packages icon
#			  asmail  -  Afterstep Mail			#
#			       VERSION 0.54				#
#			        3 Nov 1996 				#
#						     			#


Per Liden (
Jon Leffert <>
Martin Domig <>

	Asmail is a "mail-checker" like xbiff, but with the Afterstep
	look & feel. It indicates the status of your mailbox.
	It can be put in the Wharf, execute program on incoming mail,
	execute program on mouseclick, show animations and more...		

	0) See the INSTALL file.
	1) You may have to copy "sample.asmailrc" to "~/.asmailrc" and edit
	   that file so that it fits your system. Read the man page for more
	   information about configuration.
	2) Type `asmail` to rock.
	3) If you use AfterStep, you should add a line like this to your wharf:
	       *Wharf asmail - Swallow "asmail" asmail -geometry +0+0 &

	(by Martin Domig <>)
		- IMAP should work now for most servers.
		- An option to give the mailbox name for IMAP mailboxes
		  has been added.
	(by Martin Domig <>)
		- Support for IMAP type 2 added.
		- Some changes in the default configurationfile
		- Minor bugfixes
	(by D. J. Hawkey Jr. <>)
		- Unreleased version 0.52.1
		- Added setting of min and max size hints, ignore size in an
		  user-specified geometry spec.
		- Added color closeness attributes for all pixmaps.
		- Added WM_DELETE_WINDOW client message.
		- Added StructureNotify event handler to avoid animating
		  while iconified.
		- The new-mail checker now acts on counts that are less than
		  the last check.
		- Minor tweaks to redefine "new mail" to "unread mail".
		- Renamed the functions in socklib.[ch] and pop.h to avoid
		  clashes with vendor-supplied standard libraries.
		- Added the mail counts to the icon name.
		- Honor zero-value animation speeds.
		- Handle comments within NoMail/OldMail/NewMail and End.
		- Implemented NumOfMsgColor.
		- Load default pixmaps only if required.
		- Center animations of any size in an unshaped (64x64) window.
		- A new pixmap file for an unshaped (64x64) tile, and new icon
		  pixmap files to suit. New greyscale pixmap files, too.
		- Added Makefile.QNX, in the autoconf directory, because the
		  configure script broke (those things often do).
	9-Mar-99 (by MoGul <>)
		- Version 0.52
		- Added option to "pop" your email directly without having to
		  use an other program (i.e. popclient, get_mail, ...). 
		- NumOfMsgMode, NumOfMsgPosition and NumOfMsgFont can now be
		  used with multiple mailboxes (hi Blinder!).
		- Version 0.50
		- Added options NumOfMsgMode, NumOfMsgPosition and NumOfMsgFont,
		  with this options you can get asmail to display the number of
		  messages and/or new messages in the mailbox. This option can
		  not be used if you monitor more then one mailfile.	
		- Added option ExecuteOnUpdate, this option is useful if you
		  want to "pop" your mail from a mailserver. Asmail will
		  execute a specified program (i.e. popclient, get_mail, ...)
                  just before every update of the mailbox status.
		- Added option for multiple mailboxes, thanks to 
		  Christopher Seawood (
		- Some changes made to the Imakefile
		- Added, a nice little sample

		- Version 0.41
		- Added optino LockShape, use this option if all icons have the 
		  same shape and size, this will save some CPU time if you are 
		  using animations
		- TimeStampMode modified, now hopfully works better, thanks to 
		  Steve Martin (
		- Fixed "MailFile" bug
		- Added two sample animations to the package
		- Version 0.40
		- Options are now set in a configuration file (~/.asmailrc)
		  instead of the command-line, with the exception of the
		  default X options.  Read the man page for more info about the
                  configuration file
		- Xpm icons are now optional, through the config file
		- Added support for animations. NOTE: If you want to save CPU
		  time do not use animations or use slow animationspeed. Using
                  the option NoShape also saves some CPU time on animations
		- Added option "AlwaysNewMailExecute",
		  "execute-when-new-mail-is-found" will be invoked even if the
                  current status is "New Mail". If this option 
		  is removed it will only be invoked if the current status is
                  "No Mail" or "Old Mail"
		- Added option "TimeStampMode", this option is useful if you
		  are using utilities like procmail. Asmail will change status
		  from "No Mail" to "New Mail" when the time-stamp of the last
		  modification of the mailfile is changed
		- Asmail no longer shows an icon when iconified. Why? Well,
		  asmail is not often used iconified and removing the icon
                  saves CPU time when using animations.

		- Version 0.34	
		- Added support for default X options on the command-line 
		  (i.e. -display, -geometry, -title ...) 
		- Added option -beep, signal when new mail is found
		- New event handling structure (again!), saves some CPU time
		- Asmail now locks better when the window is iconified
		- Misc. code clean up		

		- Version 0.33
		- Execute program when new mail is found now works as it should

		- Version 0.32
		- New event handling structure, thanks to Stephan K. Zitz
		  ( this solved the exit bug and the
                  "startup-redraw" bug
		- $MAIL can now set the default mailfile, option -m no longer
		  neede, but can be uesed to override $MAIL		
		- Right mousebutton click resets the mailbox
		- Version 0.31
		- Added better mailbox handling, 
		  with help from Gyula Matics ( 
		- Adder option for update frequency

		- First official release, Version 0.3
		- Added program execution on incoming mail

		- Version 0.2
		- Added support for shaped window
		- Version 0.1

	This program is Copyright (c) 1996 by Per Liden.
	See LICENSE file for more informations.

	Stephan K. Zitz (
	Gyula Matics (
	Steve Martin (
	Christopher Seawood (
	MoGul (
	D. J. Hawkey Jr. (