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 Editor(1)                                                         Editor(1)

      rxedit 2.0 - text editor for XWindows

      rxedit [-f(ont) Fontname] [-s(ize) KB]
       [+i(ndent)] [-c(onfig_save)]
       [+d(uplicate save)] [-w(ordwrap)]
       [-b(lanks compress)]
       [-t(ab)4] [-l(ine_length)75]
       [-disp Display] [-geom Geometry]
       [-k filename]
       [+position] filename ...

      This editor is a simple, but powerful editor to run under XWindows.
      It features an intuitive user surface with mouse support, multiple
      file editing, formatting service and makros.

      rxedit accepts the following options.

      -b|+b   Surpresses blanks and tabs at line ends.

      -c|+c   With this option, the configuration of the session is saved
              (on editor.cfg). The next start of the editor will reload the
              configuration. Remove editor.cfg to stop this.

      +d|-d   Chooses duplicate save. The opriginal file is renamed *.bak.

      -disp Display
              Chooses the XWindow display.

      -f Fontname
              The Font must be non-proportional (Like 8x13).

      -geom Geometry
              Sets the Window geometry in Pixels.

      -i|+i   Sets automatic indentation on or off.

      -l linelength
              Sets the linelength for the wordwrap feature.

      -s Number
              Since the editor reserves a fixed portion of memory, the
              memory size can be adjusted with this option. However, it is
              possible to enlarge it during runtime.

      -t tabsize
              Sets the tabsize.

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 Editor(1)                                                         Editor(1)

      -w|+w   Switches wordwrap on or off. If on, the cursor moves to the
              next line after the line length has been exceeded.

      -k filename
              Loads a keyboard translation table and switches the
              translation on.  The table contains lines. The first character
              of the line is replaced by the rest of the line, whenever the
              character is entered through the keyboard. The translation may
              be switched off by an option (ALT-O).

      [+position] filename
              Loads the file. If a position is given, the cursor is
              positioned into the corresponding line. The file may be new.

      e -geom 500x500+0+0 -disp unix:0 -fond 8x13 +w +b test.txt

      No editor gives you a no-crash guarantee. Therefore it is a good idea
      to save the files every now and then, especially before major
      operations.  Use "Save all" (F8) for saving all updated files. If you
      want to keep the original files untouched, "Crash save" (Control-
      F7,Control-S) saves the files with an extension ".save".

 Pointer usage
      You can use the mouse to

      -       Position the cursor (left button).

      -       Mark the start and end of a block (middle button).

      -       Call the menu (right button or buttom area).

      -       Scroll through the text. Click on the arrows for up and down
              movement. Click above or below the scroll bar for paging. Drag
              the scroll bar to scroll through the text (i.e., click into
              the scroll bar and hold down the button).

 Keyboard usage
      The normal keys act as expected. In insert mode they insert the key at
      the cursor position. In overwrite mode they overwrite the character at
      cursor position. You can enter special characters by their ASCII value
      with the menu option "Insert ASCII" or Alt-A.

      return  Splits the lines. Control-return places the cursor to the
              start of the next line.

      arrow keys and paging keys
              The arrow keys may be used with shift and control. Simply try
              them out.

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 Editor(1)                                                         Editor(1)

      backspace, delete
              Deletes characters.

      insert  Toggles between insert and overwrite mode.

      escape  Calls the menu.

      Other keys are shurtcuts for menu items. You should browse through any
      of the menus to learn them.

 The Menus
      The Escape key brings up the main menu. You can choose a submenu with
      the mouse or the up and down key plus return. Most menu points are
      self explaining. You should also observe the shurtcut for the
      specified menu item.

      Some commands require an input. A dialog box will appear and you can
      enter the requested text. The default text is cancelled with the first
      keystroke (unless it is the Enter or Backspace key). Escape does also
      cancel the input. In alert boxes the user is required to make a
      choice. The default button has two rectangles around it. You can make
      this choice with the keyboard (first letter) or the mouse. Return
      chooses the default button.

      You can load a file with a command line option, with the "Load ..."
      menu entry (S-F1), or with the "Overload ..." (S-F6) entry. You can
      save it with "Save" (S-F2), with "Save as" (S-F3) under a different
      file name, with "Save with Backup" (S-F4), or you can save all updated
      files with "Save all" (F8). Saving may fail, if you have no write
      access to the specified file ot directory. You can remove a file from
      the editor with "Close" (S-F9).

      You can switch from file to file with "Cycle Windows" (F7, Control-W)
      or with "Find Window" (F6).

      Blocks are marked with the middle mouse button or with "Block start"
      (Control-F1) and "Block end" (Control-F2). They can be copied
      (Control-F3) or moved (Control-F4) within a file or to a different
      file. Control-F5 deletes a block, wich can be undone with "Undo"
      (Control-U, Alt-U). Control-F6 undefines a block. You can save or load
      blocks with the corresponding menu items.

 Search, Search and Replace
      A search (F1) or search and replace (F2) can be restarted with "Again"
      (F3). You can enter special characters into the search or replace text
      using \x?? for hexadecimal input or \d??? for decimal input. Searching
      or replacing can be restricted to the block by the option B. The
      option G starts a global search (normally form the cursor), and option

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 Editor(1)                                                         Editor(1)

      I ignores upper or lower case. R??? and L??? specifies right and left
      margins for the search.

      "Link" (F4) is a special search process. It picks the word at current
      cursor position and searches for it globally. However, any "<" in the
      word is replaced with ">" and vice versa. This allows references to a
      single position. If the pattern is if the form ">xxxx~yyyy", "xxxx" is
      interpreted as a file name. That file must be loaded.

      The editor allows setting of markers (Alt-1 to Alt-4). Then Alt-5 to
      Alt-8 will jump to the corresponding marker. Of course "Goto line ..."
      (F9) will jump to the specified line number.

      Makro recording is started with "Record" (Control-F10). The first
      character is the makro key and following characters represent the
      makro. Right now, only printable characters, Enter and Cursor left can
      be recorded. Call a makro with "Makro" (F10) plus the makro key. You
      can save your makros to a file named "makros". This file is loaded
      automatically at the start.

      "Format Paragraph" (Control-F8) formats a paragraph and "Format Block"
      (Control-F9) a block according to the specified line length. The
      paragraph format stops at lines, which start with space or tab.

      The "Options ..." menu (Alt-O) lets you determine, if the editor
      should delete blanks or tabs at line ends (B+), if wordwrap is used
      (W+) or indentation (I+), and the tab size (T???), and the line length
      (L???) can be adjusted.

      "Abort" (Control-C) will exit the editor without saving the files.
      "Exit" (Control-X, Control-Q) will save all updated files first. If
      XWindow crashes or you close the editor window, all updated files will
      be saved on their file names with ".save" extension (This can also be
      accomplished with the "Crash Save" menu entry).

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 Editor(1)                                                         Editor(1)

 Keyboard summary
 Function keys
          F1    Search (Alt-f)
          F2    Search and replace (Alt-r)
          F3    Again (Alt-g)
          F4    Link
          F5    Find closing bracket
          F6    Find file
          F7    Switch window (Alt-w)
          F8    Save all
          F9    Goto line
          F10   Makro

 With shift
          F1    Load file (Alt-n)
          F2    Save File (Alt-s)
          F3    Duplicate save (Alt-b)
          F4    Save as (Alt-m)
          F5    Delete line (Control-Backspace)
          F6    Overload
          F7    Load block
          F8    Save block
          F9    Close file (Alt-x)
          F10   Close all files

 With control
          F1    Start block
          F2    End block
          F3    Copy block
          F4    Move block
          F5    Delete block
          F6    Undefine block
          F7    Crash save (^S)
          F8    Format Paragraph
          F9    Format Block
          F10   Makro record

 Other keys
          Esc         Menu
          Control-X   End rxedit
          Control-C   Abort rxedit
          Control-cr  One word right
          Control-cl  One word left
          Control-cu  To start of file
          Control-cd  To end of file
          Alt-j       Shift block left
          Alt-k       Shift block right
          Alt-u       Undo
          Alt-p       Format paragraph
          Alt-i       Character information
          Alt-a       Insert ACSII character

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 Editor(1)                                                         Editor(1)

          Alt-t       Check text for brackets
          Alt-y       Delete line (Alt-Backspace)
          Shift-cr    To end of line
          Shift-cl    To start of line
          Shift-cu    Half page up
          Shift-cd    Half page down
          Insert      Toggle insert/overwrite

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