packages icon

 analog(1)                         Analog                          analog(1)
                       Version 6.0    19 December 2004

      analog - web server logfile analyser

      analog --help
      analog [(-|+)1] [(-|+)4] [(-|+)5] [(-|+)6] [(-|+)7] [(-|+)A] [(-|+)a]
      [-B|+B[options]] [-b|+b[options]] [(-|+)C'configuration-line']
      [-c|+c[options]] [(-|+)D] [(-|+)d] [-E|+E[options]] [-F|+Fdate]
      [-f|+f[options]] [-G] [+gfilename] [(-|+)H] [(-|+)h] [-I|+I[options]]
      [-i|+i[options]] [-J|+J[options]] [-j|+j[options]] [-K|+K[options]]
      [-k|+k[options]] [-L|+L[options]] [-l|+l[options]] [-M|+M[options]]
      [(-|+)m] [-N|+N[options]] [-n|+n[options]] [+Ooutput-file]
      [-o|+o[options]] [(-|+)P] [-p|+p[options]] [(-|+)Q] [-q|+q[[-|+]types]]
      [-R|+R[options]] [-r|+r[options]] [-S|+S[options]] [(-|+)S] [-T|+Tdate]
      [-t|+t[options]] [(-|+)Ucache] [-u|+u[options]] [-V|+V[[-|+]types]]
      [-v|+v[options]] [(-|+)W] [(-|+)w] [(-|+)X] [(-|+)x] [-Y|+Y[options]]
      [-y|+y[options]] [-Z|+Z[options]] [(-|+)z] [--settings] [logfile...]

      but normally just

      analog [-G] [+gfilename]

      Analog is a program for analyzing log files, and is designed to be
      fast and to produce attractive statistics.

      The usual (and easier) way of configuring analog is through a
      configuration file, not command line options.  For more information
      about writing a configuration file or about the command line options
      see Readme.html in the analog documentation.  A description of what
      options are available for the non-time reports is available in
      othreps.html#othclarg in the analog documentation.

           Display version and help information and exit.

           Toggle the Yearly Report.

           Toggle the Quarter-Hour Report.

           Toggle the Five-Minute Report.

           Toggle the Quarter-Hour Summary.

           Toggle the Five-Minute Summary.

                                    - 1 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024

 analog(1)                         Analog                          analog(1)
                       Version 6.0    19 December 2004

           Turn all the reports (except the General Summary) off or on.

           Toggle output style between HTML and PLAIN formats, respectively.

           Turn the Browser Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the Browser Summary off or on, possibly setting options.

           Include configuration-line in the configuration commands.

           Turn the Status Code Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Toggle the Daily Report.

           Toggle the Daily Summary.

           Turn the Redirection Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Toggle or set the FROM date.  Use -F to turn the FROM date off,
           and use +Fdate to set the FROM date.

           Turn the Referrer Report off or on, possibly setting options.

      -G   Do not use the default configuration file.

           Add filename to the list of configuration files.

           Turn the Hourly Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Toggle the Hourly Summary.

           Turn the Failure Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the Directory Report off or on, possibly setting options.

                                    - 2 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024

 analog(1)                         Analog                          analog(1)
                       Version 6.0    19 December 2004

           Turn the User Failure Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the User Redirection Report off or on, possibly setting

           Turn the Failed Referrer Report off or on, possibly setting

           Turn the Redirected Referrer Report off or on, possibly setting

           Turn the Host Failure Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the Host Redirection Report off or on, possibly setting

           Turn the Virtual Host Failure Report off or on, possibly setting

           Toggle the Monthly Report.

           Turn the Search Query Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the Search Word Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Write output to output-file. Use - for stdout.

           Turn the Domain Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Toggle the Processing Time Report.

           Toggle the Operating System Report.

           Toggle the Quarterly Report.

                                    - 3 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024

 analog(1)                         Analog                          analog(1)
                       Version 6.0    19 December 2004

           Turn all warnings off/on, or remove/add/use exactly specified
           types of warnings.

           Turn the Virtual Host Redirection Report off or on, possibly
           setting options.

           Turn the Request Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the Host Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn the Referring Site Report off or on, possibly setting

           Toggle or set the TO date.  Use -T to turn the TO date off, and
           use +Tdate to set the TO date.

           Turn the File Type Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Use file cache for cache output.

           Turn the User Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Turn all debugging off/on, or remove/add/use exactly specified
           types of debugging messages.

           Turn the Virtual Host Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Toggle the Weekly Report.

           Toggle the Hour of the Week Report.

           Toggle GOTOS (on and off only).

           Toggle the General Summary.

                                    - 4 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024

 analog(1)                         Analog                          analog(1)
                       Version 6.0    19 December 2004

           Turn the Internal Search Query Report off or on, possibly setting

           Turn the Internal Search Word Report off or on, possibly setting

           Turn the Organization Report off or on, possibly setting options.

           Toggle the File Size Report.

           Instead of processing any files, display in English the settings
           analog would use if it ran normally. This is useful for

           The logfiles to be analysed. Use - for stdin.

      The analog home page at
      The analog documentation on your local machine, or from the analog
      home page.

      An up to date list of known bugs and bug fixes can be found at

      Analog and related documentation was written <analog->, with contributions from other authors.  (See
      acknow.html in the analog documentation.) This man page was written by
      Alexander Toth <>.

                                    - 5 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024