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Sizzle is a interpreter for the Scheme programming language.  It is
mainly designed for being embedded into applications written in C,
where it can be used for parsing configuration files and as an
extension language.  Right now, Sizzle only implements a subset of the
Scheme as defined in the "Revised^5 Report on the Algorithmic Language
Scheme" (R5RS), but it is sufficient for using it as an extension
language and for scripting tasks.  It has been successfully been used
for text processing and for writing a simple web server in Scheme
(which can be found in the subdirectory `examples').

Sizzle is currently used in the `Serveez' network server framework,
where it parses the configuration files.  I also use Sizzle as the
extension language in my window manager `wimpwm'.

If you need a more sophisticated Scheme interpreter (with threads,
proper call/cc etc.), then have a look at Guile, available from


For more information on installing the package, please consult the
file INSTALL, included in this distribution.

Short instructions:

tar xzvf sizzle-<version>.tar.gz
cd sizzle-<version>
su -c 'make install'


Just type `sizzle' at the command prompt, and the interpreter starts
in the interactive mode.  There you can enter Scheme expressions and
see how they evaluate.

$ sizzle
zzz: (+ 1 2)
zzz: (exit)

You can stop the interpreter by pressing ^D (control-d) or typing
`(exit)' at the prompt.

Another method is to run Sizzle for evalutating text files containing
Scheme source code.  Given a file `hello.scm' with the following

-- hello.scm start --
(display "Hello World!")
-- hello.scm end --

you can do this:

$ sizzle -s hello.scm
Hello World!


Change to the directory where you built Sizzle, and type the following

su -c 'make uninstall'


The file INSTALL contains information about the installation process.

The file NEWS documents the changes to the current release.

For more information, have a look at the doc directory.  The reference
manual is in the file `', and the embedding manual in
the file `'.

Have fun,