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GFORGE  -   Graphical Fractal Forgery                   v1.3   jpb 5/18/96

Generates 16-bit heightfields for POV-Ray, using a high-quality algorithm:
the IFFT of 1/f noise.  Several parameters give you control over the
appearance of the output, which can range from sand to hills to mountains.
Run the "sample" script to see examples of the output possible.


Try running the "gen-tga" script to generate some example TGA heightfields
ready for rendering in POV-Ray, or the "gen-pgm" or "gen-png" scripts to
generate files for viewing directly.  

Since version 1.1 gforge includes craters- thanks Heiko.  New in
v1.1f is PNG output- thanks to G.E. Schalnat at Group 42 Inc. for PNGLIB,
and J-l Gailly and Mark Adler for ZLIB. Also, there are new
frequency-domain filtering options. For more details, see the man page
gforge.txt. This is freely redistributable software under the terms of the
GNU Public License; see the enclosed GPL for details.

The latest version of gforge, as well as a newer and more comprehensive
program called HF-Lab, is available on my WWW homepage(s):

	John Beale                      Heiko Eissfeldt
	1745 Webster St.                <>
	Palo Alto, CA 94301