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This is the README to gtkballs.

1. Requirements

 - a working X11 setup
 - gtk+. Version 1.1.13 seems to work, I don't know about older or newer
   versions. I'm almost sure that gtkballs won't compile with gtk+ 1.0.x.

I've only been able to test on my RedHat 5.1, but the sources should
compile on any platform that can host gtk+. As far as I know, it also
compiles under FreeBSD and Solaris 2.6 for x86. If gtkballs doesn't
compile and gtk+ do, mail me.

2. Compiling

$ vi makefile (optional, modify PREFIX variable if you want to install
gtkballs in another place)

$ make

3. Install

$ make install

This will copy gtkballs in /usr/local/bin and pixmaps in /usr/local/share/gtkballs
(or in another place, if you modified Makefile).

5. Bugs

If you find a bug, tell me what you did (or fix it and send a

Eugene V. Morozov <>
Gtkballs homepage: