packages icon


Implementation hints:

The editor has been developed on a IBM RS 6000, with AIX 3.1.5 and
XWindows 11R3. However, it should not be a problem to implement it on
other machines. The included makefile is for Linux.

I had the opportunity to test it with Linux and a Sun. Both worked.
You should include -DNOIBM for Linux and -DSUN for the Sun in the
CCFLAGS of the makefile. You may need to use acc or a correctly set
ANSI-C gcc for Sun machines. R. Mather reports the succesful compile
on a HP-UX 9-05 with cc=c89 and the compiler option -L /usr/lib/X11R5.

xredit should be created with the makefile (type: make). However,
you may wish to change some of the default things.

First edit the makefile and fix the installation directory and
the manual directory to your needs. Then fix some variables.

This makro contains the default font. Change it in the makefile. Use
the standard XWindows font description. Normally, all fonts are listed
with xlsfonts.

This long variable is set in xinit.c and contains the default memory

	make install
will copy xredit to xredit in the installation directory and the the
manual page to the manual directory (unformatted).

You can then start xredit with the following command line

[-f font name]
[-s initial size in KB (like -s 16000)]
[-w or +w for word wrap on or off]
[-b or +b for deleteing blanks at end of lines]
[-i or +i for turning auto indent on or off]
[-d or +d for making duplicates of saved files]
[-c or +c for saving file positions and names in a configuration file]
[-v or +v for having a vertical scroll bar]
[-x colorname for setting the colorname of the background color]
[-t size for setting the tab skips (it uses true tab characters)]
[-l length for setting the line length for reformat and word wrap]
[-k filename for loading a key tranlation table (see the manual page)]
[-disp display for setting the display]
[-geom geometry for setting the window position and size (like 500x500)]
[+number for setting the position in the file] filename
[+...] filename ...

If you have questions, here is the EMail addres of the author:

and here the mail address

	Dr. R. Grothmann
	Kath. Univ. Eichstaett
	85071 Eichstaett