packages icon

 by Kemal 'Disq' Hadimli <>

What is it
GtkMyToolbar is a GtkToolbar variant - allowing the programmer to put two
different pixmaps for the two seperate (focused and unfocused) states of a
button in a toolbar.
(Summary: MyToolbar is like Netscape's toolbar, two different pixmaps)

I changed all the GtkToolbar words to GtkMyToolbar, not to mess with Gtk's
default GtkToolbar.

Which versions does it work with
GTK+ 's 10th-December-1998 CVS version (between releases 1.1.6 and 1.1.7)
Probably works with 1.1.6 and 1.1.7, but not tested by the author.


What the second edition brings
 * 0% Compability with the first edition =$)
 * 100% (I hope) Compability with GtkToolbar
 * Change-state bug fixed

What are the additional functions provided
 Let's see:

these are the two-icon versions of the GtkToolbar ones.

This code is released to the public mainly for comments. When I get
all the advises from the Gtk-Team and finish modifying(=playing with) the
code, I'll rename all the GtkMyToolbar things to GtkToolbar and submit
this as a patch for GtkToolbar. After all, GtkMyToolbar is -hopefully-
100% compatible with GtkToolbar.

Credit & Stuff
 GTK - The GIMP Toolkit
   Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Peter Mattis, Spencer Kimball and Josh MacDonald

   Copyright (C) Federico Mena