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Working on different Maschines with different accounts, I had to move lots
of files between them.  It took a lot of time to use ftp again and again.
So I decided to write this nice little program which facilitates this task.  

Consider a host where you want to put some files from another host to.  All
you have to do is:
  1) Start the program (Server part) with a portnumber of your choice
     (portnumbers between 1025 and 32767 are always legal unless they are
     in use--then simply choose another portnumber):

      pftp 1234

  2) Now start the program (Client part) on that host where you want to
     send files from.  You have to choose the same portnumber as is chosen
     with the server part of the program at the destination host.  So in
     our example this is '1234'.  Then enter the name of the host which
     will receive the files, and finaly the files you want to send:

      pftp 1234 destinationhost files


The following lists pftp's return statuses which will be useful when using
pftp within script files.

  Name                   Number    Meaning
  ----                   ------    -------
  PFTP_NO_ERR             0x00     no error occured 
  PFTP_ALLOCATION_ERR     0x01     memory allocation error 
  PFTP_IOCTL_TTY_ERR      0x02     cannot get or set tty modes 
  PFTP_OPEN_RC_ERR        0x03     cannot open pftp resource file 
  PFTP_FGET_STDIN_ERR     0x04     cannot get characters from stdin 
  PFTP_PRINTLIST_ERR      0x05     no host list found in variable 
  PFTP_MCLOPTION_ERR      0x06     misused command line option 
  PFTP_UUSER_ERR          0x07     cannot resolve user name 
  PFTP_CHDIR_ERR          0x08     cannot change directory 
  PFTP_FILE_OPEN_ERR      0x09     unable to open the file 
  PFTP_WRITETODISK_ERR    0x0a     cannot write to disk 
  PFTP_FILTER_ERR         0x0b     filter variable is not set 
  PFTP_NETBUF_ERR         0x0c     netbuf variable is not set 
  PFTP_BANDWIDTH_ERR      0x0d     bandwidth variable is not set 
  PFTP_HOSTNAME_ERR       0x0e     no host name specified 
  PFTP_PORT_ERR           0x0f     missing or illegal a port number 
  PFTP_FORK_ERR           0x10     cannot create a new child process 
  PFTP_NO_ROOT            0x11     missing root privileges 
  PFTP_INVHOST_ERR        0x12     invalid host name specified 
  PFTP_CONNECTION_ERR     0x13     connection was refused by remote host 
  PFTP_NO_DAEMON_ERR      0x14     no daemon is running on remote host 
  PFTP_NO_SERVER_ERR      0x15     no server is running on remote host 
  PFTP_WRITETONET_ERR     0x16     cannot write to net 
  PFTP_NO_ANSWER_ERR      0x17     missing COME ON from remote host 
  PFTP_REMOTE_ERR         0x18     remote host broke connection 
  PFTP_FILE_SEEK_ERR      0x19     error seeking position in file 
  PFTP_SETSOCKOPT_ERR     0x1a     setsockopt error occured 
  PFTP_OPEN_LOG_ERR       0x1b     cannot open log file 
  PFTP_LISTEN_ERR         0x1c     a listen error occured 
  PFTP_ACCEPT_ERR         0x1d     an accept error occured 
  PFTP_INPUT_ERR          0x1e     wrong input from stdin 
  PFTP_PROG_ERR           0x1f     cannot execute external program 
  PFTP_PIPE_ERR           0x20     cannot open pipe to program 
  PFTP_ENVIRON_ERR        0x21     insufficient space in the environment 
  PFTP_NO_TTY_ERR         0x22     cannot write to tty 
  PFTP_SIGNALMASK_ERR     0x23     error setting the signal mask 
  PFTP_SIGACTION_ERR      0x24     error performing signal action 
  PFTP_RES_HOST_ERR       0x25     error resolving remote host name 
  PFTP_UHOST_ERR          0x26     unknown host name 
  PFTP_SOCKET_ERR         0x27     cannot create socket 
  PFTP_MULTICAST_ERR      0x28     cannot join multicast group 
  PFTP_INTERFACE_ERR      0x29     cannot use interface 
  PFTP_BIND_ERR           0x2a     cannot bind name to socket 
  PFTP_RECEIVE_ERR        0x2b     error receiving data 
  PFTP_OUTPUT_ERR         0x2c     cannot write to stdout 
  PFTP_READ_DISK_ERR      0x2d     cannot read open file 
  PFTP_DIR_OPEN_ERR       0x2e     unable to open the directory 
  PFTP_UPLOADDIR_ERR      0x2f     upload directory variable is not set 
  PFTP_PFM_ERR            0x30     there's another pfm running 
  PFTP_NEW_DATA           0x31     there's new data in the upload directory 
  PFTP_RESPONSE_ERR       0x32     the server doesn't respond after sending 
  PFTP_TIMEOUT_ERR        0x33     connection timed out 

