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 XGETFTP(1)                                                       XGETFTP(1)

      xgetftp - an X-based tool for browsing and retrieving files from ftp

      xgetftp [ -q ] [ hostname ]

      xgetftp is a sophisticated browsing and file retrieval tool for ftp.
      It has an X-window user-interface based on the Motif widget set.
      Available features include caching of directories, simple
      file/directory retrieval, remote text file viewing, caching of viewed
      files, and re-use of previously cached files and directories, and also
      a simple interface to Archie.

      -q   This is the "quiet" flag, which will disable the printing of
           responses from the ftp server to standard output.

           If a hostname is given at startup, the program will attempt to
           connect to that host using the anonymous login.

      The user interface is organized as follows:

      Main Window
           Pops up after program is started, and contains the entire user

      File List Window
           Holds a list of all items in a given directory on the remote
           host.  The user can manipulate the files and directories in this
           window by either single-clicking or double-clicking on a file or
           directory.  A double click on a directory will move the user
           'into' that directory and the contents will be displayed in the
           File List Window.  A single-click selects the file or directory
           for further action (see below).  Multiple files and/or
           directories may be selected by dragging with the mouse.

      Current Directory Name
           Holds complete pathname of current remote directory.

      Status Line
           Located at the very bottom of the main window, this tells the
           user what host is currently connected to, what file is being
           retrieved, and when the retrieval is complete.  Information about
           deletion and saving of caches is also given on the status line.

      Command Buttons
           For performing actions on selected items (see below).

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      Mode Buttons
           For selecting Ascii/Binary mode.  Simply clicking on one of the
           buttons selects the appropriate mode.  The default mode is

           For other interaction (see below).

      There are three command buttons, located below the menu:

           The user can view a selected remote file in a separate window.
           Viewed files may be cached, if caching is turned on (the
           default).  Files will be cached in a directory called the "cache
           root" -- this is normally the directory $HOME/.xgetftpcachedir .
           However, the user may specify an alternative directory using the
           environment variable $XGETFTPCACHEDIR.  Within the cache root
           directory, each host has its own directory, which has the same
           name as the complete host address -- this is known as the "host
           cache root".  All the cache information for a host will be stored
           it's cache root.  The cache directory will be created
           automatically when needed.

           When the "view" command is given, a separate child window will
           pop up and the contents of the file will be displayed in it.  The
           user can navigate through the contents by using the scroll bar.
           Pressing the "Done" button will close the view window.

           Note that if the file to be viewed has a ".Z" prefix, it will be
           uncompressed within the cache and the uncompressed version will
           be shown.

           All the selected files and directories will be retrieved from the
           remote host and stored in the "Destination Directory".  The
           Destination Directory is the user's current working directory by

      Cd Up
           This moves the user up the remote directory hierarchy.

      File Menu
           About xgetftp...
           Gives some information about the program.

           Set Preferences...
           Allows the user to set and save preferences.  Preferences may be
           saved, and are stored in the file $HOME/.xgetftp.

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           The user preferences are:
           Cache View - Whether to cache remote files viewed
           Reuse View - Whether to reuse previously cached/viewed files
           Reuse Dir - Whether to reuse previously cached directory
           Autosave Dir - Whether to save directory information upon
           disconnection or exit
           Confirm - Confirm cache reuse

           Exits the program.

      Ftp Menu
           Open Connection...
           Closes the current connection and pops up a window to prompt the
           user for a hostname, username and password.  If the "autosave
           dir" preference is set, the directory cache for the current
           connection will be saved before the connection is closed.

           In the Open Connection window, the username is initially set to
           "anonymous", in which case the password entry is ignored.  If
           anonymous connection is not wanted, then a username and password
           must be typed in.  Note that nothing will be shown in the
           password entry window when typing in the password.  Also note
           that the hostname, username and password fields will be retained
           through multiple Opens in the same session, but will not be
           retained across sessions. Also, whenever the password entry
           window receives the "focus", the current password will be deleted
           and a fresh password will need to be typed in.

           After all the information has been typed in, click on the Connect
           button to start the connection.

           A connection will be attempted to the new host, and upon success
           the root directory will be displayed in the File List Window.  At
           this point, if the Confirm Cache preference is set, and a
           directory cache for the host exists and is being used, an
           informational window will pop up and will display the time the
           cache was last modified.  This allows the user to determine
           whether the possibility that the cache might be stale.

           Close Connection...
           Closes the connection to the current host. If the "autosave dir"
           preference is set, the directory cache for the host will be saved
           before the connection is closed.

           Set Directory...
           Sets the destination directory for retrieved files.  The default
           is the user's current working directory.

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      Cache Menu
           Purge Dir Cache
           Deletes the previously saved directory information (if any) about
           the host currently connected to.  After the info is deleted, the
           ftp server is queried for its root level directory listing and
           the user is moved to the root level.

           This function should be executed if the user believes the cache
           to be stale.  If xgetftp starts doing wierd things like showing
           blank lines in the directory listing or if double-clicking a
           directory doesn't work, then it is very likely that there have
           been major changes to the ftp server structure and the cache is
           out of date.

           The user can also use the cache creation time in Cache
           information window to help determine if the cache is stale and
           should be replaced.  Generally, a cache that is more that a week
           or two old should be deleted.

           Purge View Cache
           Deletes the viewed file hierarchy for the host currently
           connected to.

           Save Dir Cache
           Saves all known directory information about the host currently
           connected to.  The directory information is stored in the host's
           root cache directory in a file called "DIRCACHE".

      Archie Menu
           Search for a file using Archie.  A new child window will pop up,
           which will have three main areas : the search string area, a
           "Find" action button, and a large text view area.  The user
           should select the search string area, type in the string to be
           searched for, and then select the "Find" button.  After a brief
           delay (which will depend on the archie server), any information
           found will be displayed in the text view area.  The user may
           scroll through the text view area by using the scroll-bars.

      $HOME/.xgetftprc    This is the file that stores the user preferences.
      $XGETFTPCACHEDIR/*  This directory (if specified) holds all the cache
                          This is the default directory for the cache


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      xgetftp will print messages to stderr if compiled with the DEBUG flag

      Symbolic links on the remote host will not be handled.  Trying to
      retrieve or traverse a symbolic link will result in a warning bell.

      Some ftp servers do not return a standard "ls -l" output when given
      the DIR command.  xgetftp cannot parse a non-standard output and will
      not function properly.

      Salim Alam
      University of Colorado, Boulder

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