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GPeriodic a gtk+ [and command line] application.

 A graphical application for browsing the periodic table

 Gperiodic displays a periodic table of the elements, allowing you to
 browse through the elements, and view detailed information about each
 element. This program also features a non-graphical interface.

Copyright © 1999-2002 Kyle R. Burton, 2003-2007 Jonas Frantz, 2014-2018 Alexey Loginov
All Rights Reserved.

This program is copyrighted under the GNU GPLv2 or later.  Please see the file gpl.txt,
or, to obtain a copy of the GNU GPL, please visit:

See the file AUTHORS for a list of who has contributed to the application.

The original purpose of this project was to help Jonas Frantz learn gtk+.
The latest version of the software can be found at:

See the file ChangeLog for more information about this software.