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 gnushogi(6)                                                     gnushogi(6)

      gnushogi - GNU Shogi (Japanese Chess)

      gnushogi [ [[-]a] [-b bookfile] [-B binbookfile] [-C] [-h langfile] [-L
      langfile] [-r length] [-R] [-s pathname] [-l pathname] [-S binbooksize]
      [-t] [-c size] [-T size] [-v] [-x] [-X] arg1 arg2 ]

      Gnushogi plays a game of japanese chess (shogi) against the user or it
      plays against itself.

      At startup Gnushogi reads the binbook file if it is present. It then
      looks for a book file. If it is present it adds its contents to the
      binbook data. If the binbook file is writable a new combined binbook
      file is written.

      Gnushogi is a modified version of the gnuchess program.  It has a
      simple alphanumeric board display, or it can be compiled for use with
      the xshogi program under X windows.  The program gets its opening
      moves from the file gnushogi.bbk which is located in a directory
      specified in the Makefile.  To invoke the program type:

      gnushogi -C
           - simple curses based version

      gnushogi -X (or just gnushogi)
           - xshogi compatible version

      gnushogi -R
           - raw test display version

      If one argument is given, it is the search time per move in
      [minutes:]seconds.  So gnushogi 30 will generate one move every 30
      seconds, while gnushogi 5:00 will generate one move every 5 minutes.

      If two or more arguments are given, they will be used to set
      tournament time controls with the first argument of each pair being
      the number of moves and the second being the total clock time in
      minutes[:seconds].  Thus, entering gnushogi 60 5 will set the clocks
      for 5 minutes (300 seconds) for the first 60 moves, and gnushogi 30
      3:30 will allow 3 minutes and 30 seconds for 30 moves.

      gnushogi 30 5 1 :30 will allow 5 minutes for the first 30 moves and 30
      seconds for each move after that.  Up to 4 pairs of controls may be

      If no argument is given the program will prompt the user for level of

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      For use with xshogi see the documentation on that program.

      The book gnushogi.tbk consists of a sequence of openings.  An opening
      begins with a line starting with a # , the rest of the line is a
      comment.  Following this is a series of moves in algebraic notation
      alternating black and white separated by white space. A move may have
      a ? after it indicating this move should never be made in this
      position.  Moves are stored as position:move so transpositions between
      openings can take place.

      The hashfile if created should be on the order of 4 megabytes or
      gnushogi -c 22. This file contains positions and moves learned from
      previous games.  If a hashfile is used the computer makes use of the
      experience it gained in past games. Tests run so far show that it
      plays no worse with the hashfile than without, but it is not clear yet
      whether it provides a real advantage.

      Note: Piece letters are determined by the language file.  What is
      specified here is the default (English).

      Once gnushogi is invoked, the program will display the board and
      prompt the user for a move. To enter a move, use the notation 7g7f
      where the first letter-number pair indicates the origin square and the
      second letter-number pair indicates the destination square.  An
      alternative is to use the notation P7f where the first letter
      indicates the piece type (P,L,N,S,G,B,R,K).  To promote append a + the
      type of the new piece to the move, as in 2d2c+ or P2c+. Note that you
      must use capital letters for the pieces by default.

      -a   Do not search on opponent's time.

      a    Do search on opponent's time.

      -b bookfile
           Use bookfile for opening book.

      -B binbookfile
           Use binbookfile for binary opening book.

      -c size
           Create a new HASHFILE. File size is 2^size entries of
           approximately 65+? bytes.

      -C   Use curses-based display mode.

      -h   Do not use hashfile.

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      h    Do use hashfile.

      -l pathname
           Pathname of the loadfile use with get or xget.

      -L lang
           Use language lang from the file gnushogi.lang. If -L is not
           specified it uses the first language in the file.

      -P plylevels
           Number of plys to include in the binbookfile. For generating a

      -r length
           Rehash length times in searching  entries for position in
           transposition table.

      -R   Use raw text display mode.  This can be used for dumb terminals
           or for systems that don't have curses.

      -s pathname
           Pathname of the save file to use with the save command.

      -S size
           Size of binbookfile for memory based books. For creating a

      -t   Show statistics for HASHFILE

      -T size
           Set the transposition table size to 2^size entries.

      -v   Show version and patchlevel.

      -x value
           Use value as the evaluation window xwndw.

      -X   Use xshogi display mode (the default).

