This is the set of GNU shar utilities. "sharutils" is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3 (or, at your option, any later version). 'shar' makes so-called shell archives out of many files, preparing them for transmission by electronic mail services. 'unshar' helps unpacking shell archives after reception, though once the shars are extracted into a file, any Bourne derived shell should be able to unpack it, too. The core of both programs is initially derived from public domain. Some modules and other code sections are freely borrowed from other GNU distributions, bringing 'shar' under the terms of the GNU General Public License. 'uuencode' prepares a file for transmission over an electronic channel which ignores or otherwise mangles the eight bit (high order bit) of bytes. 'uudecode' does the converse transformation. They are derived from the BSD NET/2 distribution, but enchanced with the features described in recent POSIX standards. If you have more powerful 'uuencode' and 'uudecode' already available, you may want to use './configure --disable-uucode' to prevent their installation. The sharutils package is internationalized, including the generated shell scripts. As described in the 'ABOUT-NLS' file, you have various options for handling this internationalization. This package is special in that it needs the GNU message catalog files to be installed. Therefore it might be a good idea to always use the GNU gettext functions and not the functions provided by your system. This is of course not needed if your system uses GNU gettext in its system library. See file 'ABOUT-NLS' for how to customize this program to your language. See file 'COPYING' for copying conditions. See file 'TODO' for a list of things people have thought about doing. See file 'INSTALL' for compilation and installation instructions. See file 'NEWS' for a list of major changes in the current release. See file 'THANKS' for a list of contributors. Your feedback will help us to make a better and more portable product. Mail suggestions and bug reports (including documentation errors) for this program to 'bug-gnu-utils@gnu.org'. Language file updates: sr 2015-04-13 pl 2015-01-08 eo 2015-01-07 cs 2015-01-05 fr 2015-01-04 vi 2015-01-03 uk 2015-01-03 pt_BR 2015-01-03 et 2015-01-02 nl 2015-01-01 ja 2014-10-30 hu 2014-07-10 de 2013-10-28 es 2013-03-03 gl 2013-02-10 it 2013-01-18 tr 2012-12-24 sv 2012-08-28 zh_CN 2011-04-28 ca 2011-04-11 fi 2011-02-08 da 2011-02-07 id 2010-02-27 ru 2006-05-22 ga 2006-05-22 bg 2006-05-22 zh_TW 2002-08-03 el 1998-06-20