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README file for lrslib : reverse search vertex enumeration program/CH package
Documentation is currently being maintained at the URL:


lrslib v.4.1

lpsolve like procedures to build input data added. Demo programs are:

vedemo.c    vertex enumeration
chdemo.c    facet enumeration
lpdemo.c    linear programs

They can be build using: make demo

Proper garbage collection implemented to clean up after each problem has been
solved. See 

for documentation.


Various binaries are available in the directory binaries.

Currently available:

binaries/debian        Debian Linux      
binaries/sun           Sun Ultra Sparc
binaries/win98         Windows 95/98


lrslib v.4.0 which
supercedes all previous versions of the programs lrs and redund.
New Features:

1. Library version allows customization of the search function, access to the
output as it is produced, and access to lrs from other programs.

2. Problems need no longer be in full dimension. This allows the
input of equations, partial enumeration on facets, ridges etc.

3. Choice of arithmetic packages. Currently available are:

   lrsmp     Extended precision arithmetic used in previous releases
   lrslong   Fixed length long integer arithmetic. No overflow checking
             but 5-10 times faster.

   lrsgmp    Requires preinstallation of GNU GMP package, available at

  The standard "make all" gives lrs/redund with lrsmp, and lrs1/redund1 with lrslong. 
4. redund was completely rewritten and is faster than before. The previous
   version did not remove redundancy in the starting basis and should be


1. From website go to "Download" and retrieve the file lrslib-040.tar.gz

2. Unpack with:

   % gunzip lrslib-040.tar.gz
   % tar xvf lrslib-040.tar

3. Go to the new directory

   % cd lrslib-040

4. make binaries by typing
   % make all               (most 32 bit unix machines)


  % make all64              (64 bit integer machines such as DEC Alpha)

If the make fails, it is usually due to timing and/or interrupt handling
routines. In this case try:

  % make nosigs

5. If successful you should get binaries: lrs redund lrs1 redund1

6. Test the program lrs by tuping:

   lrs cube.ine

and you should get output resembling the file cube.ext

7. You will file additional test files in the directories: ine and ext

8. For GNU gmp library, edit the makefile to set the INCLUDE and LIB paths for
   the location of the gmp libarary, and type:

   %make gmp

   You should get binaries glrs and gredund