Welcome to Qpopper, a POP3 server UNIX/Linux -------------------------------------------- What is Qpopper? ---------------- Qpopper supports the widely used POP3 protocol for downloading Internet e-mail used by many popular e-mail clients. Qpopper does not include a message transfer agent or SMTP support and normally works with standard UNIX mail transfer agents such as sendmail or smail. Installing and documentation ---------------------------- The Qpopper Administrator's Guide is a comprehensive document with installation and configuration information. Please visit <http://www.eudora.com/qpopper/> for a copy. If you want to get started quickly, usually you can type "configure" to generate the Makefile for your platform, and then type "make". Detailed documentation is available the doc directory. In particular the file doc/Release.Notes describes the changes from one version to the next. Finding out more about Qpopper ----------------------------- Please visit the Qpopper web site for more information: <http://www.eudora.com/qpopper/>. Qualcomm operates a mailing list for official announcements regarding Qpopper. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the body of an email message to <qpopper-announce-request@rohan.qualcomm.com>. An unofficial public discussion mailing list exists for Qpopper users. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" (without the quotes) as the body of an email message to <qpopper-request@lists.pensive.org>. Note that announcements are sent to both lists, so you only need to subscribe to one. Other QUALCOMM e-mail products ------------------------------ The Eudora Division of QUALCOMM has several e-mail products, some for free and others that are sold. These include the Eudora e-mail client for Windows and Macintosh; and the Eudora Internet Mail Server (EIMS) for the Macintosh and the WorldMail server for Windows NT, which implement the POP, IMAP, SMTP, LDAP and Ph protocols. You can find out more about these products by writing e-mail to eudora-rep@eudora.com or by visiting the Eudora web site at <http://www.eudora.com>.