packages icon

"xfarbe" is a contouring program for iso-lines with the 
following characteristics:

              - high quality nonlinear interpolation with
                bicubics on a rectangular grid
              - area filling capability
              - X- and Postscript output
              - Customization with resource file
              - Interactive labeling of contour lines
              - Interactive data probing for value and
              - Placing of symbols according to information
                read from a file
              - Exact location extrema and saddle points
              - Computation of profiles

It it designed for both: Interactive viewing and analyzing during
computations, and the presentation of the final results.

Copyright (C) A.PREUSSER, Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG, Berlin

The numerical kernel is based on:

           Algorithm 671 - FARB-E-2D: Fill Area with Bicubics
           on Rectangles - A Contour Plot Program.
           ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol. 15,
           No. 1, March 1989, p. 79-89.

To install:
   uudecode xfarbe.taz.uu
   uncompress xfarbe.tar.Z
   tar xvf xfarbe.tar
   cd xfarbe-2.1

If you do not have imake or in case of other problems, please
first try to use "make -f makefile.alt".

After successful building xfarbe, the Resource file XFarbe must
be installed:

One copy should be at a location, where it can be modified by a
user, for instance in the login directory. Another copy
should reside in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults or a similar
directory, which is used on your system for keeping system-
wide Resource files for Application Defaults. I recommend
to deactivate the following two lines in XFarbe by adding the
character "!" in the first column, before copying it to the
Application Defaults directory:
    xfarbe.max-heights: 20
    xfarbe.max-annotation: on
These statements are responsible for annotation of maxima,
a feature that is not generally required.

If you prefer to work with a copy of XFarbe in the current
working directory, use 
    "setenv XAPPLRESDIR ." 
or whatever is appropriate on your system. That will allow
you to have different files XFarbe for different data sets in
different directories.

*** Note that the format of the data file "xfarbe.dat" depends
*** on Resource settings in file XFarbe.

Possible problems during installation are the following:

1) xmkmf and imake are not available, or errors during
   compilation. First try "make -f makefile.alt". If there
   are still fatal errors during compilation, please send me
   a mail:
2) cc does not find libraries and/or include files.

   Look for the missing files on your system (a list of
   all needed files is near the end of xfarbe.doc).

    *** The Athena Widget Set (Xaw) is required. ***

   Use the -Ldir and -Idir options for cc in "makefile.alt"
   for specifying the directories of libraries and include

3) The default fonts are not found on your server machine.

   Search for the "font"-entries in file XFarbe. Replace them
   by valid specifications for your server, for instance:
   "fixed". The "courier"-fonts should be replaced by
   other mono-spaced (typewriter) fonts. 

If you had to alter one of the C sources to get the 
program running, please give me a note.

Read xfarbe.doc next.

The author requests:
 - that the software should not be redistributed
 - changes to the code be restricted to issues of portability
 - reference be given to the mentioned publication

Please send comments, suggestions, bugs to
      Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG
      Faradayweg 4-6
      D-14195 Berlin (Dahlem)
      FAX: -49-30-8305-531

Have a nice contour!