packages icon

 REVE(6)                                                             REVE(6)
                              13 November 1991

      reve - an othello game.

      reve [ -animate ] [ -bestmove ] [ -black ] [ -clock ] [ -d difficulty ]
      [ -e edgefile ] [ -g geometry ] [ -h helpfile ] [ -help ] [ -i ] [
      -last ] [ -load gamefile ] [ -log ] [ -m ] [ -notes ] [ -number ] [
      -opponent user@host ] [ -props ] [ -quick ] [ -r reve_proc ] [ -v ] [
      -white ] [ -? ] [ -Wi ] [ -Wp x y ] [ -WP x y ]

      Reve is a version of the popular Othello game. It contains graphical
      interfaces for SunView, X11 and XView, as well as being able to
      function on normal display terminals using a termcap interface.  Reve
      is played on an 8 x 8 board, with stones which should be considered to
      be black on one side and white on the other. A legal move consists of
      placing a stone of one's own color on the board so as to "sandwich"
      one or more rows (orthogonal or diagonal) of stones of the opposite
      color between the stone just placed and another stone of the same
      color. All stones so sandwiched are flipped over to reveal the color
      of the other side (your own color).  The object of the game, is to
      have more stones than the opponent at the end of the game (ie. when
      the board is full or neither side has a legal move). If you have no
      legal move, you simply miss a turn.  Black goes first.  With reve, to
      place one of your own stones simply click with the mouse over the
      square in which you want your stone to go. Note that it is also
      possible to supply a number and a letter pair, to indicate where you
      would like your new stone to go. This is the only method to place
      stones with the dumb tty interface. The square containing the last
      move will be shown with a black outline. This is updated with each new
      move. If you hold the mouse button down as you move around the board,
      the square you are currently over will be highlighted.  There are
      various buttons, choice, toggles and cyclic selections available.
      Their meanings are given below, plus an indication of their keyboard
      equivalents. With the cyclic selections, clicking over the left half
      of the cycle item increments the selection, and clicking over the
      right half of the cycle item decrements the selection. Control-l is a
      keyboard accelerator for redrawing the reve windows.  By default, a
      human will play black, and the computer will play white. If you want a
      human vs human startup or some other combination, then you should use
      the appropriate command line options (see below).

      With the graphics versions, there are ten buttons that are normally
      displayed at the top of the reve window. Each of these buttons, has a
      keyboard equivalent which is given in brackets below. Note that the
      XView version has a slightly different appearance, but it should be
      easy to deduce what each option does.

      load [ L ]        Load a game file. The format of this game file is
                        given below. With the graphical versions, a text

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                              13 November 1991

                        field is displayed between the done and quit buttons
                        for you to enter the filename of this game file.
                        Clicking over the cancel button or pressing the
                        Escape key will cancel the load operation. When you
                        press the Return key, filename entry is complete,
                        and the program will try to load this file. If it's
                        unsuccessful, it will stop on the invalid line, and
                        display an error message. As each line is
                        successfully read from the game file, the stone is
                        displayed on the board, and the appropriate stones

      moves? [ A ]      Show all the valid moves for the current board. This
                        is useful for beginners, and for teaching purposes.

      new game [ n ]    Start a new game of reve

      help [ H ]        Display a window containing the online reve help
                        information. A cycle at the top of this window
                        allows you to page through this file.

      redo [ r ]        Redo the last "move". If the opponent is the
                        computer, then two "moves" are redone. A "move" is
                        considered to be all consecutive moves by the
                        opponent.  To redo a move, you must have undone a

      props [ p ]       Display a property sheet containing choices and
                        toggles which will alter various reve properties.

      save [ S ]        Save the current game to file. See the entry for the
                        load button above for details of how to enter the

      suggest [ s ]     Let the computer suggest a good move for you. This
                        move will be dependent upon the current level of
                        difficulty set.

      print [ P ]       Print the current game to a PostScript printer. The
                        default print command is "trans | lpr", but this can
                        be over-ridden for the X11 and XView versions with
                        an X resource (see below).

      undo [ u ]        Undo the last "move". If the opponent is the
                        computer, then two "moves" are undone. A "move" is
                        considered to be all previous consecutive moves by
                        the opponent.

      quit [ q ]        Exit the reve program.

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                              13 November 1991

      With the graphical versions, there is a property sheet window which
      can be displayed. The property sheet has two choice items, one cyclic
      item, and six toggle items. Click with the left mouse button over the
      option you want from the choice items. With the cyclic items, click
      with the left mouse button over the appropriate half, to either
      increment or decrement the current value.  Clicking left over the
      toggle item boxes, will toggle the value of that item on or off.  The
      choice and toggle items also have keyboard equivalents which are given
      in brackets below. The choice items must be followed by the value of
      the new selection you wish to make. The dumb tty version has the
      equivalent of these items displayed to the right of the reve board

      Computer plays: [ C ]
                        A choice item which selects what color[s] the
                        computer should play. The keyboard equivalents are
                        'b' for black, 'w' for white, 'n' for neither, and
                        'a' for all (both).

