packages icon

 XMULTIBIFF(1)                                                 XMULTIBIFF(1)

      xmultibiff - multiple mailbox and newsgroup biff and reader

      xmultibiff [X toolkit options] [-help] [-version] [-horiz] [-poll
      seconds]  [-header seconds] [-au sound file]  [-nobeep] [-names] [-new]
      [-bc] [-shortnames] [-last number of messages] [-mail <mailbox
      files...>] [-news <newsgroup names...>]

      There are many things that separate this biff from all the other X
      biffs out there.  Xmultibiff has the ability to keep track of multiple
      mailboxes and newsgroups and tell you how many unread messages are in
      each.  It also acts as a mail and news reader.  You can click and drag
      to whatever mail message or news article you want to see and have it
      pop-up in a separate shell window.  You can either specify mailbox
      files and newsgroups on the command line, in a Xresources file, or set
      your MAILPATH and NEWSPATH environment variable (a colon separated
      list of files/newsgroups).

      There are many more customizable options to Xmultibiff. You can
      execute any shell command you specify for a box by clicking on mouse
      button 2 in the box.  You can have it play a sound file when new mail
      comes in or have it make no sound at all.  You can specify a name for
      any given box, and much more.  Almost every option is configurable on
      a per-box basis.  In general, it is a very extensible biff.  Read on
      for details on what it can do.

      The following options are recognized:

      -help     Print a brief help message and exit

      -version  Print the current version and exit

      -poll secs
                How often the mailbox files are polled for new mail.  If
                this is not specified, it will use the MAILCHECK environment

      -header secs
                This will display the From: and Subject: lines from incoming
                mail messages in a popup window when button 1 is pressed in
                the box label.  The mail header will also popup
                automatically for the amount of time indicated in secs when
                new mail arrives.  If secs is 0, the mail header will not
                pop up when new mail arrives.  Clicking in the popup window
                when mail arrives (if the argument is non-zero) will
                instantly popdown the window.  This feature was borrowed

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                from xpbiff.

      -last num This enables display of, at most, num articles from any
                given box when the header window pops up.  This only works
                when the header option is on.

      -au sound file
                This will simply cat a Sun audio file to /dev/audio instead
                of ringing the bell when new mail arrives.

      -horiz    This will line up the boxes horizontally

      -nobeep   This will disable the beep (or sound) when new mail arrives

      -new      This will only show new (unread) messages in each mailbox.
                It has no effect on news groups.

      -names    Will display the full pathname of all the mailboxes it is

                Will display the file names of all the mailboxes it is

      -bc       Enables backward compatibility.  This will mean that the
                popup headers don't function like "menus" for previewing

      X Options Standard X windows options (e.g. -fn, -display, etc.)

      The names and purpose of the some of the following environment
      variables were borrowed from Bash, the GNU Shell.

           This specifies the amount of seconds to wait in between polling
           for mail.

           This is a colon separated list of files to check for mail.

           This is a colon separated list of newsgroups to monitor.

      The application class is XMultibiff.  Almost all the arguments above
      can be set in the X resource database, allowing for one-time
      configuration and eliminating long command lines.  The two environment
      variables described above take precedence over any X resources that
      are specified.  Also, any command line arguments take precedence over

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      both X resources and environment variables.

      The following resources are settable on a per-box basis.  When set
      with wildcards (for example, XMultibiff*new: TRUE) it will have the
      same effect as using the equivalent command line option (-new, in this

      new       Set to TRUE or FALSE.  This will cause only unread messages
                in the specified mailbox to be counted.

      nobeep    Set to TRUE or FALSE.  This will cause the specified box to
                not beep when new things arrive.

      name      Set to TRUE or FALSE.  This will cause the specified box to
                be prefaced with a name.

      shortname Set to TRUE or FALSE.  This will cause the specified box to
                be prefaced with a full path name.

      audiofile Set to the path of a sun audio file.  This will cause the
                specified box to play the specified audio file when new
                things arrive.

      polltime  Set to the time (in seconds) in between polling the box.

                Set to the time (in seconds) to display the header when new
                things arrive.

      last      Set to the maximum number of messages that will pop up in
                the header window when new things arrive.

      command   Specifies a UNIX shell command to be executed by sh when the
                middle mouse button is pushed in a box.  Take care to escape
                characters correctly especially in the .Xdefaults file.

      The following resources are settable for each box, but they
      don't have command line equivalents:

      title     Set the name of the specified box.  This allows for
                customization of the names of the boxes.  For example:
                XMultibiff*box1.title:   foo This will set the box label to
                be "foo: <#messages>".

      The following resources are settable on a per application basis:

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      horiz     Set to TRUE or FALSE.  Same as the -horiz option.

      bc        Set to TRUE or FALSE.  Same as the -bc option.

      mailboxes Set to a colon separated list of mailboxes (files).  This is
                the same as specifying files on the command line.

      newsboxes Set to a colon separated list of news groups.  This is the
                same as specifying files on the command line.

      The following examples demonstrate how to configure xmultibiff to do
      the same thing from both the command-line and X resources.  Although,
      for maximum flexibility on a per-box basis, I suggest customizing your
      X resources in your .Xdefaults file, making sure to execute % xrdb
      -load ~/.Xdefaults after each modification, and then restarting

      The following example will watch 2 mailboxes in a home directory:
           % xmultibiff -mail ~/box1 ~/box2 &

           XMultibiff*mailboxes:    <home dir>/box1:<home dir>/box2 &

      Note: make sure to always specify an absolute pathname!

      The following example will watch a mailbox and a newsgroup:
           % xmultibiff -mail /usr/spool/mail/you -news &

           XMultibiff*mailboxes:    /usr/spool/mail/you

      For more detailed examples and instructions on how to specify
      different fonts for different boxes, titles for different boxes, and
      more customization than you could ever dream of, look in the
      "Examples" directory of this distribution.

      Thanks to Bob Shaw for pointing out some bugs
           and feeding me many good ideas.
      Thanks to Mike Fleishner for designing such a
           cool xmultibiff icon.
      Thanks to Bill Pemberton for sending me his
           improvements (called "xbuffy") on parsing mail boxes (from Elm
           code) that allows the "new" option so that only new mail messages
           will be shown.
      Thanks to Gregory Gulik for allowing me to use
           the code he developed (nntplist.c) to provide the feature that

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           watches news groups via NNTP.
      Thanks to Michael Kinstrey for adding the "command"
      Thanks to Daryl Sayers and Jan Akalla for porting
           to SCO and SYSV.
      Thanks to Art Mellor for the original function to count the
      Thanks to the GNU Project for the function to parse the
           MAILPATH environment variable (from Bash).
      Thanks to the authors of xpbiff which gave me most
           of the original code to extract the From and Subject lines from
           mail messages.

      The -au option cats a file to /dev/audio.  This is a dangerous way to
      do it.  If someone wants to improve this, please do.

      This is really a bizarre thing that will happen with X resources and
      not a bug, per se.  Because the X resource file is passed through a
      pre-processor, there are symbols defined that may interfere with
      certain newsgroup names.  For example, on a Sun, If I define:

      XMultibiff*newsboxes:    alt.sys.sun.admin

      It will parse to alt.sys.1.admin because "sun" is #define'd to be "1"
      in the pre-processor.  This will result in the error:

      411 No such group

      You can get around this by doing "xrdb -Usun -load ~/.Xdefaults

      John Reardon, Midnight Networks Inc.,

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