README for "Code Breaker" "Code Breaker" is a computerized variation of "MasterMind" (R) (Pressman (R)) I wrote it with GTK+ as a personal project to learn how to program applications with GTK+ for Linux. After un-taring and un-gzipping these files, cd into the codebreaker director (if you are reading this README, chances are you've already done this). Now compile the program with the following commands: configure make make install to compile and install Code Breaker. If you don't have root access, do configure --prefix=/tmp for instance, or specify other directory than /tmp that you are allowed to write to (like someplace in your home directory) and enter the same syntax as above. If you are trying to build this program after a failed make, or are recompiling it after altering my code, use the following: make clean make make install The entire installation of this program can be removed with: make uninstall To play Code Breaker, just type in the name of the executable file (codebreaker). If you installed it to a directoory that is not in the PATH environment variable, you must cd to that directory and only then you can lauch it. You still can add its directory to you PATH variable. Type export PATH=$PATH:CODEBREAKERDIR, where CODEBREAKERDIR is the directory to where you have installed th program. If you are unfamiliar with how to play MasterMind (R), instructions are in "doc/HOWTO" (which is viewable from within the program under "Help"). Since this is my first GTK+ program, I would appreciate any feedback on my code and the application itself. I can be reached at Direct any comments, suggestions, or bug reports to this email address. I hope you enjoy this program and find it to entertaining and challenging.