packages icon
                README file for mosaic, version 1.0
                Kirk Johnson
                January 1991


    README              this file
    Imakefile           for use with "imake"
    Makefile.DIST       for use with "make"
    mosaic.[ch]         non-X-related source code
    x11.[ch]            X-related source code          man page
    mosaic.scores       prototype high score file


Mosaic can be built and installed "by hand", with "make", or with
"imake". Brief instructions for each are provided below. If these
instructions are somehow incorrect or deficient, please send me e-mail
at the address shown below.

- To build mosaic "by hand":

    (1) Compile the source file "mosaic.c", taking care to provide a
        define for the absolute path of the high score file (see
        "ABOUT THE HIGH SCORE FILE", below).

    (2) Compile the source file "x11.c".

    (3) Link the resulting object files with the X11 library to
        produce an executable.

    (4) Copy the executable and man page to whatever places are
        appropriate for your environment. Copy "mosaic.scores" to path
        you provided in step (1).

    (5) Use "chmod a+rwx ..." or "chmod 777 ..." to enable global
        read/write access for the copy of high scores file you made in
        step (4).

    On many systems, steps (1) through (3) might be accomplished with
    something like:

      cc -DScoreFile=\"/u/tuna/src/mosaic/mosaic.scores\" -c mosaic.c
      cc -c x11.c
      cc -o mosaic mosaic.o x11.o -lX11

    (You should replace "/u/tuna/src/mosaic/mosaic.scores" with the
    path you'll be using for the high score file in your system.)

- To build mosaic with "make":

    (1) Copy the distribution makefile "Makefile.DIST" to "Makefile".

    (2) Edit the define for "ScoreFile" as appropriate for your local
        environment. (Replace "/u/tuna/src/mosaic/mosaic.scores" with
        the absolute path you want to use for the high score file; see
        "ABOUT THE HIGH SCORE FILE", below.)

    (3) Run "make all" to produce an executable.

    (4) Copy the executable and man page to whatever places are
        appropriate for your environment. Copy "mosaic.scores" to path
        you provided in step (1).

    (5) Use "chmod a+rwx ..." or "chmod 777 ..." to enable global
        read/write access for the copy of high scores file you made in
        step (4).

- To build mosaic with "imake":

    (0) I'm not much of an imake wizard, so I don't guarantee that
        the following will work on your system. If you have trouble
        building mosaic according to these directions, you may want to
        resort to using "make" or building "by hand" according to the
        directions given above.

        On the other hand, if you _are_ an imake wizard and have
        reasonable suggestions about how I could improve these
        directions and/or the accompanying Imakefile, please send me
        e-mail at the address shown below.

    (1) Edit the provided "Imakefile"; replace the definition of
        SCOREDIR with the name of the directory you'd like the high
        score file to be installed in.

    (2) Build a Makefile with "xmkmf". (If your system has "imake" but
        not "xmkmf", you might try something like:

          imake -DUseInstalled -I/usr/lib/X11/config

        Read the "imake" man page or see your local imake wizard for
        more info.)

    (3) Run "make all" to produce an executable.

    (4) Run "make install" to install the executable and the high
        score file.

    (5) Run "make" to install the man page.


    Mosaic keeps a list of high scores in a simple text file; all
    users need to have read/write access to this file. You should take
    care not to put the high score file in a place some users will not
    have read/write access to.

    After installing mosaic, you may want to double check that other
    users can get at the high score file by having them play a game and
    ensuring that their scores appear in the high score file.


    Mosaic was written by Kirk Johnson <>. It is
    based on Joshua Klayman's PC/MS-DOS shareware game of the same
    name. This version is a complete rewrite encompasing only the
    basic functionality of the original.

    Bug reports and suggestions are welcome.