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Networking/WWW Category

This category holds programs which deal specifically with the WWW.

Package Name Description
HTgrep-1.0A generic search engine for HTTP servers
HTtools-1.0Tools from the SCG Script Archive
MHonArc-2.4.6A mail to html converter
Man2html-2.02A cgi script,this script coverts man pages to html docs
RexxGd-1.0An extension library for use with Rexx
abyss-0.3A small web server designed for low resource usage
analog-6.0Analyses Web server logfiles
analog-6.0.16Analyses Web server logfiles
analog-6.0.17Analyses Web server logfiles
apache-2.4.27The world's most popular Web server software
apache-2.4.46The world's most popular Web server software
apache-2.4.62The world's most popular Web server software
apache-2.4.63The world's most popular Web server software
apache-2.4.7The world's most popular Web server software
boa- single tasking HTTP server
cgilib-0.5A programmers library for the CGI interface
chimera-2.0a19This is an X/Athena Web client
comclear-1.2A history cleaner for Netscape Navigator
curl-7.34.0A command line tool for transferring data
curl-7.55.0A command line tool for transferring data
curl-7.73.0A command line tool for transferring data
curl-8.11.1A command line tool for transferring data
curl-8.12.0A command line tool for transferring data
dlc-0.4.0For finding information on validity of HTTP references
gdchart-0.94bSuperbe chart generation program
ged2www-0.31A support utility for lifelines databases
gn-2.14A new Multi Protocol server for Gopher and HTTP
harvest-1.6.1An integrated set of tools to gather and search Web data
ht_analyzer-0.11Assist in the maintenance of HTML databases
html_library-0.3This is the SunLabs HTML display library
html_xml_utils-6.0Utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
html_xml_utils-7.1Utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
html_xml_utils-7.9Utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
html_xml_utils-8.6Utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
htmlpty-1.00.1Program to prettyprint HTML and SGML files
http_analyze-1.9eHttp-analyze is a logfile analysis tool for web servers
httptunnel-3.0.3Bidirectional virtual data path tunnelled in HTTP requests
link_checker-0.1A program to check the hyper-links of a web site
links-2.14Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
links-2.21Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
links-2.30Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
links-2.7Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser
lynx-2.8.7Text-based World Wide Web browser
lynx-2.8.8Text-based World Wide Web browser
lynx-2.8.9Text-based World Wide Web browser
newdex-0.9.7A home page index creator for W3 users
perl2html-0.8Purpose: A perl syntax highlighter
plexus-3.0Public domain HTTP server written in perl
prestimel-0.5A tool for making HTML presentations
relax-1.0A Motif style editor for writing WWW documents
rhttpr-0.5.5Programmers http request response library
rtftohtml-2.7.5Reads up RTF format documents and translates them to HTML
rtftoweb-1.5This is the rtftoweb extension for rtftohtml
serf-1.3.10A high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
serf-1.3.2A high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
serf-1.3.9A high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library
sitecopy-0.16.6Copy local websites to remote web servers
squid-3.0.STABLE16A full-featured Web proxy cache server
surfraw-2.2.7A fast command line interface to the Web
surfraw-2.2.9A fast command line interface to the Web
thttpd-2.21bA small, portable, fast, and secure HTTP server
tidy-20080220Clean up and pretty print HTML files
tinyproxy-1.10.0An small HTTP proxy server
tinyproxy-1.11.2An small HTTP proxy server
tinyproxy-1.7.0An small HTTP proxy server
troff2html-0.21A perl program to convert troff markup to html
urlview-0.9Curses program for extracting URLs
w4ais-3.1A WWW/CGI gateway for indexed searches
webalizer-2.23.05A web server log file analysis program
webalizer-2.23.08A web server log file analysis program
webgrep-2.12Check and search utilities for the web-master
weblint-1.020Strict syntax checker for HTML documents
weex- Webpage Exchanger
weex-2.8.2Fast Webpage Exchanger
whirlgif-3.04A program to produce a single GIF from multiple images
wn-2.4.5A server for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
wwwstat-2.0Another WWW project from Ray Fielding
xhtml-1.3A hypertext markup language editor program