This directory contains Version 9.3.2 of the Icon programming language. This material is in the public domain. You may use and copy this material freely. This privilege extends to modifications, although any modified version of this system given to a third party should clearly identify your modifications as well as the original source. The responsibility for the use of this material resides entirely with you. We make no warranty of any kind concerning this material, nor do we make any claim as to the suitability of Icon for any application. Installation instructions and other documentation are available from the Icon web site listed below. Please note: This distribution includes both a compiler and an interpreter, but only the interpreter is supported. It gets into execution quickly and is fast enough for almost all applications. Although the compiler produces programs that run faster, it requires a large amount of memory and disk space and is slow to get into execution, and we no longer maintain it. For more information or assistance, contact: Icon Project Department of Computer Science The University of Arizona P.O. Box 210077 Tucson, AZ 85721-0077 U.S.A. voice: (520) 621-6613 fax: (520) 621-4246