      Difficulty: [ D ] A choice item which sets the degree of difficulty
                        for the computers moves.  Keyboard selection values
                        are in the range '1' to '9'. The computer move is
                        determined on a time basis. The degree of difficulty
                        determines the total amount of time that the
                        computer will take to make all its moves. Here are
                        the time periods for each level of difficulty:
                             Difficulty     Time      1         Time
                        allocation disabled (fast simple move).
                             2         1 minutes.
                             3         3 minutes.
                             4         5 minutes.
                             5         10 minutes.
                             6         15 minutes.
                             7         20 minutes.
                             8         30 minutes.
                             9         60 minutes.  Level eight is
                        tournament level.

      Set search depth: [ No keyboard equivalent ]
                        A cyclic item which sets the maximum search depth
                        for each and every computer move. By default this
                        option is turned off, and the computer uses a clock
                        to time it's moves. Depending on where in the game
                        you are, the search depth usually varies by one or
                        two plys. Turning on this option disables the clock.

      Animate move option. [ O followed by a or A ]
                        A toggle item for animating the computer move and
                        the dragging of human pieces.

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                              13 November 1991

      Show current best move option. [ O followed by b or B ]
                        A toggle item for showing the current best move as
                        the computer makes it's move.

      Show last move option. [ O followed by l or L ]
                        A toggle item for outlining the square containing
                        the last move.

      Show evaluation information option. [ O followed by e or E ]
                        A toggle item for displaying evaluation information
                        for each computer move. In short, a positive number
                        indicates a good move for the computer, and a
                        negative number is good for the opponent. The
                        evaluation information also includes the depth to
                        which the computer searched for it's move. If that
                        depth value is negative, it indicates the search was
                        not completed at that depth, due to the timer

      Number last move option. [ O followed by n or N ]
                        A toggle item for number the last move stone.

      Don't show flip option. [ O followed by f or F ]
                        A toggle item to prevent the flip of the stones as a
                        turn is completed.

      Invalid move shows legal moves option. [ O followed by m or M ]
                        A toggle item which will show all the possible legal
                        moves if the user makes an invalid move.

      Use Clocks to Time Moves. [ O followed by c or C ]
                        A toggle item to display timer clocks for each
                        player. If timer clocks are shown, then each player
                        is allowed a certain amount of time to play all
                        their moves. This amount of time depends on the
                        current level of difficulty.

           Show animation. The computer's stone will glide in from the top
           left corner of the board, and when you hold the left mouse button
           down, your stone is dragged around.

           As the computer is making it's move, continually show the
           position of the best move found so far.

           Black will be played by a human.

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                              13 November 1991

           Display clocks to time each move. A total amount of time is
           allowed for each player depending upon the level of difficulty.
           When that time has expired, then the game is over.

      -d difficulty
           The level of difficulty for computer moves. See the Difficulty:
           cyclic item description above for more information.

      -e edgefile
           Specify an alternate location for the reve edge stability table
           file. Normally the location of this file is compiled in when the
           program is created, but reve will search every directory on your
           search path looking file a file called reve.edgetable.

      -g geometry
           Used with the X11 variant of reve to give geometry information.

      -h helpfile
           Specify an alternate location for the reve online help file.
           Normally the location of this file is compiled in when the
           program is created, but reve will search every directory on your
           search path looking file a file called

           Initially show the reve help window.

      -i   Invert the reve window before displaying it. For use by people
           who started their graphics environment in inverse mode. This
           option is currently only implemented for the SunView version.

           Show where the last stone was placed, by outlining the square.

      -load gamefile
           Load a game file. The format of this game file is given below.
           The board will be setup with these stones.

      -log Save a log of computer move information to the file reve.res as
           the game progresses. This information is probably only useful to
           people trying to improve the computer algorithm.

      -m   Always display in monochrome, even on a color screen.

           Display computer notes.

           Show the move number on the last stone placed.

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                              13 November 1991

      -opponent user@host
           Play a game against another human on another networked machine.
           Reve will send an invitation to that person asking if the want to
           play, and they will then invoke reve on their machine (using your
           username and hostname), and the connection is established. Note
           that both machines need to have the reve network daemon
           configured. See the README file for information on how to do

           Initially show the reve property window.

           Play a quick game. Don't flash the stones as they are being

      -r reve_proc
           Full pathname of the computer strategy reve_proc program.

      -?   Print the version number and usage message for this release of
           the reve program.

      -v   Print the version number and usage message for this release of
           the reve program.

           White will be played by a human.

      -Wi  Start the reve program up in iconic form. The SunView and XView
           version of reve will automatically uses this flag, but the X11
           version will also.

      -Wp x y
           Start the open window position at x y

      -WP x y
           Start the icon position at x y

      On startup, the X11 and XView version of reve will use the following X
      resources. These resources can be placed in all the normal X places.
      You can also set a REVEDEFAULTS environment variable to point to a
      file containing them, or place them in a .reverc file in your home

      Resource:      reve.animate
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether various animation effects are shown.

      Resource:      reve.bestmove

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                              13 November 1991

      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether to continually show the best move so
                     far, as the computer is making it's move.

      Resource:      reve.boardSize
      Values:        Board size (numeric)
      Description    The initial size in pixels of the reve game board.

      Resource:      reve.difficulty
      Values:        Difficulty value (numeric)
      Description    The computer difficulty level.

      Resource:      reve.last
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether the position of the last stone placed
                     is shown by a square.

      Resource:      reve.log
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether to save a log of computer information
                     to the file reve.res/

      Resource:      reve.notes
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether todisplay computer notes.

      Resource:      reve.number
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether the last stone placed in numbered.

      Resource:      reve.quick
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether a quick game should be played. Stones
                     are not flashed as they are placed, if this resource is
                     set true.

      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether the properties window is initially

      Resource:      reve.showClocks
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether timer clocks for each player are
                     initially displayed.
      Resource:      reve.showHelp
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether the online help window is initially

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                              13 November 1991

      Resource:      reve.showLegalMoves
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether an invalid move should show all legal

      Resource:      reve.iconiseForOpponentMove
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether the reve window should be closed
                     during the opponents move.

      Resource:      reve.bellAfterOpponentMove
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether there should be a beep sounded after
                     the opponents move.

      Resource:      reve.raiseAfterOpponentMove
      Values:        True, False (False)
      Description    Indicates whether the reve window should be
                     automatically raised to the top after the opponents

      Resource:      reve.panelColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The background color of the main and property panels.

      Resource:      reve.boardColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The color of the reve playing board.

      Resource:      reve.boardBorderColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The border color of the reve playing board.

      Resource:      reve.gridColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The color of the grid lines on the reve playing board.

      Resource:      reve.textColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The color of all text panel text items.

      Resource:      reve.itemColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The background color of the button and cycle items.

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                              13 November 1991

      Resource:      reve.blackStoneColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The color of the "black" stones.

      Resource:      reve.whiteStoneColor
      Values:        Color name string or hexadecimal color specification
      Description    The color of the "white" stones.

      Resource:      reve.blackStoneName
      Values:        Black stone name string
      Description    The name to be displayed in all "black" stone messages.

      Resource:      reve.whiteStoneName
      Values:        White stone name string.
      Description    The name to be displayed in all "white" stone messages.

      Resource:      reve.printCommand
      Values:        Print command string
      Description    The print command to use to print reve game

      Resource:      reve.boardFont
      Values:        Font name string
      Description    The name of the font used to display text on the reve
                     game board.

      Resource:      reve.boldFont
      Values:        Font name string
      Description    The name of the font used to display bold text.

      Resource:      reve.helpFont
      Values:        Font name string
      Description    The name of the font used to display the online help

      Resource:      reve.normalFont
      Values:        Font name string
      Description    The name of the font used to display normal text.

      Reve has the ability to load or save games. The format of the games
      files are:      1,   <C-4>     -    [ remarks field ]
           2,   -    <E-3>     [ remarks field ] There is one move per line.
      Lines starting with a '#' and blank lines are ignored. The first field
      of each line is the move number. This will be present before the
      comma. It is used as a consistency check. Next are the black and white
      fields. If the '<' character is present before the white. The three
      characters between the '<' and '>' are the move, and give the column
      and row. The column letter can be in either lower or upper case.  It

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                              13 November 1991

      is possible for one player to have two or more consequentive moves,
      hence the need for the above scheme.  Reve is flexible about white
      space (except between the '<' and '>' characters).  The remarks field
      is ignored. The program will stop on the first line it thinks is in
      error, and display the reason for this. As valid lines are read from a
      game file, the board is updated.
           edge stability table for all possible edge combinations.
      See the TODO file for the list of known problems.
      Computer strategy:  Yves Gallot    (no net address at present).
      Graphics interface: Rich Burridge  richb@Aus.Sun.COM

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