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 gforge(1)                                                         gforge(1)
                            May 18 1996  ver 1.3

      gforge - fractal forgery of landscapes and textures

      gforge [-mesh size] [-dimension dim [-adim dim scale]] [-power factor]
               [-limit low high] [-peak xpos ypos] [-craters [density
               height]] [-seed seed] [-name filename] [-type
               TGA|PGM|PG8|OCT|MAT|PNG] [-bpfilter cent_freq Q] [-brfilter
               cent_freq Q] [-lpfilter cut_freq Order] [-hpfilter cut_freq
               Order] [-version]

      gforge generates a landscape texture by "random fractal forgery,"  the
      term  coined  by  Richard F. Voss of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research
      Center for seemingly realistic pictures of natural  objects  generated
      by simple algorithms embodying randomness and fractal self-similarity.
      The techniques used by gforge are essentially those given by  Voss[1],
      particularly the technique of spectral synthesis explained in more de-
      tail by Dietmar Saupe[2]. The source code  (and  this  man  page)  was
      mostly  taken  from the "ppmforge" module[3] in the PBMPLUS package of
      graphics utilities. The gforge  "crater"  option  was  contributed  by
      Heiko Eissfeldt <>.

      The generation of a landscape begins with the preparation of an  array
      of  random  data in the frequency domain.  The size of this array, the
      "mesh size," can be set with the -mesh option; the larger the mesh the
      more  realistic  the  pictures but the calculation time and memory re-
      quirement increases as the square of the mesh  size.   The  degree  of
      roughness,  which  you  can specify with the -dimension option, deter-
      mines whether the resulting terrain is rolling hills or  jagged  moun-
      tins.  As  the  dimension value is increased, more high frequency com-
      ponents are added into the random mesh. (Note that  this  number  does
      NOT  directly  correspond to a conventional 'fractal' dimension, eg. a
      Hausdorff- Besicovich dimension. All gforge surfaces have  a  'fractal
      dimension' near 2.0.)

      You may apply a band-pass and/or band-reject filter to  the  frequency
      data,  specifying the normalized [0..1] center frequency and Q (sharp-
      ness) of each filter. Lowpass and highpass filters are also available.
      Then an inverse Fourier transform is performed upon it, which converts
      the original random frequency domain data into spatial amplitudes.  We
      scale  the real components that result from the Fourier transform into
      numbers from 0 to 1 associated with each point on the mesh.   You  can
      further  modify this number by applying a "power law scale" to it with
      the -power option.  Unity scale leaves the numbers unmodified; a power
      scale of 0.5 takes the square root of the numbers in the mesh, while a
      power scale of 3 replaces the numbers in the mesh  with  their  cubes.
      Powers  less  than  1  yield landscapes with vertical scarps that look
      like glacially-carved valleys (with -limit -1.0 1.0);  powers  greater
      than  one make fairy-castle spires (which require large mesh sizes for
      best results). Craters, if that option is selected, are added at  this

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 gforge(1)                                                         gforge(1)
                            May 18 1996  ver 1.3

      point.  After  these  calculations,  we have an array of the specified
      size containing numbers that range from 0 to 1. Six output formats are
      available as described below.

      Invoking the program with no options writes a 128x128 TGA file  called
      "output.tga"  which  looks like a somewhat bumpy hillside (in POV any-
      way... being a special format, it will look like green speckled  noise
      in  a standard viewer).  "gforge -help" tells you briefly what options
      are available.  You can abbreviate keywords also. Try

      gforge -t pg8 -pow 1 -dim 4 -n sand.pgm

      for an image of sand, or

      gforge -type tga -pow 1.8 -dim 2.4 -m 400 -n mountain.tga

      for a mountain range to render with POV.  Getting  your  landscape  to
      look  just  right  will require playing around with the -dimension and
      -power specs.

      -mesh meshsize

           The size of the (n x n) IFFT (inverse fast-fourier transform) ma-
           trix.   To  prevent  the  IFFT  from  becoming  a  _slow_ fourier
           transform, it is suggested that the mesh size be a power of  two,
           but  you  can choose any number you want. If it happens to have a
           large prime factor, or be itself a prime number, the IFFT  calcu-
           lation will be considerably slowed.  The default meshsize is 128.
           Note that a mesh size of 1024 will require just over 8  megabytes
           of memory.

      -dimension dim
           Sets the dimension to the specified dim, which may be any  float-
           ing  point  value between 0 and 3.  Higher dimensions create more
           ``chaotic'' images, which require higher resolution output and  a
           larger FFT mesh size to look good.  If no dimension is specified,
           2.15 is used. To be precise, the  initial  mesh  is  filled  with
           gaussian  noise of amplitude (1/f)^(4 - dim).  Accordingly, dim=4
           would give you pure white noise.

      -adim ad ascale
           Adds an additional component of noise  in  the  frequency  domain
           with the dimension ad and amplitude (scaled relative to the first
           specified dimension) of ascale.  You can add up to nine addition-
           al  dimensions,  although  one or two is almost certainly enough.
           Often you don't need any at all. An  example  might  be  to  have
           large  rolling  hills of dim 1.7, with a touch of higher frequen-

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 gforge(1)                                                         gforge(1)
                            May 18 1996  ver 1.3

           cies for a rougher texture:

           gforge -dim 1.7 -adim 2.0 0.1 -pow 1.8

      -bpfilter center-freq Q

      -brfilter center-freq Q
           Apply a band-pass (bpfilter) and/or band-reject (brfilter) to the
           frequency data before the inverse FFT. Center-frequency should be
           between 0.0 and 1.0. A band-pass filter at f=0 is just a low-pass
           filter,  and  at f=1.0 it is a high-pass filter. Q ("quality fac-
           tor") = 0.5 is a broad filter, Q=20 is narrow. Try these  options
           to see their effects.

