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This is GN version 2.08.  Fairly extensive documentation is in the docs
directory.  I recommend that you at least skim the document "Install"
in that directory.  It explains how to compile GN, but more
importantly how to use it. Before compiling you will need to edit the
file "config.h" to put in appropriate values of things like your
Operating System type and you root directory.  You will also need to
edit the Makefile.

Unfortunately, I do not have time to answer all the questions sent
to me by GN users.  I recommend that you subscribe to the mailing
list of gn maintainers and ask your questions there.  It is read by
many knowledgable GN users (including me).

To subscribe with the address you're sending mail from, send a message
to '', with "subscribe gn-maint-l" as the entire body
(not the Subject: line) of the messge. To subscribe with some other
address, do exactly as above, except use "subscribe gn-maint-l
otheraddress" as the body, where "otheraddress" is the other
address. (This second method requires the list maintainer's approval
before it will take effect.)

The people reading this list seem to be very helpful.

John Franks 	Dept of Math. Northwestern University