packages icon
     Name: GAucsd  Date: 920707  Version: 1.4  Patchlevel: 0
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Congratulations - it looks as if you have successfully unpacked the
source files for GAucsd 1.4 into this directory.  Instructions  for
the installation and use of the system are in the ``User's Guide to
GAucsd 1.4'' in the file GAucsd.doc.  A PostScript version  can  be
obtained  -- along with other related material -- via anonymous ftp
from (, directory pub/GAucsd.

GAucsd has been developed in a Unix environment, but should be easy
to port to any platform that has a C compiler, and the make and awk
utilities.  A Unix 'sh' compatible command shell is helpful but not
necessary -- see the User's Guide for details.

NOTE: The installation procedure has changed significantly from the
previous version.  Even if you are familiar with GAucsd, you should
take a quick look at the installation section in the User's Guide.

Share and enjoy!

- Nici Schraudolph.                        San Diego, 7th July 1992

Changes since 1.2:

Many thanks to those who spotted problems -- they are noted below
next to "their" bug.

1) Bug Fixes

- random generator does not get stuck in a loop anymore; a patch
  for this was distributed back in '91  (Peter J.B. Hancock)

- five missing values in second row of 'a' array in f5.c are now
  supplied  (Bruce Rosen)

- avg and var arrays in report.c are now dynamically allocated
  to prevent overflow  (Richard E. Gillilan)

- the wrapper and Ctoi() can now handle very long genes, including
  those longer than the machine's integer size  (John C. Schultz)

- a missing external declaration for _eval() has been supplied in
  best.c  (Sabih Gerez)

- simultaneous use of the subdirectory and remote execution features
  in non-shared file space works now; min and cpt file names are still
  not treated quite right though

2) Portability

Special thanks to Daniele Montanari for sharing his experiences in
porting GAucsd to DOS, and thus facilitating many improvements.

- all filenames are now DOS-friendly; e.g. "" --> "foo.ini"

- the use of popen() and pclose() in setup.c has been eliminated

- problems with GNU's gawk and "picky" C compilers have been resolved

- the two makefiles have been merged to simplify customization; the
  merged file now uses macros to achieve high portability

- to reduce the frequent name clashes between GAucsd utilities and other
  software, "ex" and "go" have mutated into "gx" and "ga" while "setup"
  has metamorphosed to "inset"

- more support for heterogenous environments: library and utilities
  are now compiled into machine-specific subdirectories

- the cryptic and Unix-specific "make dir" installation step has been
  replaced with the "GAUCSD" environment variable  (Dave Demers)

3) Other Changes

- structured source tree with src, usr, bin & etc subdirectories

- the default population size suggested by "inset" is now a little
  more reasonable (the usual disclaimers still apply though!)

- by popular request, crossover rate is now entered in "inset" on
  a per-individual basis again, with a dynamically computed default

- the obsolete "clean" shell script has been thrown out

- define.h now uses <limits.h> to get machine constants (Norman Barth)

- global.h and extern.h have been collapsed into a single file to
  improve code consistency

Changes since 1.1:

1) Incompatibilities

- the "ckpt" file format has changed;

- the Unpack() function used by low-level evaluation functions no longer
  has a "length" parameter;

- due to a new feature (see 4) below) low-level evaluation functions may
  be called with a negative "length" parameter.  The minimum action re-
  quired to maintain compatibility is to insert "if (length < 0) return;"
  at the start of your old "eval()" or "_eval()" functions.

Note that the 1.2ucsd "wrapper" takes these changes into account; your old
high-level evaluation functions can therefore be used without modification.

2) Bug Fixes

- the non-portable bzero() function is no longer used;
- a bug causing the very first bit to always mutate has been fixed;
- problems with fully converged populations have been dealt with;
- sigma scaling no longer causes a small inadvertent generation gap;
- flawed genotype comparisons in cross.c and elitist.c have been fixed;
- bugs in the schema performance calculations have been corrected;
- restarts don't cause extraneous lines in the "out" file anymore;
- "go" no longer removes old out files (this has mangled restarts).

