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multc97 is a menu-driven program which provides all necessary 
computations for implementing the design strategy for monitoring 
multiple outcomes in clinical trials described in the following
three papers.

Thall, Peter F., Simon, R. and Estey, E.H. "Bayesian sequential 
monitoring designs for single-arm clinical trials with multiple 
outcomes," Statistics in Medicine 14:357-379, 1995.

Thall, Peter F., Simon, R. and Estey, E.H. "New statistical strategy 
for monitoring safety and efficacy in single-arm clinical trials," J. 
Clinical Oncology 14:296-303, 1996.

Thall, Peter F. and Sung, Hsi-Guang, "Some Extensions and Applications 
of a Bayesian Strategy for Monitoring Multiple Outcomes in Clinical 
 (submitted for publication).

                          HOW IT WAS WRITTEN

multc97 was written in ANSI C, compiled by GNU C compiler gcc. All the
examples in the paper (*) were run on a DEC Alpha machine.

                       LEGALITIES (BRIEF)

    We want to make  this  program as widely   available  as possible.
Hence, executable code derived  from  the source provided, the  source
itself, and the accompanying  documentation  may be freely  copied and
distributed  provided  that  this   copyright section accompanies such
copies.  We encourage the distribution of this code on bulletin boards
and as shareware.

    Modifications and improvements to the code can similarly be freely
copied and distributed.  Peter F. Thall and Hsi-Guang Sung  would 
appreciate  a copy of  any such improvements for incorporation into 
later versions of multc97.

    Source code  may be extracted    and used for  any  non-commercial
purpose.  Non-commercial means that  at most a modest distribution fee
is charged, as shareware.  We would  appreciate acknowledgment of such
use of our code.

    Commercial use of the source code requires written permission from
the Department of Biomathematics at the above  address.  Our policy is
generally to grant  such  permission  provided appropriate   credit is
given to us in the documentation.


For step-by-step instructions, please see the file 'INSTALL'. Sample
sessions and tutorials can be found in file 'Examples'.


The C source code is available via anonymous ftp from ( in the subdirectory /pub/source. 
The current version is for UNIX.
MS-DOS PC and  MacIntosh executables will be available in the near future.

                         CONTACTING THE AUTHORS

To contact the authors of multc97 or report any bugs, please write to:

          Peter F. Thall
          Department of Biomathematics, Box 237
          University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
          1515 Holcombe Boulevard
          Houston, TX 77030

or send electronic mail to: