XQF 0.9.3 (January 24 2000) DESCRIPTION ----------- XQF is Quake/QuakeWorld/Quake2/Quake3 server browser and launcher for X11. It uses the GTK+ (http://www.gimp.org/gtk) toolkit. XQF is a front-end to QStat, a program by Steve Jankowski. Development platform: Debian/Linux (glibc2.1), XFree86 3.3.5, GTK+ 1.2.5. Features: - Supports Quake, QuakeWorld, Quake2, Quake3: Arena, Hexen2, HexenWorld, Sin, Half-Life, Kingpin, Heretic2 - Uses QStat to communicate with masters/servers - Displays server rules and player info - Players and servers sorting - Favorite servers list - Simple filtering for servers - Player Filter (Buddy Lists) - Player name, color, skin and model selection - QuakeWorld skin visualization with coloring - Custom configs - Decodes and displays extended bit-field server flags (dmfalgs, teamplay, etc...) - Remote server administration tool (rcon) for QuakeWorld, HexenWorld, Quake2, Quake3: Arena, Half-Life, Sin, Kingpin, Heretic2 servers REQUIREMENTS ------------ - A UNIX computer and C compiler (gcc) - X11 (X Window System) - GTK+ 1.2.5+ http://www.gtk.org - QStat 2.2b or 2.3[cd] http://www.activesw.com/people/steve/qstat.html - [Optionally] wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/ to retrieve server listings from the Web - [Optionally] gzip http://www.gnu.org/software/gzip/gzip.html or bzip2 http://www.muraroa.demon.co.uk/ for data file compression COMPILATION ----------- Untar the xqf-X.X.XX.tar.gz archive, change directory to xqf-X.X.XX, ./configure make To install the binary become root if necessary and run "make install". USAGE ----- QStat 2.2b or 2.3[cdef] is required. It must be in your $PATH. QStat home page is http://www.activesw.com/people/steve/qstat.html QStat 2.3f is highly recommended. Server list navigation: - Left double-click launches game on selected server. - Right click pops up server option menu. - Middle click selects one server and refreshes its information. XQF can be customized via GTK's rc files. XQF parses files /etc/gtkrc, $HOME/.gtkrc, $HOME/.qf/gtkrc. Please send bug reports or suggestions to roma@botik.ru AVAILABILITY ------------ http://www.linuxgames.com/xqf/ ftp://ftp.linuxgames.com/pub/xqf/ COPYRIGHT --------- XQF is Copyright (C) 1998,1999 Roman Pozlevich <roma@botik.ru> Copying is allowed under the terms of GNU General Public License. See the file COPYING for more details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Roman Pozlevich <roma@botik.ru>