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This is public beta release of Pavuk.
Pavuk in Slovak language means spider.

What this program does :
-recursive HTTP , HTTP over SSL , FTP, FTP over SSL and Gopher document
-supports HTTP/1.1 with persistent connections
-supports HTTP POST requests
-synchronizing retrieved local copies of document with remote
-partial content retrieving on servers which suppots it (FTP and HTTP/1.1)
-automaticaly follows moved documents
-supports "robots.txt" standart
-supports HTTP and FTP proxy servers
-supports HTTP authentification (user, Basic, Digest access)
-shows document tree
-have interface to "at" command for scheduling
-have optional GTK+ user interface
-may be built with or without X Window user interface
-can handle setup files
-supports NLS via GNU gettext (so messages are translatable to many native 
-can be used for fetching documents to proxy/cache server (-mode dontstore)
-supports HTTP cookies
-supports SOCKS(4/5) proxy
-you can run as many as instances of pavuk in same tree without any loose
 of data, because pavuk locks documents while procesing
-you can limit transfer rate over network
-have powerfull mechanism for mapping URLs to local filenames
-can check URL if it is modified and can send list of modified URLs to any 
-can load files from Netscape browser cache directory
-can filter advertisement banners
-can automaticaly turn on/off output of messages to terminal when running
 in foreground or background
-can run users postprocessing scripts for each downloaded document
-optionaly can generate statistical reports from download, usable for
 WEB site debuging
-supports different FTP directory listing formats (SYSV, BSD, EPFL, NOVEL,
-multithreading support

License :
Everything is licensed under GPL. See COPYING and COPYING.LIB.

Ported to:
-Linux (x86) (gcc)
-Digital Unix 3.2 (cc and gcc),4.0 (cc and egcs)
-Ultrix 4.4 (cc,egcs)
-NetBSD (sparc , mips) (gcc)  /* last versions not tested */
-GNU win32 (gcc + cygwin) /* only cli interface yet */
-Solaris 7 (x86) (gcc)
-also several other UNIX-es, Mac OS X, OS/2 reported to work

Author :
Ondrejicka Stefan (

Home page:

If you find any bugs please send me report and or fix. 
If you have any suggestions, ideas or quetions please write me.