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 XRISK(1)                Programmer's Workshop, NTH                 XRISK(1)

      xrisk - X version of Risk boardgame

      xrisk [ -m ] [ -d ] [ -l language ] machine1 machine2 [ machine3 ... ]

      is a game running under the X window system, that looks very much like
      the "Risk" board game published by Parker Brothers, Inc.

      -m   disable missions.

      -d   two active players.

      -l   language to use. See FILES below for what languages are

      For each player (machine), three windows will appear:

      o  Xrisk-info where you click on the colour you wish to be represented
         by, and enter your player name,

      o  Card Info which displays the cards you have, and

      o  Xrisk@machine which is the main playing board, consisting of the
         menubuttons, the message box, and the map. The menubuttons are
         described further down. In the message box will come messages that
         are distributed to all players, while messages for you alone will
         be printed on the bottom of the map. Also, in the bottom left
         corner you will see the name of the country and continent the
         cursor is positioned in, if any.

      The object of the game is very simple: World Conquest or fullfillment
      of a mission . To obtain this goal, each player places and moves his
      own armies on the board, and attacks the armies of other players until
      a certain mission (chosen by the computer) is accomplished, or until
      the world is totally conquered. Xrisk might be played with 1 or 2
      simultaneously active players.

      The sequence of play is very straightforward. Each player, in turn:

      Exchange cards -
         A player might exchange the cards he has received during play. A
         player must exchange cards if the total of cards exceeds four in
         the beginning of his turn, or anytime during play when the number
         of cards exceeds four. To exchange, the player clicks once on each
         of the three required cards to exchange, and the cards will be

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 XRISK(1)                Programmer's Workshop, NTH                 XRISK(1)

         exchanged when it becomes that player's turn.  The excnage happens
         instant|y if the excange occurs during the turn.  Exchange rates

         Three artillery -
            Gives four additional armies.

         Three infantry -
            Gives six additional armies.

         Three cavalry -
            Gives eight additional armies.

         A combination of all three -
            Gives ten additional armies

         A  joker might be used as any one of the cards in the exchange.

         If you own the country on the card (any card in the exchange), you
         receive a bonus two armies in that country.

      Place Armies -
         You receive, at the start of your turn, one army for every third
         country you own, at a minimum of three, plus one extra if you
         conquered a country in your previous turn. If you are the sole
         occupant of all areas on a continent, you receive:

         North America -
            five additional armies.

         South America -
            two additional armies.

         Europe -
            five additional armies.

         Africa -
            three additional armies.

         Asia -
            seven additional armies.

         Australia -
            two additional armies.

            In addition come armies you got for exchanging cards. All of
            these armies must be placed in countries belonging to you. You
            place the armies by clicking on the country of your choice. You
            will then be asked how many armies to place. In this phase,
            clicking with the left button again means place all armies there
            ( Note: In the beginning phase only seven armies can be placed

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 XRISK(1)                Programmer's Workshop, NTH                 XRISK(1)

            in a country.) while pressing the right button means place no
            armies. You may also type in the number of armies to put in the

         Attack -
            You can now attack from your countries to neighbouring enemy
            countries if you have at least two armies in your country. To
            attack, click on the country you wish to attack from, and then
            on the target coutry.  You may keep doing this (for a given pair
            of countries) until either

               o  You have eliminated all the opposing forces,

               o  You have only one army left, or

               o  You decide to pull out.

            You cannot pull out of a fight if you have chosen the Do or Die
            option from the menu.

            If you win, you will be asked how many armies to move into the
            defeated country. You have to move at least as many armies as
            those you attacked with, and at least one army must remain in
            the attacking country. These armies are moved automatically by
            the program, so if you don't have any armies apart from these,
            you will not be prompted for how many you wish to move.  If you
            are prompted, you may press the left button to move all the
            armies (short of the one that must remain), and the right button
            to not move any extra armies. You may also type in the number of
            armies to move.

            You end your attacks by clicking in the message window (top
            right corner).

         Move Armies -
            When you have completed your attack phase, you may move armies.
            Up to seven armies can be moved from your countries to
            neighbouring countries belonging to you. You then click on the
            starting country and the target neighbour, then entering the
            number you wish to move, pressing the left button for maximum
            number and the right button for no armies.

      In the top left corner you will see six boxes:

      o  A button for Suicide. In order to end the game (for you)
         prematurely, you may double-click in this box. The text will then
         change to and if you click again in the box, the Xrisk display
         windows will be removed. The other players will receive a message
         stating your suicide, but your armies remain in place until

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 XRISK(1)                Programmer's Workshop, NTH                 XRISK(1)

      o  A button to toggle between meaning that attacks are conducted one
         round at a time, and where the machine runs consecutive attacks
         until one of the end clauses are met (see above).

      o  A button to indicate the number of armies you wish to attack with
         per round (the defender uses up to two armies in defence,
         automatically), going from 1 to 3. You raise the number by clicking
         with the left button and lower it using the right button.

      o  A button to get a message about what your mission in the game is.
         If you complete this mission, you win the game. You can display the
         text describing your mission by clicking the left button in the
         box, and remove the text by clicking the right button. The text is
         displayed at the bottom of the screen.

      o  A button to refresh the Xrisk display window, in case some
         "unauthorized" resizing has messed up the map or something else has
         happened to the display.

      o  A small button to enter your own messages in. You can type away,
         and terminate with The message will arrive in the message box of
         all the players, with a tag naming the sending player.

      Multi-language-support -
         The file <language>.mapping describes mapping to different
         languages.  The environment varable XRISK_MAPDIR describes where to
         look for mapfiles and XRISK_LANGUAGE what language to use. We
         currently support English, French, German and Norwegian. If you
         miss your own language, feel free to make a map-file and send it to

      Probably plenty. Report any you find to

      The program was written by Hans Kristian Nordengen at the Norwegian
      Institute of Technology. The X interface was written by Lasse
      {\O}verlier, and this man-page was written by Tor Wilhelmsen.

      Library files normally reside in /local/games/lib/xrisk.

         *.xras    - Run length encoded picture-file read by xrisk.
         *.data    - The data file describing countries etc.
         *.mapping - Multi language support file.

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 XRISK(1)                Programmer's Workshop, NTH                 XRISK(1)

      Environment varables:
         XRISK_XRASDIR  - where to search for picture-files.
         XRISK_DATAFILE - the data file.
         XRISK_MAPDIR   - where to search for language-support-files.
         XRISK_LANGUAGE - what language to use.

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