Version 0.4.X

   1) '-r' send/receive directories recursively

   2) '-' send/receive standard input

Version 0.5.X

   1) `-a' always overwrite existing files

   2) `-s' always skip existing files

   3) `PFTPLOG' environment variable 

   4) `.pftprc' resource file containing default host names

Version 0.6.X

   1) `-c host_names' accept specified clients only

   2) `-f' use filter specified by PFTPCFILTER resp. PFTPSFILTER

   3) `PFTPCLIENTS' environment variable 

   4) `-oN' send file beginning at N bytes from file

Version 0.7.X

   1) pftp may receive more than one file at once

   2) support for POSIX Threads if libraries are avaible

   3) manually buffered standard input

   4) environment variables may be specified in the resource file

   5) `-b' buffered stdin/stdout

   6) `-B' same as `-b32767'

   7) `-q' run silently

   8) `PFTPSLOG' environment variable for `-q'

Version 0.8.X

   1) `-i' server started by inetd

   2) `-d' daemon started by user or root
   3) PFTPNOROOT environment variable to allow root if set to 0

   4) PFTPASS holds alternativ password

   5) `-e' create a normal password with crypt()

   6) `-n' send data to a friend if daemon or inetd server is present

   7) PFTPRECEIVE holds the absolute path of the upload directory

   8) PFTPUPLIMIT maximum amount of kilo bytes in `PFTPRECEIVE'

   10) internal pager for the simple file and directory manager

   11) PFTPEDITOR holds the name of an external editor

   12) PFTPAGER holds the name of an external pager

   13) PFTPSORTBY determines sorting within the pfm

   14) `-N' to peek for new data

   15) PFTPBANDWID bandwidth in bytes per second (`-w')

   16) Host names may look like this user@hostname

   17) Read file names from standard input

Version 0.9.X

   1) Do not follow symbolic links with option `-L'

   Some options changed! See `pftp -h' or rtfm.

   2) `-Q' used by the not existing pftp front end.

   3) `-x' exit after first connection.

   4) `-p' send all received data to stdout.

   5) `-T' tcp based net performance test.

   6) `-P' set datagram priority (IPv6)

   7) `-v' output more information

   8) `-o' allow only one connection at a time.

   9) `-u' transfer data using UDP (for AUDIO and VIDEO streams).

   10) `-s' UDP: display received bytes.

   11) `-m' for multicasting

   12) `-mg' for multicast group

   13) `-mi' for multicast interface

   14) `-ml' for multicast loop back

   15) `-mt' for multicast time to live

Version 1.0.X

   1) `-ANUM' specify the number of clients accepted at once.

   2) `-F' Determine MPEG AUDIO bitrate.

   3) PFTPAUSER holds alias names for login names.

   4) `-D=DIR' change to directory DIR before receiving data.

   5) PFTPIUPDATE interval between pfm's main menu update.

   6) Introduced host specific variable setting.

   7) PFTPCFVAR and PFTPSFVAR are variables for the filter.

Version 1.1.X

   1) `-nl' starts host name list followed by the pfm.

   2) `-N[NUM]' peek for new data in host specific upload directories.

   3) interactive help for the internal pager.

   4) PFTPRENAME automatically rename new files if they exist.

   5) `-R' command line option for PFTPRENAME.

   6) PFTPSINFO client/server: always send and set file information.

   7) `-I' command line option for PFTPSINFO.

   8) PFTPAINFO daemon: accept setting file and directory information.

   9) `-G' sets optimized values for Gigabit Ethernet links.

   10) PFTPGIGASTR set a different string size for `-G'.

   11) PFTPGIGANET set a different net buffer size for `-G'.

Please peruse the manual page for further information!

--> Every comment via e-mail will be appreciated!

Author: Ben Schluricke

This program is dedicated to my girl-friend, Heather O'Rourke.