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StarPlot - Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Kevin B. McCarty <>
Web page:


StarPlot is a GTK-based program, written in C++, which can be used
interactively to view three-dimensional perspective charts of stars.  It is
licensed under the GNU General Public License.  If you find StarPlot useful,
or want to submit a bug report, feature request or patch, please drop me an


This directory should include the following files:

	README		This file.
	INSTALL		Instructions for installing StarPlot.
	COPYING		The GNU GPL, version 2.
	Makefile	Top-level Makefile; edit variables if necessary.
			See INSTALL for more information.
	version.h	Defines current StarPlot version.
	classes/	Contains base classes for StarPlot.
			These classes are GUI-agnostic.
	convert/	Contains source code for the starconvert utility.
	gui/		Contains the StarPlot user interface.
			These classes require GTK version 1.2.
	data/		Contains StarPlot example data files.
	doc/		Contains HTML documentation and man pages.


For installation instructions, see the file INSTALL.  For documentation about
how to use the program, see the HTML pages in the doc directory.  These
pages will be installed to the directory /usr/local/share/doc/starplot (unless 
you edit the Makefile to put it somewhere else).


StarPlot comes with only two small example data files.  This (a) makes it
easier to download, and (b) reduces the need to worry about copyright issues
within the program source tree.  Other data files can be downloaded and
installed from the StarPlot web page.  Please read the copyright information
in the COPYING and README files of those data sets.


I would like to thank my brother Jason for working with me on programming
StarPlot with a GUI written in C++, back when we were still playing with it
on Windows 95/NT.  This was a vast improvement over the original QBASIC
version I wrote in high school.  If anyone wants to see the QBASIC version,
I still have the file ;)