
              referenced to the x-axis scaling, it is simply the line
              numbers in the data file.

      data start
              The data start command allows you to embed your data in the
              command file. The lines in the command file following this
              command will be treated as the data to plot. The plot will be
              generated when end-of-file is reached or a data stop command
              is found.  A blank line in the data stream indicates a 'line
              break'.  A line break will complete the current line segment
              and start a new line segment on the first data line after the
              line break.

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                               30 January 2000

      data stop
              Specifies the end of data to plot in a command file when using
              the data start command.

      plot filename
              The plot command specifies the filename of the file which
              contains the data to plot.  filename should be enclosed in
              double quotes.  The data file is assumed to be ASCII text that
              is delimited by spaces, tabs, and/or commas.

      See the files README and cmd.* which are distributed with the software
      for examples. The sample command file cmd.all has every supported
      command in it. It may be used as a template for new command files.

      1997 - 2000,  Michael C. Ring  (

      multiplt (1)

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