GETMAIL(1) GETMAIL(1) NAME getmail - A mail filter that either queues requests or deposits mail SYNOPSIS getmail [-b directory] [-d] [-f address] [-i file] [-m size] [-o mailbox] [-p [hostname:]port] [-q] [-t] DESCRIPTION Getmail is a mail filter that will add a request to a queue, deposit mail in your mailbox, or both in the case of an error. Then the daemon's forward and outgoing will respectively be signaled for forwarding your e-mail or processing the queue. If your daemon crashed then getmail will attempt to restart it. OPTIONS Getmail accepts the following options which override the defaults. -b directory This tells getmail where to search for files. If this option is not included, all mail will be treated as private e-mail. -d Tells getmail to run in debug mode. All errors are sent to stderr, and all messages to stdout. Without this option or the -l option, both these streams are closed. -f address Forwards private e-mail to another address. If the HOP count for the whole mailbox is exceeded, the daemon exits. -i file This causes getmail to readin the a file instead of expecting a pipe. This is used with the -q option for term forwarding. -m size[bk] This is the maximum size a file can get and still be transfered as ascii text. If you want all ascii, set to 1024k , for all binary set to 0b. -o file This specifies a mailbox for output instead of the default MAILBOX. -p [hostname:]port A SMTP port # with an optional hostname for forwarding mail. (Not compatable with the -t option.) -q Tells getmail to quote the mail exactly. Normally a couple of minor changes are needed to before placing the mail in the mailbox. However, in the case of manual forwarding, these changes have already been made... - 1 - Formatted: January 2, 2025 GETMAIL(1) GETMAIL(1) -t Use term to forward mail. The commands tupload ... and trsh -s getmail ... are used to tranfere e-mail. This option only has an effect if getmail restarts one of daemons after an unexpected death. SUBJECT LINE The subject line will determine what information the user is sent. If none of these subjects is present, then the BCR Mail Handler will try to parce the subject as a list of filenames. The following subject lines are recognized. My mail handler attempts to correct common errors, if the subject still isn't recognized your message is placed in your mailbox. The following are command subjects: ascii don't use uuencode and gzip binary use uuencode and gzip silent silently forwards your message to you bugs SAME AS silent re: SAME AS silent (i.e. You recieve replies...) Subject: Xconfig-file 1 2 3 Unix Faq Faq-gcc translation <basedir>/xconfig/file/1 <basedir>/xconfig/file/2 <basedir>/xconfig/file/3 <basedir>/unix/faq/.default <basedir>/faq/gcc EXAMPLE .forward ENTRIES ``|/c/bcr/bin/getmail -b /opt/ftp/pub/Linux -f'' This mails files from /opt/ftp/pub/Linux and forwards private e-mail to ``|/c/bcr/bin/getmail -t'' This forwards all e-mail via term. Getmail should exist on both machines. FILES ~/Mail/getmail.log This will be a log of any getmail errors. ~/Mail/queue.deny This is a list of users who won't be allowed to submit file requests. The first time getmail runs, this file will - 2 - Formatted: January 2, 2025 GETMAIL(1) GETMAIL(1) automatically be generated. Afterwards, you may add as many users as you want. You want to list anyone you don't want to automatically reply to. This should include any mail lists such as linux-activists you subscribe to. ~/Mail/queue.allow If this file exists, anyone not listed in this file will be denied access to the file request queue. ~/Mail/queue This is a queue of files requested. Use "daemon -o" to process these requests. ~/Mail/form-letter This letter will be sent when a persons subject isn't recognized. ~/Mail/ This file contains the process id of the "receive" daemon. ~/Mail/ This file contains the process id of the "outgoing" daemon. .default If a person requests a directory name instead of a file, getmail will check for a .default file in that directory to send. Normally this should be an index or a readme file. BUGS Often HP-UX reports NO SUCH PROCESS when getmail attempts to signal the daemon. In this case the old daemon is killed and a new one is started to process the request. This can be a problem if you specified different forwarding options for daemon than specified for getmail. AUTHOR Bill C. Riemers, - 3 - Formatted: January 2, 2025