packages icon

                  LLNL XDIR Version 1.0,  January 23, 1995

    **************************  ABOUT LLNL XDIR  *************************

    LLNL XDIR, an OSF/Motif-based FTP client, provides a graphical user
    interface for file transfer and direct manipulation of directories on
    local and remote file systems.  LLNL XDIR simultaneously displays any
    number of directories of any number of hosts, with each directory
    being displayed in its own window.  Several existing products are able
    to manage files on a single system, but LLNL XDIR extends this
    capability to manage files on an entire network.

    LLNL XDIR offers the ability to view directory information in four
    in four different formats, ranging from long lists to tree structures.
    The program can be used to browse directory structures, transfer files
    and directories, view local and remote files, delete files and
    directories, rename files and directories, and search directories on
    one or more hosts for entries matching a specified pattern.

    LLNL XDIR is a component of the Intelligent Archive, which is currently
    under development at LLNL.

    LLNL XDIR was written by Neale Smith of the Lawrence Livermore National
    Laboratory, which is operated by the University of California.

    ************************  BUILDING LLNL XDIR  ************************

    LLNL XDIR has been successfully built on the following platforms:

          Computer            System                         Motif
          --------            ------                         -----
          SPARCstation        Sun OS 4.1.3                   1.2.1
          DECsystem 5830      ULTRIX V4.3 (Rev. 44)          1.2.1
          SGI                 IRIX 5.2                       1.2.3
          SGI                 IRIX 4.0.5                     1.1.?
          IBM RS6000          IBM AIX 3.2                    1.2.2
          HP9000/735          HP-UX A.09.01                  1.2.0
          Cray YMP            UNICOS                 1.2.1
          DEC 4000/710        DEC OSF/1 V3.0 (Rev. 347)      1.2.3
          Sun 4/390           Solaris 2.3                    1.2.2
          Meiko               Solaris 2.1                    1.2.1
          Intel               System V R4.0.3                1.2.?
          Convex              Convex OS 10.1                 1.?
          i486-66             Sunsoft Interactive Unix 4.0   ?
          i486/33             BSD/OS 1.1                     1.2.3

    Perform the following steps to build LLNL XDIR:

    1. Enter the "sources" directory and type "xmkmf" to create "Makefile"
       from "Imakefile".  If you are unable to get this to work, use the
       backup makefile, "Makefile.alt", by uncommenting (and possibly
       editing) the section which seems most promising for your platform.

    2. Type "make" to build the executable "xdir".

    3. Type "make install" to install the executable and the application
       defaults file.

    4. Type "make" to install the man page.

    IMPORTANT: Bugs in versions of Motif earlier than 1.1.4 can cause
               LLNL XDIR to  work incorrectly.

    ********************  Application Defaults File  *********************

    It is usually not necessary to use an application defaults file with
    LLNL XDIR (since LLNL XDIR contains built-in fallback values).  You may
    wish to use an application defaults file with LLNL XDIR if you want to
    customize certain widget attributes such as fonts or colors.

    The application defaults file is named "XDir".  (A symbolic link to
    XDir is in the "sources" subdirectory.)  Make sure that XDir is in
    the search path of one of the X application defaults file environment
    Consult the usual X documentation on how to set and use these environment

    ***************************  Limitations  ****************************
    Here are some things to watch out for:

      (1) LLNL XDIR might not work with some old X servers.  For example,
          some older OpenWindows servers might dump core.  MacX fans should
          use nothing older than version 1.1.7b.

      (2) Old, buggy versions of Motif can cause weirdness.

      (3) LLNL XDIR might not work correctly with some non-Unix FTP servers
          (If you can give us temporary access to such a server, we might
          be able to fix the problem.)

      (4) Out-of-spec FTP servers can cause untold grief.  (Most Unix-based
          servers work correctly.)

      (5) Third-party file transfers will not work unless at least one of
          the remote FTP servers supports the PASV (passive) command.

    *****************************  Support  ******************************

    Because our resources are limited, we will not be able to give you
    individual assistance in building and using LLNL XDIR.  However, your
    comments, suggestions and bug reports are valuable in helping us
    determine how to best direct our efforts.  Our email address is


    *************************  Acknowledgements  *************************

    Thanks to members of LLNL's Intelligent Archive Project for their
    suggestions and encouragement.

    Special thanks to Jeff Long, LLNL XDIR's primary alpha tester, for his
    valuable suggestions.

    *******************  Possible Future Enhancements  *******************

    Some enhancements being considered for future versions of LLNL XDIR

    * Firewall support

    * .netrc support

    * Support for a wider variety of non-Unix FTP servers

    * Ability for another process to remotely control LLNL XDIR (via Unix

    * Full automatic recovery from broken connections

    * Support for different size/style fonts

    * Ability to specify colors of directory entry names and icons

    * Option to cache directory entries (for fast redisplay of previously
      viewed directories)

    * Graphical mechanism for user modification of toolbar

    * Ability to preserve directory windows across sessions

    * Ability to specifiy host/directory to connect to on execute line

    * Ability to easily edit cached items

    * Ability to print directory

    * A "Sorted by Date" directory layout

    ************************  Copyright Notices  *************************

    (c) 1995.  The Regents of the University of California.  All rights

    This work was produced at the University of California, Lawrence
    Livermore National Laboratory (UC LLNL) under contract no.
    W-7405-ENG-48 (Contract 48) between the U.S. Department of Energy
    (DOE) and The Regents of the University of California (University)
    for the operation of UC LLNL.  Copyright is reserved to the
    University for purposes of controlled dissemination,
    commercialization through formal licensing, or other disposition
    under terms of Contract 48; DOE policies, regulations and orders;
    and U.S. statutes.  The rights of the Federal Government are
    reserved under Contract 48 subject to the restrictions agreed upon
    by the DOE and University.


    This software was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
    agency of the United States Government.  Neither the United States
    Government nor the University of California nor any of their
    employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any
    liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or
    usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
    disclosed, or represents that its specific commercial products,
    process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
    otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its
    endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States
    Government or the University of California. The views and opinions
    of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect
    those of the United States Government or the University of
    California, and shall not be used for advertising or product
    endorsement purposes.

    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
    documentation for any non-commercial purpose, without fee, is
    hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
    permission notice appear in all copies of the software and
    supporting documentation, and that all UC LLNL identification in
    the user interface remain unchanged.  The title to copyright LLNL
    XDIR shall at all times remain with The Regents of the University
    of California and users agree to preserve same. Users seeking the
    right to make derivative works with LLNL XDIR for commercial
    purposes may obtain a license from the Lawrence Livermore National
    Laboratory's Technology Transfer Office, P.O. Box 808, L-795,
    Livermore, CA 94550.