packages icon
GTKeyboard  "Insert snappy slogan here"

GTKeyboard is Free Software; you may distribute it under the terms of the
GNU General Public License which is available in the COPYING file or at

Written by David Allen and several contributors - See AUTHORS for list
Bugs: Mirror and software download

GTKeyboard is an application meant to help users with physical
disabilities who may be unable to use the keyboard all the time to
type text using a graphically laid out keyboard.  It is also used by
people who are simply a little bit lazy.  :)  It was originally
written for GNU/Linux, although I am willing to work with people to
get it to compile and run on other UNIXen.  As it stands right now, on
other flavors of UNIX, your mileage may vary.

If you're interested in finding out what's new, a fairly exhaustive list
of changes is kept for the program in the file ChangeLog that comes with
the source distribution.  (May or may not be in binary packages)

For programmers, see the INTERNALS file which is a dirty explanation
of how GTKeyboard builds keyboards.

Since GTKeyboard is released under the GNU General Public License, you can
freely copy, distribute, modify, shred, spindle, and mutilate copies in any
medium.  However, if you include GTKeyboard in a CD with other software,
I would appreciate a copy of that CD gratis.  You of course aren't bound to
do this, but it would be Pretty Damn Nifty (tm) in my opinion.

If you would like to know how to build and install GTKeyboard, please see
the INSTALL file.  If you want to know how to use GTKeyboard, please read
the file MANUAL.  (The text version is no longer updated, also try

GTKeyboard should be considered Beta software.  Not that you would, but 
PLEASE don't type your master thesis using this program because it has not
been heavily tested.  It is provided free of charge in the hope that it is
useful, but since it is covered under the terms of the GNU General Public
License, IT HAS NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.  This means that if you click save,
and instead of your note to your girlfriend, the program pens a filthy novel
in Russian, I am not responsible.  ;)  (now that would be an
interesting bug)  It also means that if it breaks, you get both
pieces.  Also, unless you are masochist, do NOT make gtkeyboard setuid or
setgid anything.  Setuid/sgid GTKeyboard, along with any other application
not specifically designed for it, is a really bad idea.

-- David Allen (Director of (Parenthetical) Comments)