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 WIREWRAP(1)                                                     WIREWRAP(1)

      wirewrap - Wire Wrap List Generator

      wirewrap > outputfile < inputfile

      Wirewrap inputs a file consisting of description of a wirewrap board.
      It outputs three listings which are intended to aid the wrapping,
      debugging, and maintanance of the board.  The input data file is
      designed to be easy to prepare from a schematic diagram of the board.

      The input consists of a list of descriptions of the placements and
      signals for each chip.  Following this list is (optionally) a blank
      line followed by a list of "special signal names" which will be
      described later.

      Data is entered in free format.  Comments are surrounded by /* ... */
      as in C source programs.  The input consists of a sequence of :chip
      statements optionally followed by a sequence of :special statements.

      The :chip statement describes the location of a component and the
      signals on its pins.  The :chip statement is made up of the word
      ``:chip'' followed by:

      Name      ( IC1, 74c123, Stuffer, FF3, etc )

      Grid      ( Position in the component matrix; A5, B2, etc )

      Npins     ( Number of pins for this component; 8, 14, 16, 20, etc )

      Width     ( Spacing between rows of pins on this component in 1/10'th
                inches.  0=SIP, 3=normal dip)

      Row       ( Position of pin 1 in the pin matrix )

      Column    ( Position of pin 1 in the pin matrix )

                ( Orientation (i.e. rotation) of component; 1-4. SEE BELOW )





                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 18, 2024

 WIREWRAP(1)                                                     WIREWRAP(1)



      A pin without a signal on it must have a ``.'' entry to show that it's

      The orientation entrys are as follows (viewing component side):

                              +----+               1         1/----+
              +--------+      |    |      +--------\          |    |
              |   1    |      |  2 |      |   3    |          |  4 |
              \--------+      |    |      +--------+          |    |
              1               +----/1                         +----+

      The Row,Col numbering system is as follows:

                                                      0   C o l #
                      ^                             0 +--------------->
                      |                               |
                    R |   Component                 R |   Wireing
                    o |   Side                      o |   Side
                    w |   Viewing                   w |   Viewing
                    # |   Chips                     # |   Pins
                      |                               |
                    0 +--------------->               V
                      0   C o l #

      The Name and Grid fields are provided as a means of identifying the
      components.  The wirewrap program does not use these fields for
      placement or routing.  They are passed through to the output listings
      as a way to refer the listings back to the schematics.

      The :special statement can direct the wirewrap program to handle
      special signals like power and ground, or any signal requiring special
      attention for routing.  These signal names are entered following the
      word ``:special''.

          |                                                            |
          |   |---- \              |---- \              |---- \        |
          ----|1      \   SIGB  ---|4      \   SIGC  ---|8      \      |
           |  |      3 |0-------|  |      6 |0-------|  |     10 |0----|
           ---|2      /         ---|5      /         ---|9      /
              |---- /              |---- /              |---- /

      In this example, a 3 stage ring oscillator is made up of a single
      chip.  The chip is packaged as a standard 14 pin DIP.  The chip is
      placed in the lower left corner of the board, in orientation 1.

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 WIREWRAP(1)                                                     WIREWRAP(1)

      (Viewing from the wiring side, facing pins, as in the above diagram.)
      This is postion A1 on the circuit board.  The power and ground for
      this circuit are on pins 14 and 7 respectively, and are both special
      signals since, for example, they are implemented by etched traces on
      the board.

      IC1-Osc                       /* Name */
      A1                            /* Grid */
      14                            /* Npins */
      3                             /* Width */
      0                             /* Row */
      0                             /* Col */
      1                             /* Orientation */
      SIGA                          /* Pin 1. */
      SIGA                          /* Pin 2. */
      SIGB                          /* Pin 3. */
      SIGB                          /* Pin 4. */
      SIGB                          /* Pin 5. */
      SIGC                          /* Pin 6. */
      GND                           /* Pin 7. */
      SIGC                          /* Pin 8. */
      SIGC                          /* Pin 9. */
      SIGA                          /* Pin 10. */
      .                             /* Pin 11. */
      .                             /* Pin 12. */
      .                             /* Pin 13. */
      5V                            /* Pin 14. */
      :special                      /* Start of special signals */
      5V                            /* 5V is a special signal. */
      GND                           /* GND is also a special signal. */

      Since the input is free format, This could be written more succinctly

      :chip IC1-Osc A1 14 3 0 0 1
      SIGC SIGC SIGA .    .    .    5V
      :special 5V GND

      Bruce Karsh, University of Wisconsin, Department of Geology &
      August 16, 1985

                                    - 3 -         Formatted:  April 18, 2024