packages icon
To build on a UNIX system:
    1)  Edit the makefile to set the location of the binary (BINDIR) and 
	required translation files (LIBDIR).

    2)  type make install
	On systems where ranlib is not required for building libraries
	you will see an error message like:
	sh: ranlib: not found
	*** Error code 1 (ignored)

	This is OK.
To run on a UNIX system

    1)  set the environment variable RTFLIBDIR to the directory (full path)
	to the directory containing the translation files (html-trans...)
	If you built from source, this is the same value you set LIBDIR to 
	in the makefile.

    2)  Translate documents 

	rtftohtml yourfile.rtf		

To run on a Mac system

    1)  Keep all of the files in the same folder.

    2)  Double click on rtftohtml - or drag rtf files onto it.

The results:

	running rtftohtml on yourfile.rtf - will produce 
	    yourfile.html (the main HTML document)
	    and yourfile_ToC.html (a Table of contents document)
	    and yourfile_fn.html (For any footnotes)
	    and yourfile.err	(With any errors and warnings)
	    and yourfile1.pict, or yourfile1.wmf (for graphics files)
			^ changes for each graphic file.

	You will need to run filters on the graphics files to turn them
	into gif images. The pbmplus package (see archie
	for locations) can convert PICT files that contain a bitmap.
	It cannot cope with PICT files containing lines, arcs etc.
	I don't know of any filters on UNIX systems that can cope with wmf
	files. There are many PICT filters on Mac's and wmf filters on
	windows platforms.

	The most common error in the error file is when rtftohtml detects
	a style name that is not listed in html-trans. This is easy!
	Simply edit html-trans, go to the bottom of the file and add
	your style names to the end of the file.
	The format of these entries is:
         |          |      ^ The name of the html markup entry (see the top
         |          |        of the file for entry names) to use for this
         |          |        style.
         |          ^ The nesting level (usually zero) If non-zero, this
         |            indicates that you want this style to map to a nested
         |            html list. (i.e.  
         |            <ol>
         |                <li>Regular entry (level zero)
         |                <li><ol>
         |                          <li>nested entry
         |                    </ol> 
         |            </ol>   
         ^ The name of your style