packages icon
  | |                                                      ____          
  | |__     ____   ___  ___   ____     ______     ___  __ /_   |   ____  
  | __ \   /  _ \  \  \/  / _/ __ \   /  ___/     \  \/ /  |   |  /  _ \ 
  | \_\ \ (  <_> )  >    <  \  ___/   \___ \       \   /   |   | (  <_> )
  |___  /  \____/  /__/\_ \  \___  > /____  >       \_/    |___| /\____/ 
      \/                 \/      \/       \/                     \/  

         draws all kinds of boxes around your text (in ASCII art)


    Boxes is free software under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
    See COPYING file or


    1. Unpack the archive

    2. Edit the top level Makefile and change the value of GLOBALCONF to
       whereever you want the system-wide config file to reside. Note that
       each user may have his/her own config file in $HOME/.boxes.

    3. Type 'make' in the top level directory.
       This should leave you with a binary in the src directory.

       The author takes care that this always works under intel/Linux and
       sparc/Solaris, the latter of which is the boxes development
       If you are on a different platform and somehow manage to materialize
       a binary, please send it to the author (, so it
       can be posted on the boxes home page. Boxes is generally very easy
       to port, because it uses only a small set of instructions and is
       based on ANSI C.


    1. Copy doc/boxes.1 to an appropriate manual page directory (such as
       Copy boxes-config to the location specified in the Makefile as being
       the name of the system-wide boxes config file.
       Copy src/boxes (the binary) to a location which is in your path
       (such as /usr/local/bin).

            cp doc/boxes.1 /usr/local/man/man1
            cp boxes-config /usr/local/share/boxes
            cp src/boxes /usr/local/bin

    2. If you want to make your own changes to the config file, copy the
       system-wide config file into your home as $HOME/.boxes, then modify
       it. Boxes will use $HOME/.boxes is it exists.


    Try if boxes works by typing "boxes" on the command line, then enter
    "foo", press return and hit Ctrl-D. It should give you something
    like that:  /*******/
                /* foo */

    Detailed usage information is is the manual page and a lot more can be
    found on the Web page (see above). It is especially interesting to tie
    boxes to your editor, so it is invoked on a simple keypress.

                                               /\                        \
                                               \_|  Enjoy!               |
08/22/1999                                       |     -- Thomas Jensen  |
                                                 |   ____________________|_
EOF                                               \_/______________________/