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The Tricklet "User Manual/Installation Manual/ Readme File"

14 april 1992, Delft Holland

The Tricklet library is made for people who want to collect network
management data using the SNMP protocol.It offers four simple
programs that you can include in shell/perl/awk/C programs.

For information obout the programs in the tricklet library see the
manual pages.


You will need:

    . Unix box
    . ansi c compiler
    . socket library
    . snmp agents

    * copy the file tricklet.tar.Z to some source directory
      where you have write permitions

    * zcat tricklet.tar.Z | tar -xvf -

    * cd tricklet
    * edit the Makefile, adjust BINDIR and MIBDIR to your needs. 
      BINDIR will gain four user-level programs.
      MIBDIR will be created and will contain some datafiles
      from the mibhome directory

    * `make`

    * `make install`

    * test the software, example

       `echo "sysDescr" | snmp-get"`


The snmp-get, snmp-getnext, snmp-set and snmp-table commands 
are all started by:

    snmp-table <host> [<community> <timeout> <retries> <port>]

They all accept their input from standard input and drop their result
in standard output.


echo "sysDescr;sysUpTime" | snmp-get
echo "internet[]" | snmp-table

The last example should really be tried on a local machine for it
creates a lot of output (the whole MIB).


You can add your own MOSY input files by putting it in the $(MIBDIR)
directory and adding a line to the 'mibs' file in that directory.
For those of you who don't know, MOSY is part of the ISODE package and
compilers mib definitions. Tricklet uses the output of the compiler.

Thanks and Disclaimer.

This software is made by the DNPAP group from the Technical University
Delft in Holland with the help of some friends.

We do not guaranty this software does anything usefull. We do use it
ourself, and welcom any bug-reports, suggestions and such.
We can not be responsible for the use or operation of this software.

Anybody can use this software, under the following conditions:

	- give the DNPAP group the credit if you use it succesfully
	  in a project.

	- If you pass this software on, don't remove our signitures, 
	  readme's and other identifications.

	- suggest this software to other people who might find it
	  usefull. We will keep helping you, if you keep helping other

	- if you make any bug-fixes out improvements to this software,
	  you should send it to us.

This software is made (posssible) by:


     SNMP     - Dirk Wisse
     MIB      - Jan van Oorschot


	Przemek Klosowski,
	and a whole lot of BEHOLDER users.
Other software from the DNPAP team:

      The Gobbler -	PC-based ethernet spy
      The Beholder -	PC-based SNMP-able ethernet monitor
      The Spectre -	PC-based SNMP-able ethernet cluster monitor
      The Sage -	SCHEME based SNMP collector (source code)

We are working on 'The Beholder, the next generation'. This will be a
RMON compatible ethernet/tokenring monitor.


-- Ir. Jan van Oorschot.          --- Email: --
-- Data Network Performance Analysis Project                               --
-- CARDIT, Delft University of Technology ------------ Tel: (31)-15-786179 --
-- P.O.Box 5031, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands ------ Fax: (31)-15-784898 --