3) Refinements

- floats are printed out with more precision in various places;
- there's more validity checking when reading "in" & "ckpt" files;
- the experiment counter now starts at one, not zero ("ckpt" file);

- there is no more "length" argument to Unpack() since this function
  produces garbage unless "length" is invariant;

- the min file may now contain duplicate genotypes if they cause differing
  entries due to DPE, anti-aliassing ('A') or stochastic evaluation ('a');

- the source for the "random()" number generator has been included in the
  distribution, eliminating the need to compile with "#ifdef genrand" on
  non-BSD systems;

- since an immediate abort of the simulation may leave the data files in a
  corrupt state, a third level of urgency - quit after current generation -
  has been added to the signal handler.  INT (^C) signals are now caught as
  well as TERM (kill) signals.

4) New Feature

The "min" files now also contain "phenotypes" (ie. the decoded parameters
to the fitness function) along with the encoded genome; this greatly aids
the interpretation of the file.  To make use of this feature, low-level
"eval()" or "_eval()" functions must return a string describing the most
recently evaluated phenotype when called with a negative "length" para-
meter.  This can be achieved by making the variables holding the phenotype
static - see file "f1-ga.c" for an example.  For high-level evaluation
functions the "wrapper" provides phenotype descriptions automatically.

Changes since 1.0:

1) Bug Fixes
- "go" can now handle remote execution when "l" flag is not set;
- fussy shells no longer complain about missing )'s in "go";
- the non-portable cbrt() library function is no longer used;
- a bug in the fitness scaling algorithm has been fixed.

2) New Features
- subdirectory structure for data files;
- re-editing of "in" files;
- application-specific parameters;
- sigma scaling;
- stochastic decoding for continuous search spaces ('A');
- super-uniform population initialization ('u');
- Dynamic Parameter Encoding (DPE).

Changes from GENESIS 4.5 to GAucsd 1.0:

1) Bug Fixes
John Grefenstette's published 4.5 bug fixes:
- changed random seeds from int to unsigned int;
- corrected cross.c, line 81 to use i instead of temp;
- correct crossover if crossing points are within same byte.

Problems with machine-dependent data formats:
- get char and int sizes from <values.h>;
- modified use of bitmasks to allow for differing char sizes;
- corrected built-in Rand() to allow for differing int sizes;
- changed a number of variables from int to long.

Other sundry bugs:
- cross.c starts diff after Xing segment at xbyte2 + 1;
- prevented computation of log(0.0) in calculation of Mu_next;
- "go" without suffix reports to file "report", not "report.";
- "clean" stays quiet when it can't find optional files;
- made user input fields in setup.c longer (30 characters);
- repaired signal bell to ring when experiment terminates.

2) Code Improvements (Consistency & Efficiency)
- collapsed IN_FORMAT and OUT_FORMAT to single constant;
- introduced symbolic constant for checkpoint file format;
- genes are no longer unpacked for mutation;
- use random() generator, saving its entire state in dumps;
- diff outside Xing segment is computed more efficiently in cross.c;
- modified Makefile to better reflect dependencies.

3) Improved User Interface
- eval file name is default file suffix;
- "clean" exits on "" (instead of "q");
- maintain and start several named simulation queues for "ex";
- user notification upon completion of queue execution;
- better diagnostics from "report" in case of irregularities;
- crossover rates greater than 1.0 possible;
- setting "Max Gens w/o Eval" to 0 disables this feature;
- zero report interval reports on initial and final generations only;
- "G=..." line in go, ex and UserMakefile generated automatically;
- eval function may use packed gene directly for added speed;
- kill signals are caught for orderly termination.

4) Major Departures from 4.5
- MUTATION macro always flips one bit by default;
- dynamically computed default values in "setup";
- C_rate is entered on a per-bit basis;
- new termination criteria (Bias and Conv thresholds);
- wrapper for eval functions automates genotype decoding;
- ex/go can distribute simulations to remote machines.