packages icon

            Library of Fortran Routines for Random Number Generation

                            Compiled and Written by:

                                 Barry W. Brown
                                  James Lovato
                     Department of Biomathematics, Box 237
                     The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
                     1515 Holcombe Boulevard
                     Houston, TX      77030

 This work was supported by grant CA-16672 from the National Cancer Institute.

	This directory contains the sources for the RLaB RANLIB
	library. The C 	subroutines herein were generated with f2c.
	Both f2c, and RANLIB are available from netlib. 

	Note that there is a native C version of this library
	available. The native C version has not been tried with RLaB
	because the f2c output should be compileable on more platforms
	(K&R style C).

	The command used to generate the C source was `f2c -R *.f'.
	The `-R' option was used to prevent f2c from making the ranlib
	functions return doubles. This way we can link with either
	Fortran compiled ranlib, or f2c compiled ranlib.

	To make:

	1) Type `./configure'

	The options configure will recognize:



	These options are designed to allow users to specify alternate
	programs to use so that cross compiling can be performed. If
	you are compiling this library for a native platform then you
	should not need to specify any options.

	2.) Type `make'

	3.) Type `make -n install'

	The default installation directory is `/usr/local/lib'. If you
	wish to install the library in another directory the do:
		make -n install prefix=/usr/wherever/lib

	3a) If you are satisfied with the "make install" command
	output, then retype the command without the `-n'.