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 FTPCOPY(1)                      19/Feb/101                       FTPCOPY(1)
 ftpcopy                                                             ftpcopy


      ftpcopy - mirror or copy files from a FTP server

      ftpcopy ftp://host[:port]/directory [local-directory]


      ftpcopy host[:post] /directory [local-directory]

      ftpcopy copies a FTP site recursivly. It afterwards deletes all files
      in the local directory tree which were not found on the remote site.

      local-directory defaults to "." - the current working directory - if
      the -n (--no-delete) option is used. Otherwise you must provide the
      local-directory argument.


              Number of tries to connect and log in. The default is 1,
              meaning that ftpls will give up after the first error.

              This option was added in version 0.3.0.

              Send ACCOUNT as the account name using the ACCT ftp command if
              the ftp servers asks for one.

              ACCOUNT in ftp speak is some kind of sub account in some other
              terminologies. If you don't understand what it means you have
              a good chance to never need this option anyway. If you think
              you need it please try the -u option first.

      -p, --pass=PASSWORD
              Use PASS as password to login on the ftp server.  The default
              is `anonymous@invalid.example'. Use an empty password to
              enforce not sending any password.

      -u, --user=NAME
              Use NAME to login on the ftp server.  The default is
              `anonymous'. Use an empty name to force to not log in.


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 ftpcopy                                                             ftpcopy


      -d, --directories-only
              Only create the directory hierarchie, do not download files.
              Any file in the tree will be deleted unless the -n option is
              also given. Note: if the -s option is also given then even
              symbolic links to files will be created (without the files, of

      -m, --max-days=NUMBER
              download only files modified in the last NUMBER days.

      -x, --exclude=WILDCARD
              Exclude files and directories matching WILDCARD (note that
              this means shell style wildcards, not regular expression like
              those of grep). You can repeat that option as often as you
              want. You can intermix it with the -i option.

      -i, --include=WILDCARD
              Include files and directories matching WILDCARD. You can
              repeat that option as often as you want. You can intermix it
              with the -x option.

              This option was added in version 0.3.0.


      -l, --loglevel=NUMBER
              controls the amount of logging done:

                      0: nothing except warnings and error messages
                      1: downloads and deletes
                      2: links/symlinks created, files we already got
                      3: useless stuff

              The default is 1.

      -L, --list-options=OPTS
              Add OPTS to LIST command.  This allows to pass arbitrary
              options to the FTP servers LIST command. Note that ftpcopy
              does not cope well with recursive directory listings.

              This option was added in version 0.3.0.

      -n, --no-delete
              do not delete files. This influences the cleanup step, it
              doesn't stop ftpcopy from deleting files during the downloads.

      -R, --remove-dir
              Remove directories which are `in our way'.  If an existing
              local directory blocks the operation because it has to be

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 ftpcopy                                                             ftpcopy


              replaced by something else (a symbolic link or a file) then
              this option will allow ftpcopy to delete the local directory
              recursivly.  Note that this option is currently not the
              default, but may be the default in a few months.

              This option was added in version 0.3.0.

              Keep directories, even it they are blocking our operation.
              Note that ftpcopy will not continue in that case. This option
              is currently the default, but that may change.

              This option was added in version 0.3.0.

      -s, --symlink-hack
              Deal with symbolic links. This is only useful to mirror sites
              which create listings through /bin/ls. This will fail if a
              file name in a link contains a ` -> ' sequence.

      In- and exclude lists are internally mixed together, keeping the order
      in which they were given. The list starts with an implicit include *.
      ftpcopy honors the last match.

      The wildcard matching is done against the full remote path of the
      file. The / character has no special meaning for the matching: it is
      treated like any other.

      Note: you have to include top level directories of files or
      directories you want to include. Something like this will not work:

          --exclude "*" --include "/w/h/e/r/e/file.c"

      You need to include /w, /w/h and so on.


              ftpcopy  \
              --exclude '*.cdb'  \
              --exclude '*software/precompiled*' \
     / /private/file/0/mirror/

      This means:

      +       i'm not interested in .cdb files

      +       precompiled stuff is also not downloaded

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 ftpcopy                                                             ftpcopy


      +       the host to connect to is

      +       the remote directory is /

      +       the local directory is /private/file/0/mirror/


      Uwe Ohse,

      ftpls(1), ftpcp(1)

                                    - 4 -         Formatted:  April 23, 2024