      In addition to legal moves, the following commands are available as
      responses.  Note: command names are determined by the language file
      and may vary with the implementation. The default language is English.

      alg -- allow algebraic input (not implemented)

      Awindow -- change Alpha window (default score + 90)

      Bwindow -- change Beta window (default score - 90)

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      beep -- toggles beeping after each move (default: on).

      bd -- updates the current board position on the display.

      book -- turns off use of the opening library.

      both -- causes the computer to play both sides of a shogi game.

      black -- causes the computer to take the white pieces, if the computer
      is to move first.

      bsave -- saves a game to disk as a book textfile. The program will
      prompt the user for a file name.

      gamein -- toggles game mode time control. Assumes the time specified
      for time control is the time for a complete game.  Input with the
      level command should be the game time and the expected number of moves
      in a game.  go command must be given.

      coords -- show coordinates on the display (visual only)

      contempt -- allows the value of contempt to be modified.

      debug --  asks for a piece as color piece, as wb or bn, and shows its
      calculated value on each square.

      debuglevel --  sets level of debugging output if compiled with debug

      depth -- allows the user to change the search depth of the program.
      The maximum depth is 29 ply.  Normally the depth is set to 29 and the
      computer terminates its search based on elapsed time rather than
      depth.  If depth is set to (say) 4 ply, the program will search until
      all moves have been examined to a depth of 4 ply (with extensions up
      to 11 additional ply for sequences of checks and captures).  If you
      set a maximum time per move and also use the depth command, the search
      will stop at the specified time or the specified depth, whichever
      comes first.

      easy -- toggles easy mode (thinking on opponents time) on and off. The
      default is easy mode ON.  If easy mode is disabled, the keyboard is
      polled for input every so often and when input is seen the search is
      terminated. It may also be terminated with a sigint.

      edit -- allows the user to set up a board position.

      # - command will clear the board.

      c - toggle piece color.

      . - command will exit setup mode.

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      p3b - place a pawn on 3b

      p3b+ - place a promoted pawn on 3b

      p* - place a pawn to the captured pieces

      Pieces are entered by typing a letter (p,l,n,s,g,b,r,k) for the piece
      followed by the coordinate.

      The usual warning about the language file applies.

      exit -- exits gnushogi.

      first -- tells the computer to move first. Computer begins searching
      for a move.  (same as "go").

      force -- allows the user to enter moves for both sides. To get the
      program to play after a sequence of moves has been entered use the
      'black' or 'white' commands.

      get -- retrieves a game from disk.  The program will prompt the user
      for a file name.

      hash -- use/don't use hashfile.

      hashdepth -- allows the user to change the minimum depth for using the
      hashfile and the number of moves from the beginning of the game to use

      help -- displays a short description of the commands and the current
      status of options.

      go -- tells the computer to move first. Computer begins searching for
      a move.  (same as "first").

      hint -- causes the program to supply the user with its predicted move.

      level -- allows the user to set time controls such as 60 moves in 5
      minutes etc.  In tournament mode, the program will vary the time it
      takes for each move depending on the situation.  If easy mode is
      disabled (using the 'easy' command), the program will often respond
      with its move immediately, saving time on its clock for use later on.

      list -- writes the game moves and some statistics on search depth,
      nodes, and time to the file 'shogi.lst'.

      material -- toggle material flag - draws on no pawns and both sides <

      new -- starts a new game.

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      p -- evaluates the board and shows the point score for each piece. The
      total score for a position is the sum of these individual piece

      post -- causes the program to display the principal variation and the
      score during the search.  A score of 100 is equivalent to a 1 pawn
      advantage for the computer.

      quit -- exits the game.

      random -- causes the program to randomize its move selection slightly.

      rcptr -- set recapture mode.

      remove -- backout the last level for both sides. Equal to 2 undo's.

      reverse -- causes the board display to be reversed.  That is, the
      black pieces will now appear at the top of the board.

      rv -- reverse board display.

      save -- saves a game to disk.  The program will prompt the user for a
      file name.

      switch -- causes the program to switch places with the opponent and
      begin searching.

      test -- performs some speed tests for MoveList and CaptureList
      generation, and ScorePosition position scoring for the current board.

      time -- set computer's time remaining, intended for synchronizing
      clocks among multiple players.

      tsume -- toggle tsume mode. In tsume mode, not all possible moves will
      be generated. If a king is in check, only moves that get the king out
      of check are generated.  If the king is not in check, only moves that
      give check to the opponent's king are generated.

      undo -- undoes the last move whether it was the computer's or the
      human's. You may also type "remove". This is equivalent to two
      "undo"'s (e.g. retract one move for each side).

      white -- causes the computer to take the black pieces, if the computer
      is to move first the go command must be given.

      xget -- read an xshogi position file.

      xsave -- save as an xshogi position file.

      xwndw -- change X window. The window around alpha/beta used to
      determine whether the position should be scored or just estimated.

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