================== Garlic version 1.5 ================== WHAT IS THIS? This README file describes garlic, free molecular viewer and editor written for unix and unix clones. Garlic was written by Damir Zucic, at the University of Osijek, Croatia (the address may be found below). HOW TO OBTAIN GARLIC? The latest version of garlic may be found at: http://garlic.mefos.hr/garlic The version 1.5 should be at: http://garlic.mefos.hr/garlic-1.5 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS To compile and run garlic, the following requirements should be met: (1) The operating system should be unix or some unix clone, preferably linux. (2) The X window system is required (X11R6, but other versions may work too). (3) The X server should be capable to support TrueColor visual (some older servers are not capable to offer this visual). (4) Color monitor and video-card should be capable to support the color depth of at least 8 bits per pixel (24 bits per pixel recommended). (5) GNU C or some other C compiler capable to compile ANSI C code is required. HOW TO INSTALL GARLIC? Read the file INSTALL or the web page: http://garlic.mefos.hr/garlic-1.5/install GARLIC DOCUMENTATION The latest documentation may be found at http://garlic.mefos.hr/garlic - be sure to read the tutorial and the sections which describe commands and controls. Print the reference card and keep it at hand during your garlic sessions. The interactive help will be added later. DOWNLOADABLE DOCUMENTATION If you prefer to copy the entire documentation to your local machine, there is a packed version of HTML documentation: http://garlic.mefos.hr/garlic-1.5/source/ AUTHOR Damir Zucic Medicinski fakultet Huttlerova 4 31000 Osijek Croatia Europe Phone: Osijek area: 512-855 Other parts of Croatia: 031-512-855 International: 00-385-31-512-855 e-mail: zucic@garlic.mefos.hr zucic@mia.os.carnet.hr Osijek, January 09, 2006.