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Welcome to SAINT.  Following are instructions on how to get SAINT
running on your system.  Your system must have the following:

-- A UNIX operating system (Linux, Solaris, AIX, etc.)
-- PERL 5.004 or better (the most current version at ship-time
   is 5.6.0). PERL can be obtained from
-- A Web browser (Mosaic, Lynx, Netscape, Chimera, etc.).  SAINT is designed
   to run in a graphical Web browser, although it will work just as
   well in a text-based one; it just won't be very pretty. Netscape can
   be obtained from
-- A machine that can handle the truth, I mean the strains of running SAINT.
   SAINT is designed to be very aggressive with system resources, so if you
   are planning to scan a large number of hosts, you will need a powerful

Having the following utilities installed on your system
is recommended, but SAINT can still run without them:

-- nmap. Used to help identify operating system types, and helps
   SAINT find vulnerabilities specific to the operating system.
   Also used for smurf check.
-- samba utilities. Used to determine netbios names and public shares
   on Windows machines.

As of version 3.0, there are two ways to get SAINT running. The
first way, using the "configure" script, is recommended.
The second way can be used if the first fails. (Please
report such problems to Include your
operating system, "config.log", and output from "configure" and "make".) 

To get SAINT running using "configure", do the following:

1. Run `./configure`. This script generates a Makefile
   appropriate for your operating system. It also adjusts
   the paths of programs used by SAINT and locates your
   HTML browser.

2. Run `make` to compile SAINT.

3. Run `make install` to install the man page.

4. If you are behind a firewall, you should unset your proxy environment variables, such as
   $http_proxy, $file_proxy, $socks_ns, etc, and change your Web browser to not use your
   SOCKS host or HTTP proxy.

5. Run SAINT.  You can run it in interactive mode by typing `./saint`. Or, SAINT can be run
   from the command-line.  Command-line options can be determined by typing `./saint -h`.

To get SAINT running the old-fashioned way, do the following:

1. Run `perl reconfig`.  This script will adjust the paths of programs used by
   SAINT.  It will also try to find your Web browser.  If SAINT is unable to
   find it, edit the file config/ and set the line:


   to the full path of your Web browser.  Be sure to preserve the quotes and the semicolon.

2. Run `make -f old`.  Make will prompt you for your system type.  Now run
   `make -f old <system-type>`, where <system-type> is one of the systems listed
   by running `make -f old`. If your compiler is gcc, you may need to run
   `make -f old CC=gcc <system-type>`.

3. Follow steps 4 and 5 above.

Help on running SAINT can be found via interactive mode, by clicking on Documentation from the
list of links on the left-hand side of the interface. Thanks for using SAINT, and we hope that
it works well for you.  Questions or comments should be directed to:

SAINT is based on SATAN, written and created by Dan Farmer and Wietse Venema.
Except for their wonderful work on the original product, they are in no other way 
associated with SAINT.  Please do not contact them with problems as they know nothing 
about SAINT or it's development.  

Several enhancements to this product were provided by Advanced Research
Corporation (r) resources.