packages icon
xgetftp v2.0

I. Author:

   Salim Alam
   University of Colorado, Boulder

   (NOTE: I will be graduating soon and will be probably be unable to work
    on updating xgetftp after this version.  Please do not send me email
    regarding xgetftp at the above address after May 3rd, 1993, unless it
    is a bug report for a serious bug. Thanks. -Salim)


II. Distribution Policy:

   This program is copyright Salim Alam, 1993.  It is freely distributable
   under the GNU Software License.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program (see file "COPYING"); if not, write to the
   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,


III. Building and Installing xgetftp:

   a. Edit the file "config.h" to your satisfaction.
   b. Type "xmkmf -a" to build the makefile.  If this doesnt work for
      some reason, you can try and use the Makefile included, called 
   c. Type "make" to build the program.
   d. Type "make install" to install it.
   e. Type "make" to install the man page.
   f. Type "make clean" to clean up.


IV. Running xgetftp:

Because of the persistent cache, xgetftp is in some ways unusual.
Please MAKE SURE that you carefully read the man page, especially the 
parts pertaining to the cache.

When first starting xgetftp, you will get a warning saying that the
".xgetftprc" file was not found.  To create this file, simply select
"Set Preferences" from the File menu and click on "Save".

When first starting xgetftp, if your window doesn't come up correctly sized,
add the following line to your .Xresources file:
   Xgetftp*geometry:	800x600
(This problem seems to occur on SGI machines.)


V. Acknowledgments:

The following people helped beta-test this program.  Also, the Imakefile
and formatting of the man page were done by Rob.  Thanks guys!

Robert G Henderson	<>
Christopher Joslyn	<joslyn@spot.Colorado.EDU>
Rich Neves		<>

The code to view compressed files was provided by:
Peter Brandstrom	<>
and the patch to add handling of IP numbers was contributed by:
Mr A Lunn 		<>

I would also like to thank all the people on the net who sent suggestions
and initial bug reports.  There are too many to list by name.