      -lpfilter cut-freq Order

      -hpfilter cut-freq Order
           Apply a low-pass or  high-pass  filter  to  the  frequency  data.
           Cutoff-frequency,  between 0 and 1, is the frequency at which the
           response drops by half. Order may be any positive value; 1  is  a
           soft filter, 1000 is a brick-wall filter.

      -power exponent
           Raise the elevation powers to the specified  exponent,  giving  a
           nonlinear scaling effect, useful for some purposes.

      -limit min max
           Only relevant if a -power exponent other than  1.0  is  selected.
           Scales  terrain  to  the range [ min- max ] prior to raising to a
           power. Default is [0.0 - 1.0]. See the sample  script/batch  file
           for example usages.

      -crater density height
           Add craters to the landscape. The optional density parameter con-
           trols  how  many  there  are.  The default 1.0 gives you moderate
           cratering, but you can specify any positive value. Crater  height
           defaults to 1.0, for what I felt were reasonable looking craters.
           This is the vertical crater height  relative  to  the  underlying
           landscape scale, and will need to be changed depending on how you
           scale the vertical axis of your heightfield when you  render  it.
           As  height goes to zero, the craters dwindle in height and disap-
           pear.  Crater radius follows a power law distribution.

           Turn off  the  default  wraparound  of  craters.  The  underlying
           landscape  is always tilable, but with this option it will become
           farther and farther from being tilable as more craters are added.
           I'm  not  sure  if  this is actually useful. Note: cannot be used
           with the "peak" option.

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 gforge(1)                                                         gforge(1)
                            May 18 1996  ver 1.3

      -peak xpos ypos
           You can specify the location of the largest value (highest  peak)
           in the image as a fraction of the image height and width. For ex-

           gforge -dim 1.5 -pow 3 -peak 0.5 0.5 -name mtn.tga

           puts the highest peak in the center of the image.  This  is  most
           useful  for  lower values of dim where there is only one or a few
           broad maxima; at -dim 2 or above it tends to  make  less  differ-
           ence. If you don't specify it, it's somewhere random.

      -seed seed
           You can give it a random number seed, otherwise  it  chooses  one
           based  on  the current time from the system clock. If you use the
           same seed, you get the same image every time.

      -name filename
           If you don't specify it, it's "output.tga" (or "",  the
           extension  depending on which file type is being written). Exist-
           ing files with that name are overwritten without warning.

      -type TGA|PGM|PG8|OCT|MAT|PNG
           Six options, default is TGA. TGA and PGM are 16-bit formats,  and
           PG8  is just PGM 8-bit binary format.  PG8 , will produce a stan-
           dard PGM file suitable for viewing in a standard  graphic  viewer
           to  check  out what the options are doing to your landscape.  OCT
           produces an ascii file compatible with Octave v1.1.1,  a  matrix-
           math  package  similar in function to Matlab.  MAT produces a 32-
           bit floating-point file in the Matlab binary  format.   PNG  gen-
           erates 16-bit PNG (portable network graphics) greyscale, which at
           the time of this writing is a very new  format,  but  gaining  in

      Flags may be abbreviated.

      tiling 'feature'
           Because the FFT operates  on  periodic  functions,  the  opposite
           edges of the image will always match up. If it turns out you want
           to cover a large area by tiling these textures together, this  is
           just what you want (ie, it's a FEATURE... in fact one way to gen-
           erate useful tilable textures is by taking the  FFT  of  any  in-
           teresting  picture,  filtering  a  bit,  and  doing  the  inverse
           transform.) If you don't want periodicity, just generate a larger
           image  than  you need and use some smaller fraction of it. The "-
           wrapoff" option applies only to craters crossing the  page  edge.
           The "-peak" and "-wrapoff" options cannot be used simultaneously.

      fixed output sizes
           The output is always a square grid. If you want a  different  as-

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 gforge(1)                                                         gforge(1)
                            May 18 1996  ver 1.3

           pect  ratio,  you  should use another image processing package to
           crop or rescale as appropriate. Unfortunately most of them  don't
           support 16 bits of precision. John Cristy's ImageMagick 3.6.5 can
           be compiled to support 16-bit PNG, and Andreas Dilger's patch  to
           POV-Ray  2.2  supports  PNG input, output, imagemaps, and height-
           fields. POV-Ray 3.0 supports PNG.


      ppmforge(1), ppm(5), povray(1)

      [1]  Voss, Richard F., ``Random Fractal Forgeries,'' in  Earnshaw  et.
           al.,   Fundamental  Algorithms  for  Computer  Graphics,  Berlin:
           Springer-Verlag, 1985.

      [2]  Peitgen, H.-O., and Saupe, D. eds., The Science  Of  Fractal  Im-
           ages, New York: Springer Verlag, 1988.

      [3]  Walker, John, "ppmforge.c"  in  Jef  Poskanzer's  PBMPLUS  raster
           toolkit, 1991.  <>  <>

           John Beale                            Heiko Eissfeldt
           1745 Webster St.                 <>
           Palo Alto, CA 94301

      The gforge program is copyright (c) 1995 by John  P.  Beale,  and  the
      crater  code is copyright (c) 1995 Heiko Eissfeldt. This program comes
      with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Permission is granted to redistribute the
      full  source  code  under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
      version 2.  For more details, see the GPL.

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