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 EASTER(1)                       April 1999                        EASTER(1)

      easter - Calculates easter date

      easter [ -rac ] [ -hvVf ] year

      -r Calculates Palm Sunday, instead of Easter.

      -c Calculates Ash Wednesday, instead of Easter.

      -a A full calendar is displayed, showing Ash Wednesday, Lent Sundays,
      Palm Sunday and Easter date.

      -f Displays days resting to date specified. If this is a past date,
      displays days resting to next Easter.

      -V Turn on verbose mode. Each step in obtaining Easter is displayed.

      -v Displays version information and exits.

      -h Help text.

      easter displays date of Easter of the given year, in the format day

      The Gregorian reform is assumed to have ocurred in October 1582. That
      is, the days within 5 and 13 October 1582 didn't never exist.
      Nowadays, virtually all countries have adopted the Gregorian Calendar.

      Note this program calculates Easter as the Catholic Church does. This
      date is different from the Greek or Ortodox Church Easter.

      Ash Wednesday is 46 days before Easter. Palm Sunday is Sunday before
      Easter.  Lent is the period between Ash and Palm Sunday. Each Sunday
      in Lent is given a number (I, II, III, IV, V).


      Easter is calculated with present day (Gregorian) method, even for
      pre-1582 years. This is not really a bug, but a feature, because
      easter was designed for future prevision, and not for past analysis.

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 25, 2024

 EASTER(1)                       April 1999                        EASTER(1)

      A method for calculating Greek Easter is missing.

      Ability to format the output date is not supported yet.

      Antonio Luque Estepa   <>

                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 25, 2024