packages icon
To compile, just type make.  Non-Linux systems will probably need to change
the CFLAGS and LIBS.

You can edit the file defaults.h to change some of the defaults to suit you
better.  For instance, if you don't like (or don't have) the default font, you
can change it in the defaults.h file rather than putting an awkward font name
on the command line every time.  If you get some error about font not found,
you don't have the right font.  The default fonts are at the end of the
defaults.h file, you can just change them to a font you do have.

Use -help to get a summary of the options.  Most do the same thing as the
options in xbiff.  Options for features not present in xbiff are:

For news and updates, visit the XLassie home page at:


Specify a command to run when new mail is received.  If you have a %d in the
command, it will get replaced with the number of new messages.  Remember to
put quotes around the command if it's longer than one word.  If you want the
command to run the background, put a '&' at the end.  Some examples:

Play an mp3 file when new mail comes in:
    xlassie -mailcommand "mpg123 newmail.mp3"

Download mail from a pop/imap server:
    xlassie -pop3 -mailcommand "fetchmail"

Speak the number of new messages with IBM's ViaVoice TTS for Linux:
    xlassie -mailcommand "cmdlinespeak You have %d new messages"


        -kde				-nokde
	-wmaker				-nowmaker

New in xlassie 1.5 is the ability to detect KDE or WindowMaker running, and do
some special stuff to get swallowed into the desktop's dock/taskbar.  This is
normally automatic.  You can disable a certain mode with -nokde or -nowmaker,
or force the mode to be on with -kde or -wmaker.  In KDE mode a smaller
default font is used (KDEFONT in defaults.h) so it will fit inside the small
spot in the task bar.  If you set the background color to the same color as
your KDE dock, it looks a bit nicer.  For WindowMaker a larger font is used
(WMFONT) and shape mode is turned on, to look best inside a normal sized
WindowMaker dock square.  Xlassie 1.6 will work with KDE2 as well as KDE1. 
Note that the -kde option isn't going to do anything for you, if KDE isn't
autodetected, then it's not going to work either, forcing kde mode will just
crash.  On the other hand, the -nokde option is useful if you don't want to
dock the window in the panel.



Lets you specify a command to be executed when the window is clicked on.  The
default command is specified in defaults.h.  You should inclose the command in
quotes if it's longer than one word.  You will also probably want to stick an
& on the end so the command runs in the background.  Example usage:

xlassie -command "xterm -e pine &"
xlassie -command "fetchpop -r &"


	-pop3 <server>            or         -apop3 <server>
	                          or         -imap <server>
	-password <password>
	-username <username>

These three options all go together for querying a POP3 or IMAP mailbox for
new mail.  The -pop3 option turns on POP3 mode and takes the name of the pop
server as an argument.  The -imap options works the same way, but will query
an IMAP server.  The -username lets you specify the username on the POP
server.  The name will default to the same name as you have locally. 
-password lets you specify the password to use on the POP/IMAP server.  When
xlassie runs it will write over the password in the argument lists, so someone
doing a "ps" won't see your password.  Example:

xlassie -password foobar -pop3

The output of ps might look like this:

 1132  p0 S    0:00 xlassie -password        -pop3
 1134  p1 R    0:00 ps 

***** NEW OPTION *******
* The -apop3 option is just like the -pop3 option, except it uses a different
* method of querying for new mail.  The default method doesn't work on some
* pop servers.  If, instead of the number of NEW message, xlassie displays the
* total number of messages (old + new), then you have one of these pop
* servers.  The -apop3 method should work on these servers.  However, this
* method uses more more bandwidth to the pop server, since it needs to
* download the message headers to figure out if you have read them or not.

If you want to start xlassie from your .xinitrc or some other script, but
don't want to put your password in it, there is an ask option.  This is also
good if you don't want to have a command with your password in the
.bash_history file.  Tell xlassie your password is 'ask', like this:

xlassie -password ask -pop3

and you will get a prompt and can type in your password.  You can send
the password to xlassie via a pipe.  For example:

ssh-askpass "POP Password" | xlassie -password ask ....
xlassie -password ask .... < ~/.secret_password_file

If your name on your machine is not the same as the name on the pop3 server,
use the username option:

xlassie -pop3 mailserver -password abcd -username bob123



Works with the POP3/IMAP feature.  Normally, when XLassie can't access the
POP3 server for some reason, it will exit with an error message.  In offline
mode, it will not exit, but instead display an "X" as the number of messages. 
This way, you can leave XLassie running while your PPP link is down.  It also
serves as a useful way to tell you if you are connected to the Internet or



The default is for xlassie to poll a local mail spool file for new mail every
5 seconds and a POP3 server every 60 seconds.  You can change these defaults
in the defaults.h file.  The update option lets to specify the interval on the
command line.

xlassie -update 1                                # I need to know now!
xlassie -pop3 foo -password bar -update 300      # every 5 minutes


Note for using multiple xlassies with FvwmButtons:

If you have multiple xlassie's being swallowed by fvwmbuttons or some other
program, you will have a hard time getting each button to swallow the correct
instance of xlassie, since they all have the same name.  To fix this, use the
-name option.

For example:

*FvwmButtons(Swallow xlassie1 "Exec xlassie -name xlassie1" \
             Title Local)
*FvwmButtons(Swallow xlassie2 "Exec xlassie -name xlassie2 -pop3 blah blah" \
             Title Remote)

This will make two buttons, one called Local will have an xlassie that checks
your local mail spool file, the other called Remote will check on a pop3
server.  Each button will have the correct xlassie in them.