packages icon
-- $Id: README file for knocker version 0.7.1 - released on 24 May 2002

                  t h e  k n o c k e r  p r o j e c t

 Knocker is a simple and easy to use TCP security port scanner written in C
 using which is able to analyze hosts and all of the different services started
 on them.

 This is the Linux console version of knocker, other versions of knocker
 can be found at

 knocker is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

 If you have comments or suggestions, you are welcome to mail me, and
 please report any bugs: Gabriele Giorgetti <>

 -- Gabriele Giorgetti

 --=| QUICK START GUIDE TO KNOCKER |=-------------------------------

   -[ How to build and install knocker ]-

   1. Unpack the package: tar -zxvf knocker-X.X.X.tar.gz
   2. cd knocker-X.X.X
   3. type: ./configure
   4. make
   5. (Become root if you want to install knocker system wide) type:
      make install

   -[ You want to start to pollute hosts logfile scanning'em but you 
      don't have a clue ? :) ]- 

   1. If you have installed knocker with make install you should be
      able to execute it just by typing: knocker
      otherwise cd into the src directory under the unpacked source
      tree and type: ./knocker 
      or better: knocker --help

   2. Now to perform a simple port scan to a host (let's use your
      host as target...) type: knocker --host localhost
   3. Let's say you have to perform a long scan and you want the
      program to run in background so you can continue your work... 
      just type: 
knocker --host thehost --start-port 1 --end-port 4000 --quiet &

  or in a shorter form:

knocker -H thehost -SP 1 -EP 4000 -q &

      you won't see any output this way... just do: 
      cat ./knocker_scan.log 
      to see the scan results.

 Or if you want to log to a particular file:
knocker -H thehost -l logfile.txt

If you want to scan only one port:

knocker -H thehost --port 21

 Hope that's enought....


  Gabriele Giorgetti,